Heka v4.1

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Hulter, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Dyb. How is this from 2012 and Taurus not? I made this, like, ten years before I was born. Someone's been fiddling with my threads.
    #1 Hulter, Jul 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2013
  2. broccollipie

    broccollipie Forerunner

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    I'd probably be more inclined to download it if the description wasn't in black text.
    Just sayin'.

    HMSGOVIER Forerunner

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    I agree, your text at the beginning of your post is black, making it very hard for some people to read on the black background, id recommend changing the colour of the text to grey as when i came onto this map post the pictures looked great but i was turned away from it by the black text
  4. broccollipie

    broccollipie Forerunner

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    Much better. I did download it anyway, and I like what you've done with the door objects.
    I can see another clean, modern map in the future. :)
  5. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I can't really wrap my head around this map by your screen shots. I like to be able to make a mental picture before I download. You should greatly consider retaking them.

    As for the map itself, from what I can tell it looks interesting. Very cleanly forged, but a little bland in the way of color. The only color I can see, are from the braces and doorways. I'm one of those players who gets turned around easily, so I always look for maps with distinctive and obvious color schemes for each area. Your layout seems pretty solid though, with plenty of paths and tactical jumps. kudos on that. I'll download and take a look later and post back here when I have a better feel of the map.
  6. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Great map and layout, played a few 1v1's on it with the creator and really enjoyed it. Great job Hulter!
  7. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Huh, can't believe this map slipped by me, It looks amazing and I appreciate your aesthetics you've put into it. Although it's lookin' a little grey, maybe spice it up with some natural environment next time around, still a beautiful map either way.
  8. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    This look's to be a really nice solid map, I especially like how the braces remind me of what youd commonly find on a bridges braces I dig that design. I can see what some mean by the overall greyness and maybe getting turned around in certain area's its a habit of most maps to leave you more concerned about where you are then where your opponents are lol. I was thinking maybe you should add a tin cup grass type garden into a ramp like you did with the natural stones on one side to kind of help with that, and add a colored marker of some type. Overall I really like the design and would be interesting in seeing where youd go with a similiar design created for 3v3-5vs5 :). If you need any help since you seem to be just getting into your career some with testing or designing hit me up GT: SilentRaine.
  9. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Curious question: Why is your sniper rifle set to an 88 second respawn time and the grenade launcher 73 seconds? Why not set the sniper to a more standard 90 seconds that players are accustomed to, and then set the grenade launcher to 75? Or was there a specific reason for those times?
  10. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    This map is good stuff, simple and a battlefield. Very CE-esque. I've continually created and looked for smaller competitive maps in Reach, this fits the bill. I appreciate the simple route and pure competitive nature of it. It'll be great to see maps such as these built with some aesthetically pleasing backdrops or features to match, just to mix things up down the road. Good stuff.

    This is actually very useful, noted.
    #10 Yama, Jul 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2011
  11. MUDNUB

    MUDNUB Forerunner

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    Hey just gave this a download because I've been blitzing around looking for 1v1s and it looks like you know how to forge. Look out for some opinions soon.
  12. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So, where them opinions at, bro?

    Do you think I should open up top GL and remove or redesign the lift?

    Also, OP edited with video of ZB game. Shows how the map works pretty well.
  13. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I got a chance to look at the map and I was impressed how well the map is laid out. I noticed you got a few lava pits (at least I think thats what you were going for) that could be done differently. Possibly use natural rocks, archs to be specific for the lava pits. Also I was looking at the lift, might I suggest creating a tact jump instead of the lift, I bet you could make a ghost jump there. You also got a great amount of budget, while I think you are avoiding FRL, try to push it until you can't anymore. Maybe you have already done this but take it for what it is, wall design could be spiced up too but totally up to you.

    Overall the map is great, good cover and plenty of flexibility to move around. my only other suggestion is to move the spawn in view of mid, it's in view of a major LOS which could promote spawn killing, and I doubt you want that.
  14. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah. Thought about putting rocks in them a while ago, but I couldn't ever be bothered to actually do it. Might do in an update, eventually.

    It's not really a very good spot for a jump up. It would hve to be really clunky.
    And yeah, it's called a jump up, not ****ïng "tac jump". That's just some silly stuff some forgehubbers made up because it sounded cool, presumably.

    The thing about changing the walls is that even minor things would change things markedly, as It's an open 1 atrium and as I want the walls to be consistent. Personally, I don't mind the grayness, but I know a lot of other people do.
    I made a version with ramp XLs for walling a while ago, and I had framerate drops. I could probably lower the ceiling in some areas, and do something creative for wall structure. Thanks for telling me, but I honestly already knew =S. I m sight update that as well, eventually. as soon as I quit doing other stuff.

    I don't know what spawn you're talking about actually, and from what I can remember, all spawns are kept out of large LoS areas.

    Technically, it's pretty easy to get a spawn spree if you know how to predict and control the spawns, but you can nearly ever get someone to spawn in your LoS. They usuallyhave to at least move a bit to get out of cover. Spawning is really the least of concerns on this map. They work really well, to be honest.
  15. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Alrighty, I could be wrong on the respawns then. I was talking about the one in front of the health pack close to the rock platform. Another reason I suggested the rock walls was because of the lava pits and the rock platform you created, it is good to blend the minor Aesthetics together. Plus if you use rock archs you can make the rock walls fairly large without major FRL drop. This has been tested by me on splitscreen already, budget sat at 3500 when doing so.

    I do have the adjustments on my harddrive if you wish to see it, my GT is DHG redemption7.
  16. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sweet. I'll hit you up later.

    Making the walls out of rocks actually kind of makes sense. I imagine it would look nice, if done properly.
  17. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    I remember playing this map a very long time ago, but for some reason I never did post a reply. So, I guess I will do that now. I remember this map having pretty solid connecting routes, and I enjoyed the flow of the map. I thought that sniper spawn was perfect. The two things that I remember disliking were 1) the rather awkward ramp going up to top control. This ramp seemed to slow gameplay down, and made for a rather bumpy transition. The only reason for using the brace larges that way, I guess would be to slow gameplay down, but I found it rather annoying. 2) I was not a huge fan of the placement of the lift. It makes for a nice jump from top control, to your center columns, but going up the lift itself does not seem very fluid. I mean you are basically going up a lift and facing a wall right as you get to the top. IMO, this is awkward, and also seems to slow gameplay down a little; yet again maybe that was what you were going for. Other than that I was not a huge fan of your death pits. The one next to the rock jump ups was not very deep. Maybe you could make those pits a little deeper, and put rocks in them? Lastly, and this is not important at all, but the walls are very bland. With your present budget there are several things that you could do to spice that up a little, and not have drops in frame rate. Just some suggestions. I would not mind getting another game on this sometime.
  18. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, the ramp doesn't take a longer time to go up than a completely straight ramp leading to the same spot would. If you just do time the jumps right, it's actually a bit quicker. I like the sudden height variation I get out of it as well.

    I agree about the lift being sort of awkward, but it serves its purpose. When you know how it works, I think it's brilliant. It is needed for the jump between the ledge and top GL as well. Think of it as the ladders on prisoner. Those are facing the wall and you have to jump to get off them onto the floor. Biggest diference is the lift here is faster and less clunky.

    And yeah, thread updated to v5.2, Changing the spawn timer for the GL, adding some aesthetics and making it impossible to survive falling into a death pit.
  19. wpcubs

    wpcubs Forerunner

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    I would of liked to see more grass/rock since it is a asymetrical map... But nice gameplay
  20. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Just realized you were playing against Salty in your 1v1:) Nice map and I'm glad people are picking it up. It plays great 2v2's too

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