Woohoo, a new signature for myself. Um, I did a lot of stuff in this one and learned quite a bit about various techniques, like how to make rain. Tell me what you think please and thanks. I tried focusing on realism, once again, and.. I hope the car in the far left isn't too distracting. I also focused on depth and blending. I messed around with a bunch of fonts and didn't like the majority of them. Anyways: Edit: v2 Edit 2: v3 Edit: v1.2 Stock: Spoiler Inspired by this tut
I use this same page for reference in making sigs. Looks like you did a good job of replicating the tut and adding your own special touch. However, the red car is distracting, but I bet you could probably play with the layer style and make it a little more grayscale and make it fit better into the image. I like the text color and glow, looks well blended with lightning, and flow is nothing I could complain about, since the buildings lead you directly to your text and thunder, which seems to be the focal. The rain is not executed as well, though, it looks more grainy than it should be, almost looks like snow. And the water could have used a little splash or unevenness here and there, though it doesn't detract much; merely aesthetics. Nice blending and depth as well.
The PURPLE car is distracting. jees xD. I'm not entirely convinced it's that distracting since it's blurred out of the way, which doesn't really attract the eye. I could make it more grayscale, though, and I will add another version soon. The rain? I put a gradient on it so it goes from white to black (up to down), which makes the rain a little more noticeable. I'm not sure what to do there.. I might dull the whiteness of it. Lol I added splashes, but as soon as I scaled the image all of them were unnoticeable What do you mean unevenness? Yeh, I didn't feel like adding splashes behind every car. So I made the water level, like a river. Thanks for the feedback. Edit: updated with v2? Not the best edit... I may do a v3 Edited a lot. I liked v1 the best so i edited v1 into v1.2.. which is my favorite there.
I like the last two (v3 and v1.2). The rain in v3 is more believable, and the dulled colours in v1.2 move the focal point more towards the center of the image. Either of those would be good to use. Note: they both lack Tyler Durden, however.
I think v3 is the best of the bunch. The rain looks like it was there in the first place, and great job with the car, also the buildings look better than v1.2, which has a more purply ting to it. Great job!