Ive been editing this little sig/graphic thingo for a about a day now and Im not sure where its heading, but it looks cool. The idea was to make it look like a billboard thats being put up. Also any ideas on any text I should put in or something to add to it to finish it off?
That's pretty clever. I like it when people think outside the box for images and signatures, and you've done it quite well. I'd probably put drop-lights in to sell the billboard idea more. Kinda like the ones in this image (reference: right-hand side of image). Apart from that, is that Evangeline Lilly? Dayam, she hot, yo.
This It took me a while to figure out what it was, and it should be immediately apparent as far as the "rules" go. So yeah, just some drop down lights or something. Also, is that how billboards are set up? I always imagined someone rolling an image onto the billboard with some kind of tool.. I'd post an image but i can't find anything.