I didn't either. That vid on Hulu was quite informative. Probably the best response that could've been had.
That joke was too zune. At least he lived life to the macs. Anyway, horrible stolen puns aside, he was a great man. R.I.P.
You really take things like a schoolgirl, don't you... Jokes aside, he was a pretty chill dude. And also a rich motherfucker who earned his money. I'd like to see more big cats be as optimistic and inspirational as he was, unfortunately very few will be.
Next time I make a post like that, I'll be sure to put [dryhumour] and [/dryhumour] around it to avoid confusion. *rolls eyes*
Not that difficult, since all the money they "have" was borrowed from China anyways. RIP Steve Jobs. Unfortunately for him, PC is still better.
It's hard to have less than negative-something-trillion. I credit him more for the marketing power of apple which was incredible.
Apple Announces Plans To Release Steve Jobs 2 (Full coverage Tues 10/9c only on IFC) - YouTube *cough* Bush *cough*
You should make up your own jokes. Did anyone else watch the Discovery Channel's "iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World" documentary? I thought it was pretty good for how fast it got put out. Still waiting for the a The Social Network style movie about Jobs (and you know that's going to be coming since a book is on the way).
These companies could have at least left a little bit more of a grace period before they started making all these stupid movies and books and documentaries and crap. Jokes are unavoidable though, because theirs always someone just waiting for someone to die so they can start spreading those, "ooh, too soon but funny" jokes. I swear, it was only five minutes after Heath Ledger and Michael Jacksons deaths before I heard the first jokes about them.