2x sniper rifle 2x grenade launcher 2x plasma pistol 2x needle rifle 2x DMR sword rocket launcher spartan laser concussion rifle shotgun This map is really well made, its my most recent map. I have made a bunch more and im just now deciding to release them all onto forge hub. i hope anybody who downloads them will be impressed I'm gonna be releasing my maps in order of most recent, all the way back to my first legitimately good map.
Your post is not up to Forge Hub's standards. These standards include: At least one embedded picture or video that clearly demonstrates the map. At least a brief description. A download link that points directly to the file on bungie.net - NOT your fileshare. THIS THREAD WILL BE LOCKED WITHIN 24 HOURS IN THE ABSENCE OF A FIX. Do you need help embedding screenshots?
well i'm trying to get a thumbnail uploaded but i don't have any url other than my file share [br][/br]Edited by merge: nvm got the thumbnail working properly, check it out
You need to go into forge/custom, look around your map, then go into theater and take screenshots, then go to bungie.net and look at your recent screenshots. Should be able to upload them with those urls, or you save them and upload them to another picture site and use that.
well i know how to do it but i just dont feel like doing all that now, if i dont get enough downloads then all im going to do is get a custom game together. then record my gameplay on the map. so if people want a better look at the map ill just do a gameplay vid nvm i just put up screenshots
lol sry for the delay job done [br][/br]Edited by merge: btw way if you play oddball getting to the ball is a bit of a puzzle, try jumping while standing on the rocket launcher spawn
There ya go. Ok, as far as gameplay goes I can't really say obviously, but there is an awfully large amount of PW's on here. Might be too much for this map. But who knows? I have not played it. As far as the aesthetics, theres nothing special about 'em. Have you severely tested this? Do you have adequate killzones? Maybe an overview picture or something would be nice.
i like the aesthetics, you have to play the map in order to enjoy it basically all i can say is play the map to understand it, a proper description of how gameplay works would take too long there is a teleporter at the back of the bases with leads to all the neutral power weapons except for the shotgun the center beams hold the pw's btw [br][/br]Edited by merge: As requested i put up an overview of the map [br][/br]Edited by merge: - yes there are adequate kill zones, no way to escape the map or find areas i dont want you to be - there are a lot of power weapons but my idea is to make middle area a bit of a mosh pit, and the power weapons give more variety - yes i playtest all my maps, however this one is fairly recent
Uhm, I downloaded this cause it looked like a mini blood gulch, I was just wondering if the teleporters are meant to teleport vehicles? That doesn't seem to fit the map, it just seems awkward, but I like the bases and playing field. Using the walkways for ramps is unique.
su Yeah I meant to make the teleporters use vehicles, but also generally switch up the game settings a bit for less fall damage - so you can jump off the center beams from high up and avoid vehicles, I describe how to do this below. This map is designed so that you can get a bunch of people into a custom game and mess with CTF game options, if so desired. Also you may still play this map competitively. But do not expect the typical style of combat. I play a lot of BTB, and in my opinion competitive matches without the repetitive DMR fights are more interesting. this much i recommend for less fall damage -200 damage resistance -150 extra damage -150 melee modifier -110 player speed -90 jump height -75 gravity This makes the vehicles weaker by the way. I have posted my version of Gorilla CTF. try it out with a bunch of people, and explore the capabilities of games without repetitive themes
Hmm, it reminds me of two Halo: CE (PC) maps, Danger Canyon and Infinity, with the way you have the perpendicular pathways running across the middle of the map. Check out these picture here: http://halo.wikia.com/index.php?title=Danger_Canyon&image=Halo_Combat_Evolved-Danger_Canyon-jpg http://halo.wikia.com/index.php?title=Infinity&image=Halo_Combat_Evolved-Infinity-jpg Maybe you should have some sort of structure in the middle, right beneath the gangways above. You could even link them with Man-Cannons or Teleporters or something. I dunno; just throwing ideas out there. I'll give it a Download and run through it next time I'm on. That might be a while, though, because I'm off at school and don't have a console here with me.