I didn't want to bump the thread, but your inbox is full. Might want to do something about that. Yes, you can use screens of this map for an article. Can you explain to me what the article is for after you clean out your inbox?
Now that everyone is done bashing, I will finally give my advice. While a warm-up map is always useful (and I will say the map isn't bad), I didn't think you actually needed to post this. But I suppose I can understand if you want to improve this as well. Simplicity in a map is good but layout wise. I suggest giving a whole new wall design, and I've seen plenty different wall designs that could be done. The wall tunnel theme has been overdone a tad bit in the past, so it's no surprise people would bash on it. Since the layout is so simple I could think of a 100 ways you can do this map differently. Using platforms, rocks, XL platforms as color indicators, different ways to position struts, ceiling design, map position and most of all theme. Your theme is apparent but in all honesty the way it was done seems very plain. I have seen you do better, which leads me to believe that you can do a version 2 with a more spiced up design. I hope that my advice has been helpful unlike any of the people here who have been saying the map is bad. I will say this, the map suffices as a warm-up but in terms of aesthetics you can do far better with an identical layout, that's if you wanted advice on aesthetics. Good luck and I hope to see improvements in the future and don't let the haters get to ya.
this isn't directed just to you, but to all these great critics Why so much hate on the object use on this map? Yeah, tunnel longs and struts are popular, but the average map doesn't abuse them like this map does. Especially when putting it in the coliseum, the way he used the struts and tunnel longs proves that the map shines aesthetically by the means of color, cleanliness, and simplicity, while shining gameplay-wise by the means of cover, connectivity, and orientation. The only issue with this map is the lack of height variation, which has been pointed out already Not every map has to be uber complex and have rocks, waterfalls, and fake grass. Definitely not warm-up maps. And last I checked, the map's name is arcade, and it's pretty reminiscent of an arcade, especially with the struts. btw..."ceiling design"...lol
while I hardly understand the humor in "ceiling design", I hardly said anything that was banter. Try to understand that was just an opinion meant to show a different point of view which could enable a different design. I didn't say that it need a waterfall or need fake grass or even real grass for that matter. I was just speaking out options, if he so wishes to put a grass pad in the center then so be it. My point being is that he used nothing but 3 objects and that using different objects could spice up the design. I think it is very creative to use the whole assortment of objects in a forgers arsenal. With a large leftover budget I can bet he can do more than what is shown. Another fact is that I complimented his skill on his past maps, I hardly see that as banter. I do not hate the map, as a fellow forger one must always be neutral no matter how hard that maybe. TBH I don't like xzamplez that much but I do not let that affect my opinion. I want all forgers to excel and improve, the more the merrier. I understand your concern but please leave me out of the banter list, I meant no disrespect.
@RIP: Bout time some MLG kid witnessed the chaos, lol. @Redemption: No other object would give it that awesome feeling that the tunnels give it. I know a lot of maps use them, but they use them as a connection, I used them as the structure and texture of the hallways. I don't want to put an abundance of aesthetic pieces on the map, because I want it to play split screen with no FRL.
Can you please be very specific on what you mean by abuse here? And do you mean it is bad practice or it was abused as in over used but with a positive outcome? I found it useful for my article. But I also like it for its simplicity and its rich colors. I think also that he overused the tunnels, but that he did it intentionally for a positive outcome and that he succeeded very well.
Just saying that people generally use more than enough struts out of randomness, but this map uses them well. This map hides the struts glass and ugly backside, they function as cover, and their shape really reminds me of an arcade game. Using a grand total of I think 5 different objects, his warm up is beautiful, compatible, and enjoyable. - @xzamplez: Lol you know it's chaos when they bash Terrace for being "plain." You gotta quit using 2x3's and 2x4's. Those are the ugliest pieces I've seen. Not enough struts, not enough glass and lights
I suppose I know what your aim was, I understand and respect that. Now to all those bad mouthing the map, stick up your A**. xzamplez built the map for the community in mind and he should be commended for doing just that. Like I said in one of my old posts, don't be too afraid of FRL. I believe the main cause of FRL is object abundance in LOS. With glass it makes it twice as bad because the map reloads the image on the other side of the glass like a filter so it is essentially in constant reload. So in theory, it is very possible to use up the whole budget with little FRL if you place your pieces correctly. This was tested with several maps from AoH and it truly becomes apparent when you have larger LOS. Also, FRL can be caused by how much of forgeworld you can see in one view. This was proven in some of our latest creations. Also, FRL can be inflicted from different internet connections. This is because when other people are viewing your map, it is being loaded from your harddrive, so the information is being sent from major distances xbox to xbox. while it only maybe Kilobytes in size, the stream is constant so others may feel FRL even when your not. this was discovered when you were looking at one of my maps after I had discussed it with one of the members in AoH. Excuse me for bumping the post but I wanted to clarify with xzamplez of how to best avoid FRL. I only hope that you will take this to heart and excel. Again, good luck and keep it up.
FRL hahahahaha!!! How the heck could you have frame rate lag!!! There is 7590 budget left. If you're seeing frame rate then you need to see a doctor. The only thing I could warm up for is raging while getting instantly spawnkilled. This map is so small and so shitty that I would end up spawn killing myself! This map looks like something I would make while tripping on acid. Honestly what did you expect when you posted this. I could drop my controller down the stairs and get a better map. I would say better luck next time but after seeing this map I hope there is no next time!!!
Hey, just gonna let you know. FFA maps and 1v1 maps aren't warm up maps. You made it worth judging that you have never played an octagon game before, or any warm-up for that matter
I think a lot of the controversy here is just the fact that it is a warm-up map in a section full of non warm-up maps, so we just have trouble when looking at this in comparison. In the end though, where else would you put it? Looking back at some of my older posts I see I was stupid in saying this shouldn't be posted, it is just easy to want to compare this to the maps around it which are for a very different purpose. Maybe we need a marker much like MLG has that specifically tells you this is a Warm-Up Map. Otherwise people, much like I did, will keep wandering in and mistaking it for a crapy design by someone who is new to forging. Sorry for the confusion Xzamples, I'll be sure to take a real look at this soon. Edit: Looks fine, the colors are very vibrant. One thing I liked was the effect of the evade, ramping around corners and going between the halls. The distance was perfect for that and would make it a very good defensive power weapon. The only thing I didn't like was that some of the initial spawns looked at each other, which could be fixed if you dropped them to four, which with that small of a map shouldn't be a problem. I don't know too much about warm-up maps, but I can see this would fit the bill well.