Lol, let's hope he doesn't fall into Robert Jordan territory, over-describing things that aren't of massive importance. My partners father loves Ken Follet. Although, like you said, he does over-explain the architecture of things in his books, so that has deterred me from really wanting to read them. Might give them a peruse sometime in the future, however. I thought it was only the last few episodes that got massive amounts of viewers, and gave the producers the inkling to renew it for another season? Hmm... oh well, point is, there's going to be another season. And that make me smile like a happiness.
from what i heard, they got the green light on season 2 after the first episode aired. it seems that that usually happens with new HBO seasons... we cant really tell if its going to be cancelled until after season 2, because their budget will be tested much more in that season. also,
You have put a smile on my face, Mr Tit. Nicely done. Also, what I said earlier about the show not being considered for renewal until the last few episodes was based on something I had misread. My bad. :S
Well I read the books 8 years ago for the first time, *sigh*. You losers can surf the TV-hype-wave all you like (which I haven't seen a single episode of yet, dammit) but I'm bored already waiting for book 6. My superior reading sensibilities are obviously superior. In conclusion: be more like me.
sigh... me too. book 5 spoilers, do not click if u havent read Spoiler idk about you, but book 5 kinda let me down. i know i was overhyped to read it, and thats part of why it made me feel that way... but i really feel like the story was started to wander. he spent way too much time with dany in mereen... too much time wasted with the Hizadars and Hazoos. I know that part is all part of Dany learning to rule, and i realize it is essential, i just feel like it took too long. Also, i felt like the entire book was a bunch of things that were *about* to happen, but never did. And then suddenly, Jon gets killed. I was shocked as hell when i first read it, but then after about 5 minutes of thinking about it, i was like ohhhh i get it. Now he's dead, therefore not a part of the Watch anymore, leaving him free to follow whatever course of action he chooses. Which leads me to my prediction that he will be teaming up with Danerys when she comes to Westeros. I was reading some speculation online that Jon is actually the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar, and it makes sense to me a bit. No one could know that it had happened so he was placed in the care of Ashara Dayne until later when Ned brought him back to Winterfell to protect him by claiming he was his bastard. This makes sense because of Ned's honor. What if Dany and Jon end up riding to war against Westeros from the North, with an army of wildings and beasts, led by Jon and Dany on the back of dragons? i would **** my pants and ***. edit- also,
W. T. F. I'm already skeptical about that. The franchise is starting to outgrow it's roots, methinks.
yea, i dont expect them to be that great, but i am interested in what kind of story is behind the one where you play during Nymeria's time.
They're are board games too. I saw a game 'the battle of westeros' at Barnes and Noble a couple months ago.
Board games I can handle, but when a great novel series starts branching out into things like videogames and TV series/movies, that's when my gears get ground. Harry Potter would be a prime example of this, but it most definitely isn't best defined as "great". Fortunately it sucked, so I couldn't give two shits what happens with the franchise as long as it doesn't get all up in my grill, yo.
its funny... when this started getting popular on HBO, i started seeing ads on facebook to purchase Ice and Longclaw from or some ****, heh.
Like I said; bandwagon, jumping on, every Thomas, Richard and Harold. It's good that it's getting some popularity because it deserves it, but it's also bad. Let's just hope it doesn't move into sell-out territory too quickly, don't want it to be the next forgotten fad.
imagine if someone was robbing your house in the middle of the night, and then you kill them with Ice.
I imagine it would be a lot like this: Cold SteelTwo Handed Great Sword Available at KnifeCenter - YouTube
Game of Thrones With season 2 just around the corner (April 1st!) I've decided to make a thread for all the fans of the HBO television series, "Game of Thrones" and George R. R. Martin's magnum opus, "A Song of Ice and Fire." Please use spoiler tags when appropriate, especially if discussing the novels. Places to find information on the novels: A Song of Ice and Fire A Wiki of Ice and Fire A Forum of Ice and Fire: A Song of Ice and Fire & Game of Thrones Places to find information on the show: - News and rumors about HBO's Game of Thrones Sooo, yeah...who else is stoked for season 2!? **** yeah! I'm really digging Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell. She looks like she's really researched the character and is ready to play the game of thrones.
There's already a thread about this, my friend, and mods frown upon multiple threads of the same subject 'round these parts. A quick search would have revealed the following; Game of Thrones Discussion.
Damn, I just can't win over here in general chat. Earlier it was Legend of Korra and now this. I did check back a few pages and didn't see anything, so I figured it hadn't been made yet (which did strike me as odd). I'd thought that thread would be further up considering the second season is so close. Guess there aren't a lot of fans here. Also, why is every instance of the word "of" bolded and in blue...? Weird.
There are a few fans here, but not enough to keep the thread going continuously. Also, there's a Search Forum tool to the right of the screen, under the page numbers, that helps you find threads and such. Them mods are always tryin' to push it on us greys. God, it's like it's their jobs or something, amirite?