Battlefield 3 Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Glasgow, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    So far, there are quite a lot of visual and audio bugs, including lingering bullet trails, loss of game volume, muzzle flash in a spot where no one is shooting, etc. From a distance, the game looks very good, but up close, damn, those textures are bad. There are some gameplay bugs - sprint 'cooldown', not being able to ADS, etc. But apart from that, the game is balanced quite well, but I feel like the snipers need to be toned down and health needs to be brought up. You die far too quickly in this game for medics to be useful - med kits won't have much effect as your teammate is dead by the time you throw it down, and reviving is useless as the medic will be gunned down before he can even reach his teammate.

    Something I noticed - does anyone have any issue reviving people? I use my defib on someone and sometimes it doesn't seem to work.
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    The loss of game volume is because when you're farther away, the volume of the persistent fire-fights are toned down, almost so much that it can co silent at times. Sprint cooldown can almost always be fixed by crouching and then un-crouching, or pulling the left stick down then sprinting as if to "reset it".
    Snipers are fine, it's a 2-3 shot kill with the SKS from any range, add bullet drop and sway to that equation and picking people off at 135yards becomes a lot harder than you think.

    The thing with the medic is that now you are able to choose if you want to be reved or not, and if you're one of those people who rush all the way the battlefield to revive me, I would appreciate if you would stop. I'm dead because I'm out of bullets, not because some **** managed to get behind me.

    The real bugs were the way that you would fall out of the map in the pre-beta because of the way that the part of the engine that causes terraforming also caused you to clip through hills whenever you sprinted up them and tried to lay down.
    #242 pinohkio, Sep 30, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2011
  3. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    Ok, lol. I forgot about the opt out of revive, I hadn't been revived all day, people seem to have a problem as playing Medic and - gasp - reviving people.

    I'm rocking level 13 right now, loving the M249. Tried out the M416 for a little bit, didn't really like it, I'll try it again tomorrow.

    Loving blinding people with flashlights and lasers, btw
  4. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    It can be patched, Skisma.

    Also, the volume is a real issue. It seems to happen after I'm in a certain menu, then the volume simply doesn't return to the in-game level the way it should.
  5. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Ok, I still can't play, but this time I'm getting a different error. A screen pops up and says "unknown error" and then it loads infinitely, and I'm forced to turn off my xbox.
  6. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Cancelled my pre-order.

    Not because of the game mechanics or anything, but because of the people who are playing this "Beta" and the fact that DICE still hasn't prevented the enemy team to get near your deployment area even though people have complained about that since the original Bad Company. Every match I've played in today has been people trying to spawn camp your deployment while ignoring the objectives, sitting as far back as possible with sniper rifles and caring about their k/d, or people who clearly have no idea what the hell they are doing.

    If this is a sampling of what the final game will be like, I do not want any part of it until I know for a fact that it won't be anything like this. They should not have called this Battlefield 3, they should have called it Bad Company 3 considering that's what this game plays like.
  7. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I'm playing on the PC version, and at the moment the beta's pretty lacking. Like to the extent that if DICE doesn't improve my thoughts of the beta that the actual game won't be a day one buy. Are they planning on getting more maps into the beta? The one available right now is pretty dull.
  8. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    What do you mean since bad company. Being able to access enemy deployment areas is a fundamental mechanic of Battlefield. Learn to defend.
  9. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I'm the only person who I've seen with at least the SKS, and now I'm on the M4OA5.

    Everyone I see is camping it up with the M16/M4/AK47/AK74/RPK/M27/M249
    What's so hard about sniping? I've seen a few people doing it, but they're generally bad.
  10. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    First Battle Field game. Played it today and realized that I can't pick all my equipment, my primary weapon changes every time I'm on a different team. So, I only use the sniper or the LMG when I'm not-american, and I only use the Assault/Medic class when I'm an American.
  11. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    sniping is a ton of fun, definitely not hard to take people out.

    my thoughts after playing, **** do i love everything about the controls and responsiveness (aside from the knifing that is..). They could take away guns completely and id still have a fun time just jumping over obstacles and running around. I'd still need to play more to really come up with any useful feedback, but so far thats one good thing ive noticed.
  12. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    Hate to say it, but you sound like you've never played multiplayer games before. It's natural for new players to be unorganized, and it's obvious that you'll run into idiots even after everyone has gotten the hang of the game and maps. I'm kind of amazed that you're acting so naive about this.
    As for spawns, it doesn't make much sense to limit the playspace too much, especially on Rush games. If the enemy is in your base on Conquest, then let's face it, your team was probably pretty awful to let it get that bad in the first place. At that point it doesn't really matter if you're getting shot inside your base or a few steps outside of it; you're still getting dominated.
  13. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Not a happy camper. I was really looking forward to Battlefield 3 being aweeeesommme. There's so many things I despise about the beta, that aren't even necessarily bugs. It seems everytime I'm revived I don't get a choice, I'm just brought back to life and the A and B option to either be revived or choose your class just sits there as I run around. The loss of volume as everyone mentioned gets annoying. Knifing is....weird to say the least, you have to knife, and then hold down RB to keep your knife out. It's just awkward, not to mention how difficult it is to actually get someone. You die so quickly, it doesn't feel anything like Bad Company 2. More like Modern Warfare to be honest. The controls are so touchy (also far from Bad Company 2) and it's awkward the way you go from prone to standing up, how it halts your shooting. The whole implementation of prone is just poorly done, it constantly stops you from shooting whenever you move or such, bleh. The bipod is tricky to get to work, and the med kits are useless considering how fast you die AND how quickly your health goes up. The map design is garbage not to mention, I'm not sure what they were thinking. And the whole interface is so confusing and tricky to navigate around. BF2 had it done so clean, it seemed DICE couldn't have made it more confusing to mess with your classes than they have in this beta. I can't even begin to list how many tiny bugs there are when it comes to going under the map and such. I wiiiiiish it played something like BC2, but its the furthest thing from it, and to be completely honest, if the game is anything like this I wont get it. Which sucks because I was really looking forward to it :( I cant complain about the textures or graphics or whatever, from my understanding Beta's for games generally tend to tone the graphics down to keep the download small.

    EDIT: It seems they spent a lot of time making all the movements looking 'cool', like clambering over walls and such, and now the controls are just weird. I dun like.
    #253 MultiLockOn, Sep 30, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2011
  14. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    You can't shoot while moving to/from/while in prone because (unless you're a ninja), you have to use your arms to do so.

    Med-kits aren't meant to be all-powerful healing devices. They are for healing teammates after combat. Find cover and heal for a minute before moving on. You're not supposed to be able to camp on a med-kit and survive for eternity.

    In regards to the glitches/bugs, I'm sure most of them will NOT be in the final game. As far as the menu, it's not that difficult to get used to, and while I don't like everything about it either, it works. The overall gameplay IS different from BC2, but I don't think that's a bad thing. And I really think the actual game will be so much better than this beta, but if it isn't, I'll probably still play it, because it's still more fun than a lot of other online shooters.
  15. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    just played for about an hour.
    i could see getting used to it, but i didnt really enjoy it.
    i was on a team of noobs and getting raped by a team of people who knew the map though, heh.
    always a great introduction to a game's mp

    the thing i dislike about games like this is the enormous amount of camping
  16. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    You can't really complain about camping in attack/defend objective modes like Rush and Conquest. You kind of have to hang around the objective to win.
    If it was team deathmatch, then sure.
  17. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Just split a head at 868 feet today, feeling like a boss.
    M4OA5 with the bipod, 12x optics and flash hider, beastin' it up.

    Why doesn't anybody else actually snipe? the closest I've seen to somebody sniping was with the SV98 with an 8x scope and a grip.
  18. Spawn of Saltine

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    Does anyone else have a little issue when zooming in on your sniper that the background flickers a bit? The walls really far away are always doin' that when I'm sniping it feels like.
  19. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Ive seen that too, its a beta though, so it should be fine in the real game.
  20. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I loved the last few Battlefield games, but this disappointed the **** outta me. I tried so hard to like what was going on and at first, I was blaming my frustrations on the fact that it was my first few games and I simply need to get a feel for it, but after I started to rank up, I could see that this game is becoming Medal of Honor (aka, a giant piece of ****).

    I've never been a fan of the central idea that the higher rank you are, the more stuff you get for your guns. When it was Call of Duty, it wasn't so bad because you had pretty good guns like the M16 in CoD4, or the FAMAS in MW2. Even in Bad Company 2, when you had no attachments, you weren't so limited. In BF3, they made the game a huge chore when you have no attachments and you're firing a pea-shooter; I felt the game get significantly easier when I unlocked a scope for my automatic guns.

    This game stopped feeling like a game where the better player with better strategies is rewarded, but instead, the higher level with the better attachments/guns are rewarded since the kill times on the new guns are insanely slow and the lack of most attachments makes it difficult to see anything 10 ft away. I spent most of my time filling people up with lead, but their guns just killed faster so they simply get the kill despite the fact that they were a bad shot.

    On top of that, it felt pretty glitchy, which really ruins the experience. I've reconsidered getting this game on release. I want to wait and see what people say about it.
    #260 Loscocco, Oct 1, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2011

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