Okay. Where to begin? You have seen a hundred thousand ****ing BTB Competitive maps right? Yah. Okay. I'm trying something new. Believe me? No? Maybe? Yah? No... well ****. If you're still reading, I've made a big ass BTB map. I've been wanting something new from the Big Team Slayer playlist lately. Things are feeling way to fast paced. The Wraith usually explodes 15 seconds into every match and Banshees consume spawns like flies on ****. No More! Please God! **** you banshee ASS-HOLE! ..... I want war on epic battlefields! But I also want the spawn to actually be ****ing safe. So, I'm making it! What I've done is, close your eyes and imagine this: Hemorrhage, but instead of fighting from one side to the other, both bases are yours. You hop into a Warthog at the beach and head all the way across Hemorrhage, past your well-****ing equipped second base, into a dark cave where behind every rock and shadow, enemies could be lurking. Better drive fast through here. You come upon the exit of the cave and see the great rock island where your enemy's bases are waiting to be captured and claimed for your own. Let's hope your team’s Falcon and Wraith have your back, because s Spartan on the other team is manning the Gauss cannon, waiting patiently somewhere, just for you. This is FORGE WAR. *Some facts: BASES: - Two Bases per team. - One team holds all of what is normally the level of Hemorrhage. - The second team holds all of what is normally Paradiso. - All four base layouts are generally the same, and original. - On the Paradiso island, the base that is normally closest to the waterfall, is now on the other side of the large small caved rock. GAMETYPE: - FORGE WAR: The gametype is Territories. Each base has a territory. And one is in the central cave. I really believe this game will work. I put a lot of thought into cover and equality so that players on foot can get around unnoticed while vehicles can also roam. VEHICLES: Back Base: - A Falcon, a Wraith**, and one badass Gauss Warthog occupy your back base. - Your back base also holds two M12 Lights, as well as one Mongoose. Front Base: - Your front base holds one M12 Light, one Revenant, one Ghost, and one Mongoose. Fallback Spawn: - Your Fallback Spawn holds one Mongoose. TELEPORTERS: -Your team’s bases are connected via two-way teleports. - Also, in Hemmorhage’s cave system lies a two-way teleporter that connects to the far side of the Paradiso island, dubbed World Teleporter. WEAPONS and HEALTH: - Your Back Base holds three DMR’s, one Spiker, one Plasma Pistol, one healthpack, four grenades, and one Rocket Launcher. - Your Front Base holds one Machinegun Turret, three DMR’s, one Spiker, one Plasma Pistol, one healthpack, four grenades, and one Sniper Rifle. -Your Fallback Spawn includes one DMR, one healthpack, and two grenades. BOUNDARIES: - The highlands of Hemmorhage (Alaska), the Pillar, and the Coliseum are off limits. IMAGES: Spoiler OTHER IMAGES: DOWNLOAD AND TEST IT: MAP: The Ever-Raging Super-Cyber War for Forgeworld GAMETYPE: FORGE WAR ________________________________________ Notes: * Slight alterations and adjustments have been made to vehicle placement, rock placement, and Island Bridge. ** Does not appear in screenshots.
From one of the picture containing the Gauss, I can tell that just by getting on the turret, the player can just dominate the whole game with it. Besides that, great idea with the whole BTB thing.
how can it dominate by sitting at the back base? It can dominate it's bases, but not the other team's, by just sitting there.
So, other than the gauss being a no-no, I don't really see anything worth commenting on. All i see is that you too hemorrhage and paridiso and combined them, as well as change the bases a bit. It just seems to plain. Good idea in regards to size but detail and movement is lacking...
this is exactly what i was aiming for. also, hemorrhage is like one of the most minimal maps ever in regards to forge. movement is lacking?? where? your judgement is based solely of pictures, for the record.
Too big for my liking. I've seen this done before and it always turns out bad. The game ends up just being way too slow. The bases need work too, as it just lacks in personality.
i had to make 4... so i worked with what i had. the battlefield inspired, ticker-style, territories gametype should help throttle the "too big" feeling
This has been tried before too many times. In the first month I think almost everyone made at least one map the spanned all of forge world. I have to admit yours looks more thought out than most others but it is still based on a flawed premise. Invasion is the only gametype capable of supporting this size map and only by breaking it down into three submaps. The way you have bases set up now, however is not conducive toinvasion in the slightest. I hope you mean invasion
i have this game set up for territories ONLY. Each base has a territory. And one is in the central cave. I really believe this game will work. I put a lot of thought into cover and equality so that players on foot can get around unnoticed while vehicles roam.
The problem I see is that the cave is the only way through (I believe, although if you can go over the water it will have problems too) and this will create a massive choke point for infantry and vehicles. I also know you have a large area to build on, but you can't be out of budget after four bases, and the area between is fairly empty. I would recommend you add more varied paths around the map and frankly just have more there than a few bases. Driving across the empty canyon from one of your bases to the other doesn't feel appealing (more like appalling) and people won't enjoy spending much time doing this either in the canyon or on the island. And do we need another one of these incessant arguments? Half the posts in this section have been turning into them and they are bringing a lot of negativity to Forge Hub. It doesn't mater who started it or who is being arrogant. Trolling and idiotic posts are going to happen, so be the bigger man and just drop it. Edit: What this might be good for in FWOT (Forge World of Tanks) in which each player spawns at a tank with one life and they fight for survival. Tutui made the Gametype and it it only works on hugemungous maps like this.
Oh boy first Exo-politics city, now a double sized BTB map spanning most of Forge World. In the map in general the Red bases and Blue Bases by themselves would make two awesome BTB maps but no... you just had to take the next step and span half of forge world which many of you (I can presume) did the same trying to forge a huge set of land locations trying to build the most of a map of Forge World. I don't see any reason to take a map this far but good attempt though. Try to also add more bases if this is your attempt because they are too spread out.
wow. people are so elitist on forgehub that they deleted two peoples posts from this thread without even a mention. FORGEHUB, if you want to let people be people, let them, otherwise, tell us you're manipulating the thread. EDIT: the fact that the cave is a choke point isn't a design flaw but THE point. I wanted to see how having that as the center of contention played out. There is one, lone territory in there that is accessible to both teams that would turn the tide of battle. EDIT2: plus, there is more than one way to get beyond the cave. if you'd download the ****ing map you'd see that, kids
Yep, elitists. They were what we call "spam posts". They were in no way beneficial and were nothing more than childish responses. Fear not, they get deleted out of everyone's threads, not just yours. We'll be sure to inform you next time we need to do our jobs. As for the map, most people who have already commented seem to have the right idea. You have an incredibly large map, with what looks like an unpassable choke point in the cave. Regarding the bases, they do feel lacking. When designing a BTB base, don't think Hemorrhage, but rather, maps like Avalanche or Val Halla. I haven't played much BF, but the reason it seems big maps work there, is that you can spawn on your teammates, instead of potentially having to push out of the base everytime you spawn. Unfortunately, the map doesn't feel like a map, but instead, Forge World with four small "bases" scattered about.
The reason I brought up the choke point then is the fact that people don't enjoy rushing a choke point. It's called this for a reason- it chokes your map and ruins gameplay. I also mentioned that I didn't know if there were more ways around or not, and I didn't download it because: A. The map appeared to have some issues. B. Your constant swearing and boasting in your post honestly put me off.
quote my boasting. how can you feel the map when you (most likely) haven't walked it. if you haven't played it, you mean: the map doesn't look like a map. I built into this map multiple ways of getting beyond the cave. 1. World Teleporter 2. Falcon 3. Waterside I designed this map with teamwork gameplay in mind. I didn't design it so that little people have to run across forgeworld, unless they want to. I am not at all saying this **** is perfect and will work. but I posted it to test the ****er. this isn't the forum section for posting completed maps. it's a map preview.... PS: and concerning the lack of "personality" in my bases: I have about 16 BB's left, and 500 or so credits left. so yah... no more personality. sorry. they get the job done though. instead of being passive agressive like most of you, i just be aggressive It's the size of 3 BTB maps
I like the idea, but unless 343 releases big bro terretories, I think gameplay could be a bit sluggish. I think you should set it up for big bro slayer, since players have the option to spawn on each other, or at the bases, as each will have risk vs reward factors, plus gameplay can have some speed to it. I'm not bashing the idea, but there are certain limitations that are hard to overcome.
big bro on this would be awesome. damn. i hope they bring that. thanks for the thoughts. if anyone wants, we are testing this tuesday night at 7pm est if enough people join.
I thought you said this map was exclusively for Territories? Also, you should really add some detail to this map, everything's too spread out. You can't possibly be out of budget to do this. I give this map a 2/5. Maps on such a scale don't usually play that well, especially with a central choke point.