Rocketernal Rain on Bounce Lounge “Won’t be no lounging for long with this unending rain of rockets, mates!” Hey guys! Good to see you checking out my newest map on Forge Hub, though I already created it many months ago and it’s actually one of my more simple maps. This map is called Bounce Lounge and the gametype that goes along with it is named Rocketernal Rain – yes, that’s right, I didn’t make a typing error though it really isn’t a well-formed word – which is a contraction of the words Rockets and Eternal. I’ll come to that soon.(next paragraph) Overview of the map: By the little guy in the corner you can approximately estimate how big the map is The idea The principle of this map is very simple since it’s a slayer variant: Kill as many opponents as you can and die yourself the least you can. All you’ve got to reach this goal is your rocket launcher, your fuel rod gun, spatial visualization ability and your timing ability. You have bottomless clip so you won’t have to reload all the time. That’s why I called the gametype Rocketernal Rain: the rain of rockets will never (have to) stop. And believe me, when you’re playing with at least 3 people you are going to see a whole lot of rockets. Check out the pictures if you don’t believe me. I put enough initial spawns for the full 16 but I really don’t think that’s a good idea to do, I’d say 8 people is the maximum amount of players to keep it fun and understandable. Besides, I tried to play with 11 and it didn't work, the game couldn't handle it and we decided to end the game. The map – Bounce Lounge This map was based on a map I saw on YouTube – unfortunately the video didn’t mention anything about the name of the map or its creator so I could give him some credit right here – in which a bunch of guys were bouncing around in an shut off arena with one-way-shields all over the floor, killing each other with their assault rifles. I decided to use this way of using one-way-shields myself for a new minigame, because the rebounds you make are very unpredictable. Adding rocket launchers would greatly twist this phenomenon because generally you have to aim on the ground underneath somebody if you want to kill him properly with your rocket launcher. With all these shields underneath your opponent it will get a lot more difficult for you to kill him, and vice versa. To give some extra features to this map I also added a special fx (juicy), some lights and a couple of colored objects on the walls. This gave the map a real disco feeling. Because one of the things that will distinguish your map from other maps and will make it unique unlike others, is by adding aesthetic details. And even though the aesthetics in this map may look like crap since it’s quite an old map, it’s still better than to add nothing at all so you would’ve had a blank room. Keep that in mind if you’re going to create a map yourself. J The gametype – Rocketernal Rain [highlight]Make sure you download the gametype for this map or it will definitely not be as much fun.[/highlight] If you're not interested in the awarding of points, the traits of the players and all that kind of stuff, then you can skip this spoiler. Spoiler The awarding of points is as follows: General settings: 25 points to win 1 point for a kill, no points for anything else 1 round of max. 10 minutes Here I will give you a little overview of the traits every player has. Basic traits Damage resistance 300% Shield multiplier 1,5x overshields Shield recharge rate 200% (it won't help you anyway) Health recharge rate 200% Damage modifier unchanged (100%) Melee modifier unchanged Primary weapon Rocket Launcher Secondary weapon Fuel Rod Gun Starting equipment Drop Shield Grenade count 1x each Infinite ammo bottomless clip Weapon pickup disabled Equipment usage unchanged Player speed 110% Vehicle use None Jump height unchanged Player gravity unchanged Sensors and appearance are all unchanged except: Forced color gold Now there’s one thing we all hate: getting spawn killed. That’s why I decided to add a few changes to a player who just re-spawned. These traits will be on during 5 seconds after you re-spawned. Spoiler Traits after respawning Respawn time 3 seconds No penalties and unlimited lives Respawn traits: Duration 5 seconds Everything unchanged except: Damage resistance invulnerable Damage modifier 0% (so yes you can still melee opponents) Forced color black As you can see (click on the spoiler) the only changes this guy undergoes are the fact that he can’t die but also can’t do any damage for 5 seconds. This will give him that little extra time he needs to get back in the game and don’t get killed right away.You recognize a spawning dude by his black color (so no sunshine party for him). [title=YELLOW GUY][/title][title=BLACK GUY][/title] Points to win is 25 so if you’re the first one to make 25 kills you will win. Now you can also play this with teams instead of free for all (which I highly suggest when playing with 4 people or more). All you have to do is to go the Game Options in the Custom Game Lobby and change Teams to “Enabled”. Also, you can change the forced color to unchanged if you prefer to differentiate the teams by their colors. And if you’re with a lot of people you could change the amount of points to win to 50 instead of 25. It’s all up to you. By the way, I only put 4 initial spawns for both blue and red team so when you’re playing with more than 4 persons on a team you will most likely not spawn directly in front of your opponent but elsewhere (like on the side). Same goes for anyone on green or orange team (but you better just pick red or blue). But that won’t be a major flaw for the game, I’m pretty sure about that. Watch out to not betray your teammates, because I did add Friendly fire, but if you do kill one of them you won’t be penalized with extra spawn time, neither will he be able to boot you from the game. So don’t worry about that. Gimme some picca’s! If you want to see some more pictures, just click the spoiler below. I bet you gonna like what you see (lots of HUGE explosions)!! Spoiler These pictures used to be bigger but I had to resize them. If you really like one picture and you want to have it, just go ahead and ask me and I'll give you the original one (in its greatest size). Load-out camera You will always be bouncing, whether you move or not The first rocket of many more to come Death and destruction First he's black, then he's yellow [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] REMkings you moron, you can't kill black opponents! Yes sir, assassinations are enabled. Even by the black guys. [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Now let the explosions speak. Once again, I want to draw your attention to the fact that you really have to use the gametype that goes along with this map. When I create minigames, 99% of the time they will require a specific, custom gametype! (So if you’re going to check out my other maps, make sure to download both map and gametype!) Thank you! Finally, I want to give a special word of thanks to all the guys that helped me test this map – especially FloodedDrake and some other, not Xbox Live having friends – and anyone who gave me the opportunity to make some great screenshots! And of course to the guy who created the map with the one-way-shields and the guys who made a video about that map on YouTube. Too bad I don’t have their names, but if you’re one of them and you read this: Thank you. ^^ Also, if you know anything that might improve this map or any other kind of constructive criticism, then go ahead and post it below! I’d love to hear from you. And last but not least: I want to thank you for reading this and perhaps even downloading this minigame! Well, that’s basically it. This minigame really isn’t that hard to explain as some of my upcoming ones. (little furtive advertisement: be sure to check them out as well once they’re out! J) I hope you’ll like this minigame, have a great time playing on this map and blowing your friends to the moon! In conclusion, here's some gameplay. [BungieVid]23876762[/BungieVid] And if you want to see an honest review about this map that was recently made, then go ahead and click the spoiler. Spoiler Forge Review 84 - Bounce Lounge - YouTube Download links: Map – Bounce Lounge Gametype – Rocketernal Rain
I looks as though this map cost very little to make, I think it would actually be a neat idea to make this look like a lounge.
Well thank you for the reaction but what's actually your point? You want me to change the lay-out of this map by turning it into a real lounge or you're just saying I could have done more on the aesthetics of the map because of the name I chose? Because in both cases I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I already created this map a couple of months ago and I finally made a thread about it on ForgeHub. It's definitely not my best map around, and I've plenty more to make which will be much be worked out a lot better. Thanks. If you have any tips I would love to hear from you!
Here the idea is great i like it n all but the place seems small and you will get kills fairly easy but thats the onlu problem
Yes, it's small, but I don't think that's a bad thing. On the other hand, I even think it might be an advantage to the game itself since you will always be surrounded by the action and you will be able to shoot other people immediately after you died. And about the easy kills: some people might not like that but this game is meant so players can be a match to each other and to provide a great rivalry amongst the players. And since you simply can't survive for long in this game I would say that the rivalry is great, indeed