I never said it would be impossible, I said it would make for shitty maps. Even adding random Forge objects won't be it any less shitty.
Indeed, especially because FF maps are asymmetrical and Reach already has enough (dare to say to many) of those. Corvette lacks cover Beachhead might work for one side objectives (like high ground did) Courtyard, maybe but the lack of space would make it a horrible map. Glacier, as i said on my first post, people would just camp the top parts like they do in FF Outpost, horrible terrain, AA guns (bases) would be way to close, center building would overpower one team. ,... And it just goes on... Saying you can make multiplayer maps out of fire fight maps is one thing Saying you can make GOOD multiplayer maps on fire fight as a whole different discussion.
back on topic, i think forging competitive multiplayer levels on firefight maps would be awesome if they were in my local files. I'd take advantage of the beautiful backdrops and greenery/snowiness for sure. "Pay no attention to these hypocrites..." -Mouse (The Matrix)
I tend to agree with these two guys; it might be a cool gimmick to forge Firefight maps like regular multi-player levels, but unless you could manipulate with the AI (which as far as I'm concerned is beyond a console-based editor), there'd be little real value in it. It'd be a gimmick, and little more. Cheers, Moxus
i am not at all talking about making forge firefight maps. i am saying it would be sweet to make regular ass competitive maps using firefight maps as templates and forging over them.... wtf is so hard about understanding that??
Facepalm* That's exactly what he's talking about. And with the exception of one or two maps, firefight maps would play horribly if you tried to forge on them.
Well thats what i said few times, that if 343 will release DLC, they will need to clean up those maps a little bit. But i think it is always easier than just making new maps - this is easy way to get money. For example the sword base one, i guess it is named like Courtyard, it should be cleaned out of gas tanks, crates, barricades and Forklifts. Then it would be cool map to make games like infection or such. But i dont think you can make slayer maps on FF maps, or just not on many. Every FF map is assymetrical. But maybe you can place your own building and make a mpa inside a map with a nice view outside? And Unearthed - this is probably the best map in FF that should be in multiplayer. You will ask me why? Because it is cleaned out of any **** that is not needed. If it will be possible, i will make awesome Infection or Invasion map on it. Glacier should be cleaned out of boxes near the main entrance. Also there should be less barricades. Outpost should NOT have AA GUNS i think, but it is up to you. Beachhead would be awesome as heck to make maybe Race or King of the Hill up on the main building. Well lets say many of FF maps are good for gametypes like Infection, Invasion, but it will be definately hard to make Slayer or Capture the Flag on them. I think Corvette is really good map for gametype like Capture the Flag, because it is divided into two zones. It would make nice addition to Zealot, because we dont have many covenant-based maps in halo reach. When I first saw Holdout i though it will be cool addition to Multiplayer Matchmaking, but now I see it is probably the worst map to recreate in Forge. There is no place for even infection. Am I wrong? Now Waterfront, it is really dark map and it would look cool in MM. It looks a bit like Powerhouse but in the dark scheme. Thats why it would be nice Team Slayer or King of the Hill or Capture the Flag map. Installation 04... I will not say much because we dont have this map atm. Overlook looks like Waterfront but in a day scheme. Thats why there should be Capture the Flag thing on it. I know, this map is assymetric, but assymetric maps might be cool too. Each side of map has its own advantages. Will you disagree? I think there should also be some maps from ODST, but i know it IS IMPOSSIBLE. Sadly. Sorry for long text to read, but read it please
Lol poor CookieKay. No offense but you guys are kind of idiots.. CookieKay is trying to say that it would be cool to make competitive maps like slayer using firefight maps as the canvas! God, i never even post on forgehub but reading what you guys were saying just irritated the hell out of me. Don't worry bro I get what you are trying to say and forging on those fire fight maps would be way awesome!
Bump. I wish they did make some forge palettes out of firefight maps. Imagine forging on Installation 04.
Make it simpler make it possible to forge a firefight Gametype in a regular map, which means even forge world (AKA custom firefight map).