(View as the Zombies exit their spawn room) The Run Created by: -Lord Snakie -Superbad91 **Unknown Gamer** (This guy created about 1/3 of the map *and did it poorly*, but I think he should still be included for his contribution. I do not, however, know his gamertag for sure. I've gotten 2 guys who claim it, so far.) Supported Gametypes: Infection, specificaly the gametype Run! Without Run!, the map cannot be played and have it be anywhere near fun. The gametype makes gravity 200% and slows the humans to 50%, while the Zombies get 200% speed, while suffering loss of shields, and many other minor things like time limit and rounds. (IMPORTANT: It is good to remember the speed and gravity limitations during this thread. Keep in mind how things would look from a beaten party of a few surviving humans walking at 1/4 the speed of their enemies while they're getting constantly hounded and losing a human almost every attack the zombies make. It gets a lot grimmer and more horrific from that standpoint. This isn't a game of skill; this is a game of survival.) The Basic idea of The Run: The map is a bit like what I'd call a straight maze. There's only one way to go, but there are tunnels, tricks, and twists to it that are meant to confuse you. You have to find the correct path to go, and take it quickly, since the Zombies will always be on you quicker than you'd expect. It's also a bit like a staggered retreat- the Humans are always falling back, even if they do make short stands in some locations. If you do manage to make it to the end, you'll be scared as hell. NOTE: There ARE hidden weapons all over the map, even if I don't mention them. Look closely, and you may be able to find a power-weapon to fight the Zombies with. They'll be hidden in small holes, minescule ledges, and (in some areas) can only be picked up through walls! The Start: When you start, you face the stairs that lead into the complex. The Zombies are in the back room on the other side of the map. You have to watch your back constantly at first to ensure the Zombie doesn't kill you right off the bat. The start is really the most scary time in the entire map, because the Zombies can get to you repeatedly and very quickly at this point. --- Pictures and Area Descriptions (for important areas without pictures): (NOTE: Please keep in mind, I am not showing you the entire map, probably not even 2/3 of it. These are only the areas that the most important things happen in. And, on top of that, many of the pictures only show small parts of that area. To like the map, you have to PLAY the map anyway. So just try it out.) -The Path is what I call the entrance in. It's a staircase with a bent bridge on top to ensure that, when you go in, you CAN'T get back out (Remember, 200% Gravity). -The Beginning of the map is between the entrance and the first minor barracks. It includes many twists, turns, and tunnels to confuse you. This is when the Zombies can get to your position fastest, and when you only have an Assault Rifle. This is when you're really vulnerable, since it is so confusing. -The Minor Barracks is where you get your first weapons. There are 3 hidden weapons hidden in... well... pretty plain sight, and 2 Rockets and 2 Shotguns that constantly respawn. -The Staircase is a fairly defendable position. Humans have the high ground here, and there are a few hidden weapons around. Ledges extend that the Humans can stand on and attack the Zombies from. -The Dropoff is a straight-down drop into a pit right under the top of the Staircase. -The Grav-Elevator shoots you back out of the Pit, and is the beginning of what I like to call the "Home Stretch"- you're running lower on ammo trying to get to the end, and the Zombies are franticaly trying to stop you. -The Box-Drop is probably the most vulnerable part of the game. From the top of the Grav-Lift elevator, you have to drop from a total of 3 boxes, and you become quickly disorientated. If there's a Zombie nearby, you're probably going to die rather quickly. Massacre Hallway is (arguably) the most defendable position in the game. It's a hallway that leads down into the Complex Armory. If the Humans can get good weapons and hold this area, it'll take tactics from the Zombies to take them out. It also may look just like a normal hallway to you. Well, lucky for me the camera's too low for you to see what this hallway's purpose REALLY is... The Complex Armory is the biggest armory in the game. I give you here plenty of weapons to get the job done, but only a few are truly effective against the Zombies. So, choose wisely or you will end up infected. The Chokepoint is the first of the out-of-map areas. It's a small room with two turrets covering the inside teleporter. Where does the back teleporter go, though? And is it worth the risk to find out... ENDGAME. I'm not revealing anything about the end, other than this. Find out yourself. (NOTE: The "area" is NOT generic. It's been changed.) --- Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a lot of fun playing it! Download The Run (Please) Download Run! (Please) AND REMEMBER- Leave Comments, PLEASE!
It sounds stupid, but it was really hard to purposefuly leave holes, dips, and ledges in this map to stick weapons on. Thanks for the support and the download, hopefuly the ForgeHub community will see and appreciate this better than the 8-year-olds on Bungie do.
this is an interesting concept, at least it is somewhat original. I might have to test this later out, so as to give a full review instead of a picture biased one. I wonder though why you have a teleporter to go out of the level, because people can accidentally die out there and would have to restart.
Thanks for deciding to playtest before a review. I forgot to put it in the thread, but it's best with 12-16 players. And about the end, what if I told you that was the point...? Think about this: if you're retreating that far back, there's only a few of you left. A few get lost out there, there's 1-2 people left. If they're getting overrun, what's the best way to go out? Die, get inside the base again, pick up some secret weapons, hold out, right? That place is SUPPOSED to be a deathtrap, but it can turn useful for those who know where the nearest weapons are...
Trust me, it's not about the looks. It's about the gameplay. This entire map caters to the gameplay and not to how it looks. Try it and you'll be amazed.
All of my new maps are interlocked, but this one (as I mentioned) was very old, then improved upon. I didn't use the money cheat on this, and I didn't use interlocking much. But, I went back and interlocked where it was profitable to do so. Making it look more pleasing would require me to nearly re-do the entire thing, which isn't a very good idea. I did what I could for the looks, and that's all I could do.
looks sweet, can't wait to try it out, good idea making the humans work to find ammo keeps game moving
It was a pretty good idea, especialy when you move so slowly and can't retreat in a very organized manner.
Thanks. I used to have the most amazing sig. I won't get off topic by describing it, but it involved a Volvo and a Scorpion. I couldn't find any pictures for it, though, so I decided to go with the 'ol fallback- Peter Griffin. Anyway, thanks for the support on the map. It could use antyhing it can get at this point, where it's inbetween the critical 200-500 DLs range, where it isn't a useless map but it isn't truly poplular yet.
Alright guys, I have a question. I'm not happy with the way this ending turned out. I want to change it around a bit, and need suggestions. I have two main options. In one, I could make the ending defended by a smaller hallway, and make it easier for the Zombies. In another In the other, I could use a switch to allow the Zombies to form a pathway that lets them drop in closer to the end, and quickly. This would allow for near-continuous Zombie attacks, and it would make it harder on the Humans. I could either change the end, or just make it easier. Or, any suggestions you have. Anybody?