Remake Ghost Town

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by timmypanic, Sep 20, 2011.

  1. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Hello all, welcome to my latest map. I have been working on this for quite a while on and off for a couple of months now. It is a big project that not many have taken on, as it is difficult and it wasn't the most liked or played map from Halo 3, but it was a map I have wanted to undertake for quite a while now.
    This map has been devided into two versions, 1 full aesthetic and a lesser version with less objects used for improved frame rate in split screen, both versions are virtually the same and have the same lay out, 1 that has more details, aesthetics and is a full budget. In v2 this has been fixed and 750 + budget saved

    As I was having problems with disco flashing I have trimmed gametypes down to slayers, ctf, headhunter and invasion slayer, more gametypes will be added in any updates if needed but I think the gametypes that will be played the most will be slayer and ctf, although headhunter plays well.
    I haven't added abilities just the two power ups camo and overshield, both on 120 respawn.

    As with all remakes the gametypes that have been added, weapons, times and spawns have been copied from the original map. Brute shot has been replaced with concussion on a higher respawn time and less clips.
    weapons: 6 x dmr
    2 x needler
    2 x concussion rifle - brute shot
    1 x sniper
    1 x rocket
    1 x plasma blaster
    1 x plasma pistol
    1 x sniper
    1 x shotgun
    6 x frag
    6 x plasma
    all in original places
    2 x health station at each base.

    I have tried to make each area as accurate as possible and minimised object overlap using a few tricks I have learnt to keep this looking smooth and keeping framerate at a good level.
    2 health packs added at each base on 30's respawn. Kill zones have been added to keep players in map and from accessing areas that shouldn't be accesable.

    Some screenshots:











    version 2 has a few slight changes to reduce budget, but has helped me improve other parts . Same map but these areas have changed and this works better split screen.









    To use this map as intended I would suggest editing movement in custom games to either 150% grav 150% jump 110% run or 75% grav 125% jump 110% run. Although it works fine on classic slayer although it will make usual jumps more difficult.

    Thanks to everyone that helped test and with ideas and help along the way including dt192, Oblique, Tom is High...thanks.

    Comments and feedback always appreciated and will be taken on board for any updates that might be needed.

    Thanks for looking!

    #1 timmypanic, Sep 20, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2011
  2. The Barracuda

    The Barracuda Ancient
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    No comments yet? What's going on? This looks spectacular!
    I seriously have been waiting for you to release this for the last 2 months.
    Judging from the pics it looks very well made and seems like the best remake of ghosttown out there. I am trying to come back with some more feedback later.
    Downloading right now...
  3. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you, I was also wondering if there was something wrong with this map or post considering how many views it received. I really did put a lot of time and effort into this map and I feel it was worth it and this map converts nicely on to reach with abilities. On the post I did originally add 2 links but I don't know what happened considering I copy and pasted the exact post onto another sight and both where different, this has now been fixed. There are two versions, as I planned with this release, one full aesthetic and the second version that has less objects used to enable split screen play.

    Thanks for your comment and I hope you enjoy the map
  4. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
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    -bows down to timmy- you = god holy **** dude you did amazing. i really want to play on this >.> dont let the low responces get to you its better than having people tell you u did a **** job(sorta like mine XD) but keep up the good work :3
  5. oz0 Bradley 0zo

    oz0 Bradley 0zo Forerunner

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    I think the lack of comments is due to the lack of good custom maps in reach. Less people look for maps now. After halo 3, when good maps amazed me, I find it hard to be "amazed". This does that though. Great work.
  6. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    good to see this map finally posted. the final version came out really well. i never liked ghost town, but this is an awesome remake. one of the best remakes ive ever seen.

    this map is a near perfect remake
  7. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    Looks very decent and clean, which is the opposite of what ghost town was, lol.
    The map layout seems very alike and might even play better then the original one did since its made out of blocks and not trash piles and containers.

    Altho i do suggest adding some (more)containers/pallets for aesthetics and give it that extra touch to it
  8. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks for your feedback. This is a massive project , I added most things originally including fallen rocks and debris, but fr couldn't handle as the budget and max objects were a factor. True also about the pallets and also some smaller trees, with these missing some areas do seem a little too clean. I do feel this could be trimmed down further at the cost of roofs and aesthetics. Thanks for your feedback.
  9. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    looks like your tunnel roof cost about 1200credits. that would be where i would start. i like the glass room.
  10. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks, I didn't have the map untill I had odst and I was usually using my halo 3 copy so I seldom played this map, but I liked the layout and it played well in small parties and now that I think of it it seems smaller originally, I may shrink this down in future but I think the change in size disperse map little better and using abilities expecially sprint jump makes areas accessible quicker improving flow. I prefer mlg style settings with sprint and no radar.

    Thanks for all feedback!

    Edited by merge:

    Yeah in v1 it was around 24 ish so about that, yeah that would cheapen project for sure, but as with a lot on this map I just liked it too much. In v2 7 were deleted off back of the building so aesthetically it doesn't take too much away but saved me 350 , I also made some areas little smaller and removed round middle roof to reduce object count. And with the budget I saved I improved some areas. I definitly think it needs measuring and shrinking down in the near future and adding some debris if possible.
    #10 timmypanic, Sep 22, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2011
  11. DominationQ

    DominationQ Forerunner

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    The Legendary map pack was always my favorite from Halo 3, (Blackout, Avalanche, Ghost Town, all really fun maps) and I'm glad to see someone put some effort into remaking this particular map. I always had fun games on it (especially my Rampage in a zombies game in rumble pit that made everyone else quit) and most games played really well. SWAT seemed to work well on this map, as well as team snipers, but any game on Ghost Town was fun.
    Your remake looks like a fine version of the original, even though it is so heavily detailed that it might cause framerate lag in some situations, but that's not a problem with the map, it's more because of forge world's limitations. Rebuilding a map of this calibur with a good, if not only moderate, level of detail isn't particularly Forge world friendly, so I'm glad that you have a scaled down version 2.
    From what I can see, some of the levels seem pretty high up, and some of the jumps might not be accessible under vanilla reach rules. It isn't quite a necessity, and the original map might not be set up to work that way, but it would be nice to know if some areas are still accessible without classic rules. Overall it looks great just from the pics alone, I'd have to look at it a bit more once I get back to Reach for even more detailed feedback.
  12. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Ancient
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    My first impression: I hated Ghost Town. Why would anyone want to remake it?

    After a closer look: Okay, this is actually REALLY good. The layout of the map translated well into the Reach environment. Obviously, it couldn't be perfect, but you made it impressively close while giving the map a bit of a new identity. Remake-wise, you did a completely fantastic job. I can only imagine the degree of difficulty some parts of Ghost Town surely took to recreate.

    On a gameplay level, this looks much better than Ghost Town ever was to me. Ghost Town was too focused on aesthetics, leading to distractions, bumps in the geometry, and overly complex textures (at least in my opinion). Due to the relative simplicity of Reach's Forge, all of that is gone. That makes the map seem so much cleaner and gameplay-friendly.

    In conclusion, I, someone that hated Ghost Town in Halo 3, really like this map. Great job!
  13. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you for the great comments above. Really great my map is appreciated and has changed opinions of a map that wasnt played or liked as much. I am happy with the conversion to reach and this plays really well and I feel most areas are recognizable. I will continue working on improving this map, I feel a slightly smaller version compatible with reach height settings. Thanks
  14. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    Please tell me you haven't made another map with huge frame-rate issues...
  15. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Always with the attitude. Obvoiusly you haven't tested or played it. So as you are talking of infractions on my comments. Maybe you should watch your spam comments that are against forum rules.
  16. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    very much looking forward to playing (no bloom to be exact) on a map that hasn't been given justice yet. looks great from the pics.
  17. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Maybe you should stay on-topic. I was simply asking if the map had frame-rate issues. If anyone has an attitude, it's you.

    So I'm guessing you haven't fixed the FR problems in this map yet?
  18. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Everything is described in post. Hence 2 versions. 1 for split screen (v2) and a full aesthetic version. So I stand by my post. If you have anything critical to say ...i suggest you try it first or atleast read the in answer to your question , lag has been addressed before map was even posted.

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks. Yeah no bloom was fun and the changes to abilities makes it interesting. I know you are thorough in your remakes, the map is slightly taller and bigger I belive, I will continue working on scale. V2 is improved for split screen, v1 has more aesthetically but too many objects for split screen.
    #18 timmypanic, Sep 26, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2011
  19. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    It looks fantastic. And it's always good to have 2 separate versions available. Haha there's always someone out there who wants it dead on. Not to be a troll or anything :] but do you have any type of job/role in graphics (art, concept, etc)?
  20. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you! Yeah I thought 2 versions would help keep everyone happy, importantly the v2 works well in split screen for when I'm having customs with my bro.
    I have always had keen interest in construction, architecture and game creating so enjoy forging new and existing maps. After a few remakes I have been working on a couple of my own.... Should be out soon.
    Also this map was 4th heighest dl of the week on Bungie, thanks to all who helped make it happen.

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