YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE GAMETYPE TO PLAY THE MAZE OR ELSE THE MAZE WON'T WORK!!! Graphic by itz Longshot DAEDALUS MASTERPIECE In ancient Greek mythology, Daedalus was a skilled craftsman and inventor. He built wings for himself and his son Icarus to escape from a tower. He is also known for building the legendary Labyrinth in Crete housing the mythical Minotaur. In honor of his name, Daedalus' Masterpiece looks to challenge your brain. Hopefully you can conquer the Labyrinth in time. For those of you who tried my previous maze, Minotaur's Labyrinth or Minotaur's Revenge, you're in for a whole new challenge. You are still racing the clock but this time the gametype is invasion. You have three phases to get through the maze and do not think the maze will stay the same during those phase changes. Walls will shift and getting lost is a real possibility. Even if you are no fan of puzzle games you might want to give this maze a try. It is not a puzzle that will have you throwing your controller through the TV nor is it so easy as to waste your time. Give it a download, get to the end, enjoy the originality of it, and tell your friends, and mock them that you beat it in less tries. And now the pictures. [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Spoiler YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE GAMETYPE TO PLAY THE MAZE!!! Click the picture to download the gametype. Click Picture to Download Map Graphic by itz Longshot
Hmm... an invasion maze map that changes. I like it. I'll give it a dl and try to play it with a bunch of people. What are the phases?
First of all, nice map. On my first try, I made it to the 3rd phase, but didn't know where to go next. Nice job overall!
Yeah the general idea was the difficulty is suppose to scale up as you go. If I could make a maze where the walls truly randomize around that would be great but ohwell.
Played this a couple weeks ago and thought it was a pretty cool map and concept. My only complaint is the objects used. IMO, it would have been cooler if the same object was used throughout to make it more maze-like. Though overall, nicely done.
Even when you were first showing me this the use of Invasion to shift the maze around seemed ingenious to me. Just when you think you know the maze the damn thing changes on you. I just wished it would have changed more. Plus, I've been meaning to ask you this, but why did you have players teleport to other spots instead of just having the objectives within the maze? It would have made orienting oneself a lot better, but if you were going for disorienting then you definitely nailed it.
Believe me I tried. My maze covers the space of 1 grid and there was just not enough pieces to make my maze out of just one piece. I tried to be as consistent with the pieces I had as I could be to keep the affect of being in a grey maze. The objectives have way points over them. If I put them inside the maze than that defeats the purpose of the maze. But yes the point was to be disorienting, the difficulty scales appropriately so the objectives being outside the maze do not make it any more challenging I believe.
Daedalus and Icarus weren't escaping from a tower. They were escaping the island of Crete where Daedalus build the labyrinth of the Minotaur. Minos, the evil king who was the father of the monster, asked Daedalus to house it in a place where it could never escape, so he built the labyrinth and put the Minotaur inside of it. But, while Daedalus and Icarus were leaving the island, Minos trapped them inside the labyrinth. They barely escaped the Minotaur, but now they were marooned on the island. So, Daedalus made wings for himself and his son out of real wings and feathers from vultures he caught and killed, as vultures were the evil manifestation of the gods that made him kill his bright nephew, Talus. They flew off the island, and Daedalus made it safely back to Greece, but Icarus's wax that held together the wings was melted by the sun when he flew too high against Daedalus's warnings, so he died in the sea that now bears his name. Sorry... a little mythology lesson for those forgers out there...
...There are many interpretations of these legends but regardless, any feelings about the actual map?