
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Marcass2021, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
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    I'd appreciate it if my name was changed to my Forgehub name or at least put it in parentheses next to my tag.

    I enjoyed the map save for some unavoidable frame-rate issues. I really like the horse shoe design and the multiple pathways necessary to navigate the multilevel complex you got here. I always felt like the lower levels were under powered but that's expected from a vertical map. Great map and hope to see yours and AvailableMoth's maps soon.

    NANGIE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i was just kidding....but imo the post wouldve been fine without the wall of text.
  3. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    i know you were kiding but somepeople might not have so i wanted to clarify =P.
    I thought it would be fun to include the story of how the map was made, but i wanted it to be funny. I know its long, i thought of putting it into a spoiler, but then again it is pretty long and i put a lot of effort into it, so i decided to leave it open so more people would read it.
  4. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This is a little reminiscent of bioshock, but not in a bad way, Marcass has a distinct style. The map has a great theme throughout. I'd consider slimming down the object count since there is a minor frame rate issue. To reduce pieces, I'd consolidate some of the many braces and inclines you use for the walls. Every two units there's another piece and that really racks up in the frame rate department. Anyways this is a beautiful map with an interesting layout to match. nice job guys.
  5. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Thank you for the feedback! It is very hard to get good feedback on maps sometimes. As for the FR issue, I would agree 100%. It is not too severe, and not game-breaking, but there are still a couple places on the map with a little FR drop. Honestly, Marcass and I spent hours making the FR loads better on this map, if you can imagine that. It was far worse on the first version on this map. After many tweaks we were able to reduce it considerably, and make sure it was not in high traffic areas.

    I'm sure if enough people want us to, we could go back through and make a lite version of this map. It would not be as pretty but, I think we could do that to offer another choice. Again thank you for your feedback, and if you get a chance to get a game on this, could you come back and tell us what you think about the layout, and any improvments you might see?
    #25 availablemoth, Sep 19, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2011
  6. InClAmEnTChEiF

    InClAmEnTChEiF Forerunner

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    Great map Moth and Marcass! Love the map and gameplay had alot of fun testing and just messing around on the map. BTW just saying the name sounds sorta like a African American's name LAWL!
  7. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I've played this map quite a few times. It's very fun and actually I like 3v3 over 2v2. There was a small bit of frame rate lag but I believe that's all cleared up. Good job on the map guys. If you guys are still play testing I'd like to play some more. :)
  8. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
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    availablemoth if you ever wana do another colab let me know, im not the greatest forgeer by far but i enjoy it none the less>.>;
  9. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    ya i kind of noticed that too.. its not meant to sound like an African American females's name.. just named it that because we set the object color on everything to purple. and Violaceous means basically to be purple. and the name had never even been said on the website so we knew it hadn't been taken.
  10. Nick Taber

    Nick Taber Forerunner

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    Played this tonight with you, moth. Good **** man, I dont like how the tac jumps are super easy, but noobs need to make jumps too, lol. Good map. (even if i can magically walk through the cannons without hitting them at all XD XD XD)
  11. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Fixed :)

    You know I think this map suffers from the same problem that my other map does. 2v2 can be a little slow paced, but 3v3 feels a little congested. I'm glad you enjoyed it, means a lot coming from you!

    At the moment I am not sure I have the time. I am working on several projects at the moment, but maybe in the future. Glad you like the map so much.

    Ya, well you can blame Marcass for the easy tac jumps haha ;). As for you missing the lifts, I have no clue how you pulled that off lol, I guess you are just that amazing lol!
  12. Nick Taber

    Nick Taber Forerunner

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    I thought it was funny as ****. Regardless though this map is redonkulously redonkulous. Loved it.
  13. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    hey shut up.. those are hard tac jumps... easy with sprint.. lol, but for real i suck at jumping, so thats why we had to make them easy"ish".

    And to Nick, the man cannon issue. although not easy, missing the man cannons can happen, the only recorded misses are with you and Th3 Equin0x.
  14. Nick Taber

    Nick Taber Forerunner

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    i think it has todo with the fact that all "lifts" have wavelengths, and we are are the only people to have actually missed to crest of the waves, regardless though it doesnt happen enough to be an issue. Great Map.
  15. II Sh0 Time II

    II Sh0 Time II Forerunner
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    Great map man!!! I walked through the map expecting to be impressed but WOW not this impressed!!!! NICE JOB!!! Your map is so clean and professional like. I am overly impressed with this map just by the walk through. I haven't played a game on here yet but am looking forward to it! If needed i'll add feedback but by the look of things my feedback will be, well, just jaw dropping. :) REALLY GREAT JOB!
  16. ZombieGuineaPig

    ZombieGuineaPig Forerunner

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    I always experience discoing in the initial spawning of the red area but nevertheless, this map is soooo sick!
  17. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    sorry that you experienced disco. the only time i've got disco on the latest version is in forge.

    we're happy to have impressed you. that means the amount of time spent on this map was not wasted. we look forward to your gameplay feedback.

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