MM Sandbox was dull and repetitive. I know in my head that Snowbound was a bad map, but I couldn't help enjoying playing it. But least favorite goes out to Cold Storage. Every single game I played on that map was terrible, bar SWAT, which bizarrely seemed to work on that map.
Definitely Cold Storage and Tundra for me... Both were utterly ******* ****. [sub]*Roasted Lamb[/sub]
I just played on Tundra for the first time a few days ago, I thought it was awesome. In my book, if it has a giant controllable mortar turret in the middle, then it is awesome.
Snowbound or Isolation Assembly just doesn't come to mind when people talk about Halo... thats how much people disliked that map, lol
By sniper you mean giant mortar turret, then yes. Unless you're talking about a forge map that I've never heard of, then no.
Gotta put my hat into the ring and say Sandtrap remains one of my least favorite maps in the whole Halo series, beaten perhaps only by Sword Base. I dislike Sandtrap's design anyway, but the reason I really hated it was because I seemed to get horrible network problems whenever I played that particular map, sometiems requiring me to restart xbox live. No other map in Halo 3 did this, but Sandtrap seemed to crash my live connection alllll the time and people sure loved to vote for it. Snowbound and Isolation were both horrible too.
I'd say the worst had to have been avalanche by far, besides that highgrounds, Valhalla, and and stand off were horribly awful as well. It's pretty hard to decide.
I also hated Valhalla. High Grounds I liked, but **** Valhalla. Everyone seems to like it for reasons I cannot fathom. All I ever did was grab the missile launcher, hit the jump pad while launching missiles at people, die, and then go back to wait for a new one. That was about as much fun as could be had on that map.
Why do you hate Snowbound and Isolation? I loved them! However, i do agree on Cold Storage, what a gay map that was.
Here are the results. Assembly\II Avalanche\I Blackout Citadel\I Cold Storage\VII Construct Epitaph\II Foundry\I Ghost Town Guardian\I Heretic High Ground\I Isolation\IIII Last Resort Longshore Narrows Orbital Rat's Nest\I Sandbox\I Sandtrap\I Snowbound\V IV Standoff The Pit\I Valhalla The results are in could a mod please lock this thread. Thank you