I hate to be a mooch, but I was wondering if anyone had a VIP code for the map/gun packages in BF:BC2? I really have nothing to offer in return, though if I had something I would offer it. Either way, thanks for taking the time to read this.
The VIP code is what allows you to play online at all. The shortcut weapon bundles and SPECAT kits are completely different and entirely optional. Either way, I don't have any.
I didn't put in any code though I'm allowed to play online? Odd. Well, it still asks me to everytime I play so I figured it was the additional pack and gun code or something. Now I'm just confused.
No, it's a policy EA started to discourage the purchase of used games. It's true that you get the packs with it, but because a majority of them require VIP, you probably won't be able to join any games. There is a patch related to the release of Vietnam that will also prevent you from jumping online until you get it.
Bullshit. Plain and simple. The VIP code is specifically for that gear and something else. I bought Bad Company 2 pre owned with no VIP code about 2 months ago. The game works fine, I was playing it this morning. Go ask Shanon, I'm pretty sure he didn't get one either. On top of that, that Patch only prepared the game and it's users for the vietnam add on, it did little else. Again, that code has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with playing the game online. The game came out long before EA started that Buy on Release policy.
Blaze if you don't have the VIP code you CAN still play online. The reason that Dice does the VIP code is to encourage people to purchase the game new. The reward for buying the game new, is that you get all the released maps for free. Therefor, if you do not have the VIP code then you can only play the maps that came with the game. Also, the VIP code has nothing to do with weapons. Lastly, I'm pretty sure that the 1Gig update was just for Vitnam, and if you do not download it then you will have trouble find games, because outdated consoles can not play with updated ones. As for your original question, the only way you are going to get a VIP code is if someone either did not use their own, which seems odd, or you have to pay ten bucks for it.
I realize a typo made that look wrong, but I intended to say many games, not any. I've had three friends that simply gave up on playing because they didn't have the code. I'm aware of what the patch does, it simply prevents you from joining anyone who does have the patch, even if you're not playing any of the added maps. However, it's not any trouble to just download it.