I realize that I've been here for quite a while and never posted an introductory thread. So anyway, hello to everyone I may or may not have already met. My name is n3rdness. I'm pretty cool. Let's converse and stuff.
The thing is, most people still don't know who I am. Especially considering the fact that in that year, I've only made like 65 posts.
Hey Nerdness, there is just a few things i need to clear with you concerning your impatience (im not trying to offend you). This isn't like Bungie.net. You will need to wait a couple of hours until you get a few replies and besides, its a map preview. People will read them if they are maybe wanting to see what to expect in the future, see a popular member post a preview or just see a remake preview of a map they liked. The only reason the most popular people on Forgehub get the most views is because of the same reason that they are popular. They have made some thouroughly amazing maps in the past and people like what they come up with. You are new so don't be upset if you don't get too many views or replies. Eventually, you will gain popularity and when people get to know you they will start looking at your maps. To start out, you could create a remake of something to grab people's attention to your work. For example, my first map post was an invasion map based on ONI: Alpha Site from ODST. Now that got past the 500 download mark and past the 1000 view mark. Even though i was new, people were still excited by the prospect of a remake of one of the most favourited areas in the recent Halo games. I don't know how i even managed to pull that one off but if you can come up with something that can grab people's attention easily then people will start to recognise your name and will be more enthused to check your map out. Anyway, the testers guild is quite useful to use before you release your map. And after release, you can submit it to the review hub and get it rated. Anyway, enjoy your stay!
. _ . I haven't made a map preview in quite a while. Are you mistaking me for that other guy that made the "What The Hell?" thread in the Reach Forge Discussion board? Or is this about something I did a long time ago? Not offended, just a bit confused.
Oooooooooh. Wow, you went all the way back to Freezer Burn? Yeah. About that one. I tried to make a cool ARGish map preview, then **** got out of hand when I tried to continue it in a "illegal" fashion, i.e. advertising. It's best not to bump it anymore, considering I would just like to let it go.