I was reading some stuff in the halopedia and apparently it says the Precursors had force like powers, or "Neuro kinetic" powers. Also that crystal is described to be Precursor as well.
What you talking about Pac?! I never heard of these "Force like powers"?! I did actually read that Precursors had 6 limbs and a head like an arthropod (crab or whatever). A 2m long "tail" would also be attached to this head shape at the back and have a large barb at the end of it.
Do you think there's any legitimacy to this? I found this leak a while back. It's probably BS, but I want your guys' opinion.
Quoted from the Halopedia This is taken from the Halo Wikia page. So, while those sites are user fed and anything on them could be cannon or noncannon I was just saying what I saw on there. And nerdness, that all came from a post made on bungie.net by someone who said they were told some plot details of halo 4. I don't know the source off hand but you could probably find a link to the post in one of the halo 4 threads here. Whether any of that is true or not is speculation but does seem very likely.
Yeah... it's hard to judge things from wikipedia and stuff unless there's multiple sources of information. A few of the things I've linked are taken from multiple sources, but again... without solid evidence of books, halo legends or anything thats actually appealed for halo rights is technically just speculation and rumour and above all, untrue. That article nerdness seems a little... typical (for lack of a better word...). The site claim to have all this information from seeing a trailer and insight knowledge, but some of the stuff seems a little cliche. Think about the timeframe, before the covenant war, yes, mankind were divided into factions, but those factions were seperatists and the UNSC. These factions didn't spread within the UNSC so soldiers fighting amongst themselves is stupid when there's a bigger threat and this event is at least two years after the Ark and Halo 3's ending, which helped unify mankind with the covenant, the fact that they aren't unified within their own army seems contradictory and just plain wrong... The biggest cliche thing is the warthog having it's wheels replaced with anti-gravity things. If that happened on this shield world and it showed improvements over the conventional wheel, why wasn't it implemented throughout ALL Halo games? The "new weapon" being a mix of a Needler and a Rocket Launcher? If there were two weapons people who didn't play Halo often and picked it up casually... the top 3 weapons to be named would undoubtedly be, the Needler, the Rocket Launcher and the Sword. Reason being, what other video game fires flourescent pink needles that homes into an opponent? What other First Person Shooter has a sword made of pure energy that makes cool noises? What is the most powerful weapon in the game that even the biggest of noobs can kill someone with? In all honesty, the whole article seems like it's pure fabrication... from the points I've just mentioned to the point of an enemy coming through a cave which isn't seen and the "weird energy ripple" over the chief's visor, which again, makes no sense as to why it's included. The armour ability's return section is blatantly obvious from the official Halo 4 trailer where chief uses a Jetpack. Master Chief has sprinted throughout many, many cutscenes in Halo CE, 2 and 3... simply sprinting in this footage they were shown does not prove anything other than Chief doesn't particularly fancy walking anywhere when there's danger nearby...
...the things you've linked are also found in halopedia and halo wikia with all the "multiple sources" there as well. And don't confuse the terms speculation/rumor with untrue. Unfounded or yet to be true would be more accurate. You can't say something is not true if you don't have enough evidence to make a better conclusion. Again, the source came from a post in the Bungie forums soon after E3. I found the actual post here. Unfortunately the op has been blacklisted and as such his post has been hidden. Whether this means the person actually did reveal information he was not supposed to and 343 asked Bungie to blacklist him or it was just a precaution it unknown. From what I remember of the original post where these "plot points" were discussed. The idea was ONI had known about Sigma 7 for some time and had stationed UNSC troops there to guard it and conduct research etc. Then ONI, of course being stationed on Reach, were obliterated by the Covenant and thus any orders being sent to Sigma 7 would have stopped. So as the years went by UNSC troops were trapped in the Forerunner structure without orders and probably dwindling supplies. So, you can imagine factions amongst the troops would naturally form as supplies start to become scarce and organization becomes more broken down. ...again, Sigma 7 being a Forerunner planet with forerunner technology, and ONI studying it for a while in complete secret. So there could be whatever technology they want there to be. You're assuming such a weapon would abide by its predecessors seen in the other games. If you were asked if a needler and a carbine could be combined to be a weapon in the next game would you have believed it? Now that you've seen the needle rifle you'd probably say yes because of hindsight bias but before hand you probably wouldn't have thought of it like that. Maybe a "needle rocketlauncher" would essentially fire a mortar that once it hits the ground it explodes in ball of needles that have like the kill radius of a normal rocket. All speculation but hey, don't knock it just because you're thinking in terms of what already exists. I actually thought the original source, from which that article is referencing (but not giving credit; the bastards), seemed like a pretty legitimate plot for a game to have. This has been said many times before but since you mentioned the trailer and the "jetpack" I'll say it again. MJOLNIR Mark V armor had zero G maneuverability thrusters. The Fall of Reach and Final Strike mention their use quite a bit and even talk about Master Chief using them in specific engagements and missions. But books aside, Frank O'Conner said this very thing as well in a few interviews. I'd quote the sources but they are spread out all over the place. One of which can be found in the OXM magazine where they did a big write up on Halo and what is in store for it.
Yes, but as with anything offical about Halo 4, all of their answers are non-answers... I understand that they can't say much, but nothings more dissapointing than asking any question you want to a 343i employee, and then having no new information revealed. Personally, at the Halo 4 panel I would have preferred a proper trailer, and have the concept art posted on waypoint on a weekly basis. I understand their reasoning, but if you can't really say anything, then just let us know. Plus, i wouldn't be suprised is some kind of forerunner weapons make it into the game. It's not impossible for vehicles too, but i'd assume only one or two..
That's all well and said Pac, but call me a little pessimistic, but this is the first game I am actually looking forward to since Halo 3. Gaming has gone seriously down hill and the Halo franchise holds the last of my trust in video games. If this game is a complete let down due to contradicting information sources, a lack of understanding and backstory, or just completely invented crap gets included just so the game has a plot so people can make money. I'm gonna be seriously pissed... What I read in that article, is 100% the latter of those points. Human technology was not advanced enough to allow humans to venture outside of the galaxy. It's referenced everywhere that the covenant didn't have this technology, and they were far more advanced than human technology. Albeit, in the forerunner technology chart thing, we were the same level. Regardless, the Ark was outside of our galaxy and well out of the range of the Halo array. If the slipspace portal closed on the ship, removing the ships engines and any ability to thrust. It would take a millenia to get within the boundaries of the Halo array, nevermind into UNSC explored space, and that would be by slipspace travel, not by drifting without any thrust whatsoever and certainly not in the minimum of 3 years. That being said, it is impossible that this planet can be UNSC controlled unless a complete fabrication of contradictory points are made to disprove many of the legends we've read about in Halopedia etc... etc... I'd just expect the storyline to resemble the stories and the information already provided by countless sources everywhere as opposed to something spring up entirely unrelated just for the sake of making a game that people know sells. It may as well just be renamed Call of Duty: Futuristic, Spaceman Warfare if that's the case...
Um....ok, all that was a bit unrelevant to anything. The Halo "Bible" is not actually that big. When you actually look into it, all the plot details that have been shared from the games and the books, and what ever other sources that can be considered official "cannon" is really miniscule. It is really the fans that fill in gaps with information that is implied or barely referenced at. So, "contradicting information sources" is the only thing that exists and good luck finding "legitimate" sources that do not contradict. One of the largest things that makes the Halo Universe so successful is because of the areas that fans take it. So basically, its all "invented crap", so that statement didn't really make sense. First of all, you're assuming the structure from the trailer is outside of our galaxy. The ark's purpose was to remotely activate halos from within the Milky Way and there was a portal was a connection back to Earth. So if the portal collapsed due to the replacement Installation 04 exploding into it than maybe it transported the Chief half way to Earth but still within UNSC space, or space that some advance UNSC research team could have gotten to. All speculation but well within reason. I don't know what "legends within Halopedia" you are alluding to or why they matter for a game plot. Remember, we are talking about the plot for an upcoming 3 video games, not the plot for 3 books. Game plots have to be a lot more open ended for them to be successful. I'm not saying the conjectured plot as said from that one post on bungie.net would be the only good game plot but I can say that many of the side plots brought up through side stories in the Halo Universe would make for some terrible game plots. Welcome to the video game world where that's how things work.
Again though... think of it this way. You write a storyline which has an incredible fanbase. The storyline and history surrounding your original storyline is expanded 10x into levels you could never imagine due to the massive interest your fans have in your created universe. You plan to release another storyline, using the same universe. Do you: A) Piss off every dedicated fan you have already by supplying information that completely denies existance to the intricate webbing of storyline already available for people with plenty of spare time to read. (I've read one leg of the Halo pedia stuff (AdjutantReflex), and it took me around 4 hours in total) This is all accomplished just to provide a "legitimate" reasoning to include the latest competitive attributes the story should have in order to sell the most copies. e.g. perks in an fps, diversity in terms of skill. B) Use the information your fanbase have already provided and establish a storyline using the already present large scale backstory bringing the story into a more real atmosphere. Expect to sell out due to the storyline alone being the best in the business as it's 50% fan created, and providing them with exactly what they want. Basically, I've read up on a lot of the **** on all these source sites. Whether it's fan made, or 'confirmed' as true or evident (or it may even be entered by bungie themselves as sources cannot be confirmed), the storyline is already there for 343 to use. I don't understand why they'd go against everything that's already in place. The portal also didn't "Explode" with the Ark, the portal closed as it operated on a timeframe which is said in Halo 3. And the Ark was located outside of the Milkyway in a vacant part of space between Galaxies so it was unreachable by any transport. This, again, is shown in Halo 3. You can view the Milkyway as a distant galaxy from the Ark. You are still lightyears away from the nearest galaxy. With that said, if the portal exploded. The ship would not be clean cut in half. The portal evidently just closed, seperating the front end from the back. Without any propulsion, the rear end can only drift without any direct influence on direction. The Ark exploding could act as a temporary thrust allowing the ship to accellerate through space, but yet again... The Ark IS too far out for a species to reach with slipspace transport, if chief is drifting with the only accelleration being a one time explosion, he's not getting back to the milkyway anytime soon.
Stevo, they could go against all the "story" that its place because that's how creative story telling works. A writer runs the risk of tripping over things they've already said if they try to work within an older story. If a writer tells a new story and is able to fit it in well with established cannon than the fans will appreciate it all the more and learn to love it just like they did with all the new details of prior games. Without the terminals of Halo 3, fans wouldn't even have half the details now propagating about the Halo Universe. Basically don't fear change or assume change will equal bad. Have a little faith in the story telling ability of 343i. And again, your assuming the portal didn't transport the second half of the ship somewhere. Assuming is bad.
It can't transport the ship anywhere if the portal closes. In theory, unless the portal is infact a large teleporter, the ship couldn't be seperated. As slipspace is described in "First Strike" It's like traveling at the speed of light in a confined tunnel. So, with that said, it's evident the portal doesn't enter you into slipspace. You're either here, or there... having the portal close on the ship to seperate the two parts means the front part is here, the back part is there. There is no room for "What if the ship is transported to a random destination?" That's insisting the portal had a third exit to start with...
Guess im the only one thats gonna do this. :joker: (There are rumors that we will be able to modify vehicles in H4, so ive just listed some random possibilities) Ram-Ghost A ghost with very weak firepower but very strong ramming strength. Very sturdy, I imagine it with bulldozing spikes in the front. It may be used as a specal vehicle to use in pairs or trios to take out another ver big one, or individually to run over units. Ram-Revenant Same as ghost, but bigger, slower and with a defense passanger. Flame-Goose Since there is a small chance of flood appearing, this wouldnt be a bad invention. Simply said, a mongoose with a flamethrower attatched to its back, so the passenger shoots backwards. It would be a defensive vehicle against swarms, but if various came together, they could surround and burn a group if infantry easily. Flame-Hog Imagine a 4 manned warthog with 2 flamethrowers facing sideways. Now imagine 2. These, just like the flame mongeese, mongai, mongooses hahaha trololol would have lots of speed but little defense. Turret scorpion A scorpion with 6 turrets instead of one and the cannon. Less defense, more mobility. Blaster-Rev A revenant with 2 pairs of plasma blasters instead of the cannon. Like 2 ghosts. This would be the same speed as the original, but would be not as sturdy Cargo-Wraith Basically a wraith with 4 passengers and 4 turrets. This would have less defense than the normal one because of turrets covering every angle, but at the same time, the turrets would be very powerful. Locust I would REALLY want to drive one of these, or a scarab... Well these are just ideas. Fun imagination/fantasy stuff. PLease respond with stuff like this, and not by explaining how its impossible that something can happen.
Everybody forgot Innies, eh? How 'bout them? Will we ever get to fight them? Remember Winter Contingency? F*ck Covenant I want to kill other Humans! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Marry me.
Name: Sarge mobile High-speed car with full protection from all angles (for once). It offers a full v10 engine with automatic nitro dispensor with sexy all Tera in tires with spikes embedded on the bottom, to make spattering fun. Only weakness is the .025 miles per Gallon fuel tank. Replaces the mongoose.
Like the article says, take it with a grain of salt. But, the AIM thing seems like something they would do.