
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Javidson Ist, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    This is an asymmetrical castle themed map that will hopefully play every gametype. If I were to liken it to an existing map, I would probably say ratsnest purely because it consists of a vehicle friendly ring with an infantry friendly centre. Features include:

    • Ramparts
    • Fully accesable keep
    • Reflection garden (with ring statues)
    • 'Bottomless' pit
    • Multiple levels
    • Hopefully perfectly balanced infantry/vehicle gameplay
    • Long but narrow or short but wide sightlines
    • Will support all gametypes including race and Bungie Invasion. (Elites attack via man cannon from montana/alaska)
    Backstory at the moment is that it is the retreat of long since extinct cult of warrior monks known as the order of the sacred word. This is subject to change though.

    V1: Standard initial spawns in place.
    Weapons and vehicles in place
    All structural work is done
    ^All may need to be refined after testing

    Extra Pics (also below)
    #1 Javidson Ist, Sep 21, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2011
  2. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Forerunner

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    Why do you put: "(yes every)" as if this is some unimaginable feat that every forger dreams of one day achieving.

    Anyway, the map idea isn't exactly original because plenty of castles have been done before. Also the picture you've added looks vague and is far away so I can barely see anything. I don't know how anyone can give any helpful comments with such a tiny view of the map. Also I personally am not into "backstories" as I find them quite childish but that's just me :)

    Good luck!
  3. CookieKay

    CookieKay Forerunner

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    more screens please
  4. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    More pictures will be posted when I get to go on my xbox again.
    Changelog Update
    Added majority of spawn points and kill/safezones

    In response to the comment about it not being original, I understand that there are a lot of castle themed maps. However I have yet to see a BTB castle map that I have enjoyed and not thought gimicky. The plan is to make this the definitive castle map.
  5. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Sweet, another GoT fan. I'm working on a BTB map called "Dragonstone," which steals its name from that, but isn't actually a castle map.
  6. Jakisthe

    Jakisthe Forerunner

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    In his defense, I VERY rarely see any maps which do the standard suite and Invasion/Race, to say nothing of incorporating them well.
  7. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    @Jakisthe That was what I thought
    @Frozenlynx Yeah, I'm up to Storm of Swords part 1 and loving it, that reminds me I need to order the others.
    @CookieKay Here are your extra screens:

    Changelog V1.2:

    • Added rings in left wall side corner to create an infantry 'safe' zone
    • Forgot to save spawn points and kill zones so will have to redo
    Still to do:

    • Spawn points
    • Objectives
    • Gametype only objects
    • Respawn Zones
    • Any aesthetic touches budget allows
    • Testing, Testing and more Testing
  8. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I really like the look of this. The layout looks unique, and takes place within a unique and interesting setting, something most maps do not do. the placement of the circular structures doesn't look particularly well thought out, but still. This looks cool. My questions are: how many players is this intended for? And What vehicles will be on the map?
  9. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    At the moment I'm looking at 10-16 players and the vehicles I'm using ATM are 2 wraiths, 2 normal hogs 4 mongooses and a neutral ghost. It will also have a splaser and multiple plasma pistols and grenades. Oh and a pro pipe to try and balance infantry and vehicle combat

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