Is my KD good?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by artifact123, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    2 : Reach : Service Record

    Well, just something i'd want to know.

    Oh, and my KD is pure: I don't hog Power Weapons, don't use Armor Lock, have bad connection(especially Grenades wreck me because of that), bad luck and i mostly get a team full of stupids and i'm supossed to drag them trough the game(no seriously mostly my teammates go 4-12, 6-8 or 3-19 and that kind of ****). Oh, and i pretty much never use Vehicles. So, if you count in all those disadvantages, do you think my KD is good?
  2. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    This is a hard question to answer because it is very relative. I have had a lot of people tell me I am good, although I disagree completely. I consider myself to be an ok Halo player, not bad, and not great. Having said that, my K/D is the same as yours. Although it is hard to tell by looking at your stats because you have played A LOT of grifball. Therefore, your stats really will not reflect yoru skill. On a side note, you team Arena K/D is under 1 which is not good. So, to answer your question based on your Arena K/D I would say that you are less than avg.
  3. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    My thoughts exactly.
  4. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    When i check my Arena KD from last season it says 2.12.

    Oh, and you should check my 1.59 in Living Dead. ;)

    Yeah my KD in MLG and Squad Slayer are low because luck and power weapon hogging are very heavy there. And because i get a team full of retards that can't even pull the goddamn trigger.
  5. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Plus, as it turns out, moth and I are at exactly the same skill level (according to one very lucky game)
    But his KD is higher than mine, so no, KDs are complete bullshit.
  6. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    I wouldn't be very proud of that. lol
  7. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Your overall K/D for Arena can be found]here[/URL] which is .94. Furthermore, if you check out your DMR Kills to death in Arena it is less than 1 also, which is not a good thing because it is a skill weapon. If you go here you will find that your DMR is your 7th most used weapon(not a good thing)and it is barley positive. As for your living dead K/D being a 1.59, that is a casual playlist and not a competitve one, therefore it does not show true skill. Lastly, I agree with Rogue. K/D really does not determine skill, although it can help. So again after looking at your stats further, you are prob a below avg halo player. Not trying to be mean though, but you asked ;)
  8. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Stick with halocharts if you want a further breakdown of our stats.
  9. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I think Infection takes plenty of skill cause it focuses on invidual performances and not relying on your teammates hoping that they will be better than you and drag you through. Oh, and you should check, Rumble Pit, Team Slayer and Team Objective.

    And check out my Ranked KD here and also my BR KD: : Halo 3 Career Stats

    Why this is? Cause Halo 3 took way more skill than Halo: Reach currently does.
  10. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    ... or maybe you're just not good at Reach?

    I don't see why you're trying to argue, you asked for our opinions, so we gave them.
  11. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    How much do you actually care about KD? Do you think people are gonna check your stats as a game is starting to find out what your KD is? No. Play for fun and ignore your KD.
  12. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    ^ QFT
  13. Security

    Security Ancient
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    My K/D is **** and I LOVE it!
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Hell I do, once I found out you could view it in service record in game I started checking it sometimes just to get an idea of how good my opponents are. I'm not gonna swoon over a 1.3 when I see it or anything, but it's a nice feature to have since ranks now basically mean nothing in terms of skill.

    That said, agreed with the above people. Living Dead really isn't an indication of skill I'm afraid, TS, TO and Rumble Pit a little more so, but still very easy to stat in. I don't see what you mean about Squad being about luck, I find it by far the easiest to stat in simply because there are more kills to be had, honestly if I go less than +10 in a game of Squad I'm a little disappointed simply because there are so many kills per match and roughly 99% of the people in there are awful. MLG and Arena are the best indications of how well a player does in a skill situation, and whilst it's true that MLG has the downside of poor skill matching (meaning you often get bad team mates) you also get bad opponents plenty of the time as well, so you should at least be able to stay positive overall.
  15. Reign

    Reign Forerunner

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    It's not difficult to get a 1.59 kd in Living Dead...

    Your overall k/d seems to be average.
  16. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This goes for every playlist except MLG and Arena. I really wish this wasn't the case. I get a good competitive match maybe 1 in a 100 matches outside those two playlists. Which is boring as hell. This wasn't the case in Halo 3. I think the 1-50 ranks really helped getting people of an even skill level match up. Ranked and Social was also a nice way to seperate the competitive players from the casuals.

    Anyway, time to brag about my k/d:
    #16 Overdoziz, Sep 21, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2011
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Your k/d seems OK. You run around 1.3 - 1.5 in most playlists. (You're apparently not that good at SWAT though.) When anyone says your k/d indicates an "average" or even "below average" player, it shows that they don't know what they're talking about. The average Reach player has slightly below a 1.0 k/d; it's simple common sense that an average player has exactly as many deaths as kills in enemy combat situations, with some extra deaths added in via suicide, betrayals, and so forth. How someone judges your particular k/d is all relative - I've found that Halo players tend to judge anyone below them as bad or average and anyone above them as godlike or cheaters. The actual math shows a completely different picture, of course. I've never done so, but you could probably take a random sample of players' k/d and get an idea how the bell curve is for Reach - where the exact average is, and what percentile you fall into based on your particular rating. That would be interesting to know. But I'm confident the approximate average is, like I said, just under 1.0. If you're above that by a comfortable margin, you're doing fine.

    All that said - don't worry about your k/d. Just try to win games and have a good time. The focus on k/d and rank since Halo 3 (rank being a bit less important in Reach, thankfully) has been a huge blight on the community. People play games not to win but to ***** stats. They don't go after objectives or even help the guys who do. It's embarrassing how much people care about this stuff as opposed to the stated goal of the game.

    One final comment, and this is a bit of criticism directed at you. Don't take it personally, this is just a pet peeve of mine. A "pure" k/d is totally in the eyes of the beholder, and many of the techniques you're complaining about are ways that people win games in Halo. Hardly a game in matchmaking ends without one team (usually the losing one) complaining about power weapon usage, camping, armor ability choice, vehicle "whoring," and on and on. Here's the thing: all that stuff is in the game, and it's powerful, and exploiting it to its fullest is one of the main ways you win. Don't like it? Stick to playlists that minimize it. Play MLG, play SWAT. If you play BTB for example and refuse to use power weapons or vehicles, and then look down on the players who do those things, I'd suggest you're missing the entire point of that gametype.

    Same is true of all those "bad" teammates - anybody who plays with randoms rather than friends gets the same luck of the draw, which is a lot of bad and average players. If you want to win more games and have a higher k/d, play with friends. I always played with randoms until a couple of months ago, but even then I tried not to complain about my teammates. I knew before each and every game what I was in for. Yes it's true that most anyone with a k/d over 2.0 plays with friends probably most of the time - it is damn hard to do that well with randoms unless you select your playlists very carefully. And yes, it's true that your k/d has suffered from playing with randoms. But you're choosing to do it, and everyone else who chooses to play that way suffers from the same thing; I've played so many games with awful teammates and people quitting out or betraying me, I can't even begin to count. Which is why I made some friends on Live and stopped playing with randoms so much.
  18. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    How about getting 2 flag caps and continuing to kill them afterwards? :p

    Seriously though, the problem also lies in the fact that (like i said in my previous post) you hardly get matched up with the people of your skill level. When I play Team Objective I don't want 9 out of 10 matches ending within 3 minutes because we get matched up with terrible people (and their guests). Even the credits system encourages people to not go for the objective, but rather make the game as along as possible to get more credits.
  19. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    It's also true that the new skill system (if there even is one) sucks out loud. No question. But if you're mostly playing with randoms like the OP, this isn't really a big factor in your k/d. If anything, being that he's slightly above average as a player, it helps him - because he will get matched up with worse players more often than he should. In Halo 3, once you played enough of any given playlist, you could mostly expect to play against people approximately your own skill level; the entire system was designed to drive your k/d closer to 1.0 the longer you played, which is why people spent so much time gaming the system in various ways. In Reach, the skill system issue means that anyone above average benefits from beating on average and bad players, while anyone below average gets whomped even more frequently because they're always matched up with at least a couple of guys who shouldn't be in that game. (And they didn't even have to create a second account to pull it off...)

    Of course, this lack of a skill system doesn't help enough to offset that he only plays with randoms and chooses not to use things in the game that boost your k/d and win games for you - but that's a separate issue.
  20. MUDNUB

    MUDNUB Forerunner

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    Is it just me who finds the fact that an inane question sparked off some quite serious debate amusing? I guess this is what I love about forgehub, people want to talk about Halo so much that literally anything will spark a conversation.

    Anyway k/d spread is one of those funny things because mine is positive but only because I spend half my time running away and my friends hate me for it. Cornered by two of the other team? Sorry bud, my shields are down, I can't help you. We don't both need to die.

    Anyway my point is, people think that having a high k/d involves being some sort of halo god who runs into the room and gets a triple kill headshot without even looking, whereas I've found it basically involves a lot of screaming, hiding and sprinting for cover in order to stay the **** alive. The other half is me stealing people's kills from across the map with a DMR

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