The Starlight Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by maxaronii5, May 16, 2008.


Which Map is the Best of the 3?

  1. Gulf

    8 vote(s)
  2. Baha

    0 vote(s)
  3. Installation

    1 vote(s)
  4. I liked all of them! Make More! You're like Jesus!

    5 vote(s)
  5. I hate you, your maps suck. I hope you get Decapitated.

    1 vote(s)
  1. maxaronii5

    maxaronii5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Called Starlight because I made these all at night.
    You can get Gulf, Baha and Installation all in one Map Pack.

    Download Gulf Download Baha Download Installation

    My File Share

    Map 1: Gulf

    A Small level intended for small FFA and casual Slayer Game types.
    There is an upper and lower level, and a central Grav Lift(Think construct style). Here are some screenshots:

    Kindof an Overview:

    From standing above the Central Lift:

    The Hallway to the lift, or to the BR:

    Under the BR spawn, next to where the Shotgun spawns:

    Going up the Lift:

    Gulf can be played with 2-6 people, but is recommended for 4 because of it's small size. Now onto the next map...

    Map 2: Baha

    Baha is another small map, but in a different shape than Gulf, it is on the front cliff of Rat's Nest, and is only there. There are lots of places to fight from and a few of my friends have called it my best map. Here are some Screenshots:

    Overview from the Right side, you can see the Sword room:

    The Lower Level, Shotgun and Snipers spawn relatively close together for good Shotty Sniper combo, which is good on this map:

    From a spawn area on the fence:

    Overview at another angle:

    The map is a good Slayer map, but has been set up for CTF, and works well with Juggernaut, Infection and Non-Transport VIP. Up next is....
    Map 3: Installation Z4
    A 2-4 Team Slayer Map, but also good for Swat and FFA Slayer, this map is made in the cave of Avalanche, so it might be a little hard to see the screenshots:

    From this angle you can see the lower center Arena and if you squint, the hidden sniper spot to the right above the door at about the same level as the energy doors up there:

    Another Angle:

    From Below:

    From the ramp to the Upper Arena:

    Installation is the last of the three small maps. It is also the smallest map.

    So, you have Gulf, the most recently made map(which means i knew more tricks), Baha, the biggest map(It is also the first one i made), and Installation, the smallest map(Random Trivia: The Juicy Filter is on). Please leave me some feedback so I know what to improve on, BUT please do not leave comments "0MF6 6H3Y I HA73 Y0UR 74CE"....
    Also, seeing as this is my first contribution to ForgeHub please don't mention things that you know I Don't know about unless you explain them, for example please don't mention that you think I took So-and-so's idea, because I don't know who anyone is. Also, Please tell me which Map you thought was the best, so that I can make more in that style. But please don't judge them by looking at them, get a couple people and actually play on them, because looking at them isn't even half as fun as playing on them.

    Thanks alot guys,


    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    gulf is my fav u could improve it but it still looks really neat and fun
  3. xSlayeRx

    xSlayeRx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the maps look real fun good job
  4. maxaronii5

    maxaronii5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hmmm. thanks. play it.
  5. maxaronii5

    maxaronii5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Download and play. BTW GUYS- i think that Installation looks really sloppy in these pictures, but it plays fine, it just looks bad.
  6. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    I did not vote because i feel that you put in a stong effort in making these maps and should not take the hit for it. I liked Gulf the best, but not enough, the grav lift kinda seems to be kind of useless and not the focal point of the map. If i am mistaken, and i may very well be mistaken, please let me know. Otherwise, you may consider putting a minor power weapon beneath it to allow a contrast in the playout (instead of left/right contrast, an up/down contrast). I would suggest a rocket launcher with only one clip.
  7. DeathDriver86

    DeathDriver86 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Big fan of the first one. I'll be DLing this tonight.
  8. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks cool will DL and play. I really like how people have been posting map packs it is really cool
  9. maxaronii5

    maxaronii5 Ancient
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    re: vinco onmia

    there is a rocket launcher if you walk through the door across from the grav lift. also, where the overshield is there are smg's which is not a high power weapon. An up down contrast sounds cool, and i will have to make a map like that. but let me talk about how i think there is a big contrast in gulf in the weapons(in my personal opinion, but i might just be full of myself) but there are close and long range weapons, and weak and powerful weapons. the problem is, is that people as a whole complain automatically if they are not satisfied, so if there is a scarcity of weapons, people complain, and if there is an abundance of weapons people complain. Now this is my first post, so i am not necessarily saying that the forge hub community is too harsh, but in my own personal experience, i have been very judging if there isn't the perfect amount of weapons, but don't get me wrong, i can understand if people are specific about the placement of weapons. It's just that i am still a novice mapmaker, and if you were to look at my old maps, you would definitely be complaining. but thanks for the feedback. and give yourself a pat on the back for reading all this.
  10. maxaronii5

    maxaronii5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah me too. that's where i got the idea.
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    A little sloppy, but I'm really liking Gulf. Especially those rounded walls. Keep up the good work.
  12. maxaronii5

    maxaronii5 Ancient
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  13. maxaronii5

    maxaronii5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    awesome, this guy(^) left me a comment.

    i've seen you around dude, on other, way better maps. so it's nice of you to comment here. And yes, i am sloppy, but i am working on another pack of 5 foundry maps that IN MY PERSONAL OPINION are pretty original. But i need some help with sinking stuff, because i can't get it quite right. maybe you could help me famous dude. or tell me someone that will give me an in game tutorial, because i've read all the ones on here.
  14. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    the maps look pretty sweet gj!

    Edit: I just noticed how much your bumping and triple posting. as i can se your new to forgehub, i suggest avoiding dubble posting, otherwise you will get in trouble :X
    #14 Mr Pokephile, May 17, 2008
    Last edited: May 17, 2008
  15. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    Welcome to forgehub, congratulations on some well-made maps.
    Criticisms: Gulf: Maybe flip over bridges to make it more pleasing to the eye, also your little bridge from the hook to the middle structure could use some work(2nd pic)
    Baha: fix shield doors so they aren't so messy, interlock to make map look cleaner
    Installation v4: not really anyhing to improve, except maybe clean up layout a bit
    Positive comments:Gulf:my favorite. I like the arena feel it gives you and how it looks like you put a lot of planning into making it play well.
    Baha: nice job using Rat's Nest, looks like map would give you a unique playing experience
    Installation v4: Just a solid map, looks good nothing really stands out, but nothing is really bad about it.
  16. maxaronii5

    maxaronii5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks hiddenninja
  17. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah nice job. I like Gulf the best.
  18. Swifty2400

    Swifty2400 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These maps look fun, good job. Give me a chance to play them and I'll get back to you with some feedback, but from the pictures these look like they will be a blast
  19. Vladimir Neski

    Vladimir Neski Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the first one the most
  20. marquis madness

    marquis madness Ancient
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    I loved the way you did gulf!
    The lift adds a new way to travel to higher areas, adding to your mobility and strategy. The interlocking cage that surrounds you is cool to look at, like a real ma background, and it is very balanced and neat.
    Gulf- 5/5

    The shotty-sniper is effective and usefull, howevor the map looks a little cluttered and disorganized. It plays fine, but is not as pleasing to the eye as the other two
    Baha- 3/5

    Instilation z4-
    I think that the fall to your death idea is usefull, but causes a tightrope effect that allows one or two good players to dominate, while others worry about their footing. I love the juicy effect and added danger, howevor, so...
    Instalation z4- 4/5

    Overall- 4/5
    Great map pack and keep up the good work!

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