So I have started creating simple music tracks. I'll update this list as I make maor content Current Tracks done: Killer Robots V2: Into The Unknown:
Dude. I actually liked it. A lot. I found myself tapping my foot to it by the end. To fix your sound quality issues, I would search out an equalizer program and just fine tune your levels, specifically your low end frequencies. All ur bass r too much.
Surprisingly, I actually liked it. There are a few places that need serious work, like the drop and the little loopy bit about halfway in. The piano at the end is also pretty pointless, doesn't fit the song all that well. If the quality was better, it'd probably be a pretty damn good tune, and with a bit of work, it could be a lot better. Also, what did you use to make this, exactly?
heh, surprisingly a XboxLive indie game! Was 400ms points but from what you can see after playing with it, u can create, some what decent songs. and the piano part I agree lol
The second track is pretty good too. Kind of reminiscent of the music from the impossible game. Also, the sound quality is a HELL of a lot better on that one too, so I like it. There are some parts of the song which just seem to loop for too long, though. There's a part in the middle that's just boring. The ending is a lot better than the first song, too.
I can't help you with the former, but I'm almost positive he used a capture card to get it online. I've been creating tracks as practice with Dubturbo, Studio One, and FL Studio for a while now, and have learned that it's generally better to stick away from having more than five or six instruments in at a time. Within the realm of electronica, It's also a good idea to stray from leading with more than one intrument at a time. The values and tones can clash, and more than easily end up sounding.....frazzled.
I actually just have two Yamaha keyboards and a mic hooked up to my PC, because I personally prefer to manually edit the sounds from within the programs. And none of the software I use is free (there may be demos, though), abeit Studio One was given to me as a gift. I just learned through trial and experience, I don't know of any tutorials.
I followed you. Killer Robots is something else, I like it. I really liked the intro, and how the song changed a lot. Into The Unknown reminds me so much of The Prodigy. I really liked this one too. Really nice job for your first attempt at making music. Keep up the good work!