Listen to our album free!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by thesilencebroken, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    The opener is beautiful, as well as Last Words, very well put together. Poor Carmine and My Last Breath are good tracks, and probably the most stand out, in my opinion. I think y'all do a great job at integrating keyboards and synths into the hard rock/metal style of music, and don't make it cheesy like a lot of other bands out there, which is one thing that has made me loose interest in the genera.

    Production wise there was some really standout points with the vocals and fading in and out some of the instrumentation on a couple of track, but for the most part a lot of the track seemed to kind of blend together for me. The first half of the album I think is really strong and has a bit of an edge to it, but kind of goes down hill after last world. And some of the lyrics seem a bit on the campy side, like on Brokaw. I'd give the album a solid 5/10, I think y'all can make some good tracks, but I like edgy and experiential music a lot, so it's not really my cup of tea.
    #2 Epic Tusk, Sep 16, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2011
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for taking the time to listen Tusk.

    Anyone else have comments? Even track by track breakdowns?
  3. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    I don't generally listen to metal, or anything that has screaming in it, but I quite enjoyed this album. You're officially the second band on my list of bands that scream, but I actually enjoy. Only you and The Ocean.

    One Problem, I can't buy the album. It's not on the Canadian Store on iTunes.
  4. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    It should be by the 24th. Check back around then. If not, and you really want it, I'll work it out with you.
  5. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Not really sure how to rate the album, but I like most of the tracks.

    Can't wait until I can buy it in Canada
  6. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Here is my Track by Track review, each song is individually scored and an overall score with final thoughts will precede it all.

    Track 1 - "Prelude"

    Beautiful and haunting. I love the contrast of starting with this chill sounding intro and moving into.... (8/10)

    Track 2 - "Guide"

    I know this track, well...I know an old version. Much has changed. The music has mostly stayed the same if I am correct, but the lyrical structure has changed quite a bit. I enjoy the hook and chorus much more than the old version. I also think the drums on this song are incredible. It's not too technical or anything, but they shred, and I like that. Kudos on taking and old track and making it 10 times better. (8/10)

    Track 3 - "My Widow"

    I really like this track. I think the blend of heaviness, Techo-y keys, and catchy chorus make this track shine. The recording seems a tad more muffled than others, but that may be the upload, not sure. I also enjoy your guest vocalist. He has a deeper contrast to your lead singers Chester Bennington-ish tone. This strikes me as a crowd-pleasing-single-type of song, something that people will remember, enjoy, and get pumped up about during a live show. (7/10)

    Track 4 - "Falter"

    This is another old track that I have heard before, and just like guide, you have definitely changed it for the better. I think this type of song is where your singer's style really shines. I also like the added synth in the backround, it adds a new layer to the overall wall of sound. This may be my favorite track thus far, we'll see if that changes. (9/10)

    Track 5 - "Brokaw"

    Yet another track I have already heard, but just like the others this had changed as well. I don't feel like this track has changed as much as the others. The song structure seems to be by and large the same. I did noticed additional keys/synths, and the addition is for the better. I felt like I knew the song in and out when it started out, like it was the same song with a new singer. But by the end it felt almost completely new. I can't put my finger on why exactly, but it just felt different. Not my favorite track at this point, but not one I will skip over. (6/10)

    Track 6 - "Poor Carmine"

    Is there a more appropriate track to listen to on the eve of Gears 3? I think not. You know my feelings about this track. It's by and large the track I have listened to the most, but here is where my honesty comes in. I have listened to this song a hundred times with the old singer, so while the song quality doesn't suffer at all, it just seems weird to listen to it now. It would be like listening to Fade to Black with Fred Durst on the mic. Well, maybe not that extreme, but you get my point. I am by no means trying to downgrade the song, because it is still awesome and 100% unchanged, but it is just odd to me now. But that is just me. Other than that the lyrics are good, the break down kills, and the overall atmosphere screams epic. (8/10)

    Track 7 - "Last Words"

    When I listened to the opening track I said to myself "this is awesome, but it could have worked in the middle of the album as well". Well, ta-daaah. You read my mind. Just as haunting and chilling and beautiful as Prelude and offers up a thoughtful breakup in the flow of the album. I enjoy this track. (7/10)

    Track 8 - "When I am Gone"

    When I am gone? Or Falter part 2? That's not a dig, even though the instrumentals are somewhat similar at heart. Just like Falter, this is another track I think your singer really excels in. His screams are fine and well, but when he opens up his throat and belts out some of these ballad-y hooks, he kills it. The keyboard break near the middle and the sentimental singing and lyrics followed by an all out assault on the ears really make this song. This is my 1b favorite track so far, just a tick behind my 1a, Falter. (9/10)

    Track 9 - "In Search of Hope"

    This is a nice track. I hope I am not starting to sound like a broken record, but I have also heard this track before, and for the most part it is unchanged. This song and Poor Carmine are 2 songs that I have burned into my mind as being sang by your old singer, and it's hard for me to feel like it's different or an improvement. Sadly it is neither, it's just the same. And more of the same isn't always a bad thing, I just wish you took some more liberties with it like you did with Guide and Falter. But hey, beggars can't be choosers, and I still like this song (6/10)

    Track 10 - "The Heartless"

    You guys can rock, but you can also do touching, and I like that. This song has a lot of heart, despite it's name. Again, your singer does well here. The song structure is a little more predictable than some of your other tracks (sing, scream, sing, scream, breakdown), but I get the feeling it was designed to be like that and in turn was the only true format for this type of "from the soul" track. You do a great job of masking the slight predictability with great vocals, beats, and keys. I think overall the track stands out and stands tall. (7/10)

    Track 11 - "My Last Breathe"

    This is a really good song, and I hate to overshadow it with what I am about to say because it doesn't deserve it, but, and this is my personal taste, I am usually not a fan of duet songs with women. As a matter of fact, I am not a fan of female vocalists in any manner, especially in a metal setting. But like I said, that is just me. The song by itself has excellent structure and could musically be the best track on the album. But I can never get by female singers. They just don't do it for me. The girl on this song by no means sucks, as a matter of fact, she makes a run at overshadowing your singer, but it's all just meh to me. Other than that, the song rocks and doesn't deter the album a bit. It fits well as a closing song too, it has a particular mood to it that just works. (6/10)

    Overall I like your bands new direction. I feel like you are just as heavy as you were, and you added the right amount of "new" to most of your existing songs. You also put added emphasis on keys, which I really like. Your new singer does, at times, seem like he is just rehashing some of the old stuff, but like I said on a few of the tracks, when he hits that certain style and adds in new things to old songs, this band really shines. I really wish I could make the trip to NY to see you guys live on the 24th, but I will take solace in the fact that I will soon be receiving my brand new CD and Tee in the mail, and that makes me smile. Overall, excellent effort and I give it an 8/10. Congrats man, I am glad to see all of your hard work has paid off and given us something that is really, really good.
  7. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Holy crap. Thanks creep. Your package is leaving tomorrow.

    I'm gonna address some things though:

    - My Widow, Brokaw and Poor Carmine are not the mastered mixes. They were just already up. They sound the same, just the mixes are slightly better. Which is why Widow sounds muffled.

    - I don't hear Falter and When I'm Gone sounding that much alike... they merely share the same key. lol

    - This really isn't much of our current direction. Most of these tracks were written years and years ago, and were all recorded at least 3 years ago. Some received more recent touch ups, like Falter, but they poorly reflect our current sound as a whole.

    We're already half-way through writing our next cd, and the material on that disc blows my mind. I don't feel like we wrote it. It's so good to me that I'm proud enough to admit I don't know how we came up with it.

    Thanks for the support.
  8. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Nice! I wanty my shirty and cd....y.

    After listening to Falter and When I am Gone again, I can see what you are saying. I think the drum beat near the intros are what make me think they are similar. I dunno, maybe it's just me. Either way, they are my 2 favorite tracks on the album, so kudos.
  9. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Additionally, I forgot to address Hope. Brokaw, Hope and Carmine were all recorded within a month of Nik joining in Matt's place. He just recorded what was there for the most part to keep our current fans happy with what they knew. I promise you that once you listen to them a million times, you will never miss matt's singing. Just gotta take the time to adjust.
  10. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Oh I know, I am in no way downgrading Nik, I just need to adjust like you said. I have about 100 plus listens to go before I catch up with Matt's version. All the other songs feel 100% natural to me now and I could never envision them or the band with a different singer. This is TSB to me now, and I like it :)

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