So I am making a map in Forge World where I have taken maps that my wife and I liked the least. I have used a part from Narrows and Cold Storage with my own adaptations to them. I now have forgers block on which halo3 map to adapt to the last part and would like to hear from the Forge Hub community which one you all liked the least. The map that is listed the most in a week I will do my best to adapt to my map. Thank You Sentimentalnoos I am forging in reach so on topic.
Why does everyone hate cold storage? That was a decent map, it wasnt the best but it wasnt the worst either!
It's a remake. A free remake. Sure the map was scaled down and had an aesthetic overhaul but it is hardly as bad as you're making it seem it was (except for two vs two.) I'd take Cold Storage over Guardian any day of the week.
BTB on Cold Storage=fail 4v4 on Cold Storage=uncontrolled chaos, with the exception of SWAT which played halfway-decently (other than spawnkilling.) 2v2 on Cold Storage=epic spawnkilling 1v1 on Cold Storage=retarded FFA on Cold Storage=absolute fail chaos hell retarded stupid Am I missing something?
Assembly. The gameplay is so repetitive and whenever you go for the gravity hammer, you always know that your going to die and sure enough, you end up dead.
You're doing it wrong. It's like when people say they hate Zealot, but all they do is run around the ring all day. On topic: Either Citadel or Cold Storage. Actually, probably cold storage. Also, the Matchmaking version of Sandbox sucked huge ass.