House of Pain (Quake remake) Original map pictures and video: Spoiler Quake III Arena (Dreamcast) House of Pain Bot Multiplayer - YouTube Possibly looking for co-forger who has played the map. Map will play for 1 on 1 and an alternate aftershock gametype.
Humm...when did you start this map? Looks sexy, I really like the use of the banks and bridges. You should so me this sometime
This looks like something I'd forge, lol. Looks pretty cool so far, but put too many of those bridges together and you'll have yourself some massive FRL. I'd know. If my xbox was working, I'd love to help you forge this. Damn, I miss forging. Good luck, can't wait to see the finished version of this.
I just started this. I have it almost finished though I don't want to do anymore so I can give it up for co-forge. I'll show you it next time you're on. Haha. Thanks. I'm aware. It'll be deleted the first sign of lag. The map is very sectioned off though and that side is finished, aesthetics and all and still has not even the little frame rate for me, thankfully. Too bad your xbox isn't working, thank you anyway though.
Rogue and I started polishing it up and it looks bad ass. Updates: Name - bordello New pics will be added soon.
blaze, spent like 4 hours last night finishing up the map aesthetics, so you will definitely have to check this **** out later oh yeah, and I did weapons and spawning also
Please don't kill me. Other than that it looks incredible, especially what you did with the platform pieces on that wall. Out of curiosity what did you use for the stairs?
sorry rho, we have to use NR 1v1, the speed on yours is too fast and you can make some jumps that aren't meant to be there (still using aftershock for Epicenter tho) our map requires 150 speed, not 200 @pyro, its fixed, trust me, its all fixed that room, IMO, is the plainest room of the map stairs are made of Bridge corners upside down click for surprise Spoiler
That's what I thought based on the pattern I'm wondering about the knee high wall around there too. At first I though it was bridge pieces but looking closer I have no clue what those are. It's still crooked btw, although that's probably below the tolerance of the angle glitch.
New picture are up. I will update with a few detail picture soon as well. Ace Is right down there. Thank you.
I like how you used the side of the tower tall after being in my map and then beat me to a map preview hahah anyways can we get a new pic of the stairs... i think theyve been updated
Oh no. An upside-down cross in the sky. Let's all ***** about how satanic Bordello it. lol. Jokes aside, I've been wanting to see more Quake remakes as they were generally good maps. I get the feeling this one will transition well into Reach.
They're good maps in Quake. Outside, and they don't mingle well. The lack of strafe jumping and rocket jumping just makes the maps feel lacking. Maybe if you don't play Quake they seem like good Halo maps, but after running circuits around DM6 in Q3 it just doesn't feel the same in Halo. Anyway, I've never liked House of Pain much. Re-make's looking pretty good so far though. I'd get rid of the floating cross, it just looks odd and out of place. Also, try not to make the tops of the walls all one level and straight. It makes them look, hm... unnatural. Having them alter in level height and adding some pillars and **** like that helps add depth and just makes them look a whole let better.
I believe we have integrated the cross better in the new version, IDK if it was saved or not. Unfortunately alot of the key physics of quake dont transition over to reach well, but I dont think that that makes the maps transition poorly. You may loose some of that same nostalgic feel, but if you wanted it to look and play exactly the same, why not go play it in Quake. We have adapted the map to reach flow, reach game mechanics, and reach architecture (the rest of the map is pretty out there though), and thats the best we can do, right.