Yea, just built a house in the mountains, which was cool for like a day or two, then i realized how much it sucks having to commute 10 minutes to get anywhere, even with sprint
^Oh yeah, i noticed that the first time i played. I thought it was just something with creative mode, but i guess not (because i had a ender pearl at the time).. cool
No they don't. Tested and proven false by myself. If you want pics i can supply. And for the "It makes Endermen Neutral" statement by me, It is false if it is in your inventory. Thats all i could test before getting raped by skeletons.. EDIT: I just tested it with the Ender Pearl in the hotbar and the in hand, and still has no effect against Endermen. The only thing that i found strange is that it seemed to make them teleport before they hit you when you had it in your hand, but I cannot say this is 100% true.
yeah they dont do anything yet i got one, was all excited running around with it like **** YEAH ENDER PEARL and then i realized i was being chased by endermen and nothing was different.
I guess I am wrong. Although Minecraft wiki has been proven to be highly inaccurate. I found the use! That's awesome! Try clicking an endermen with a pearl. Spoiler Right clicking an endermen with a enderpearl will cause the endermen to teleport away from you. Try it!
I'm super sadface because of the 1.8 update... I still have no computer to play it on, so I keep hearing about all this extremely awesome stuff that I just can't do...
it's not really all that amazing stick. i mean its cool. But minecraft is still awesoem just building random stuff.
1.8.1 is great just because of how it changed my attitude toward the game for some reason, im super serious about not dying, and i plan every single thing i do super carefully. i used to just dive in carelessly
Update on my underground city. IT HAS A NAME! Outer Haven. Pics of the cave, station and one boardwalk:
That's pretty awesome. But I found an underground ravine with a bunch of waterfalls and lava running through it, so far I've mined 107 iron from it, and I still haven't explored the whole thing.
Ender Pearls should give you the option to teleport like Endermen...Just limited uses, and make it where it hurts you (1 heart?) after each use?