
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mallet, May 16, 2008.

  1. Chaotic Wade

    Chaotic Wade Ancient
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    Will download l8r.
  2. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    I'm gonna reply to everyone because I'm crazy like that.

    Well I did consider removing the filter for the screenshots but I kept them for two reasons. The first reason is simply that the map has the filter and I want the screenshots to show what the map is. Second reason is that without the filter, the boxes are a rather fruity random mixture of blue red and green. This looks pretty bad in my opinion, it is much better that everything looks like it fits.

    These spamming noobs are really getting out of hand. <3

    This comment is pretty worthless. Glad you like it though.

    Yeah I wouldn't want to hype it up then it doesn't meet the hype lol. I hope it doesn't disappoint.

    luffl omg burst on blckouut wtf nhd iiurj skkguuuu

    See first reply. Have fun

    i c wut u did thar

    I'm wondering if you have misunderstood the concept with the phrase "blackout base". It is not a base it is a whole map, the rest of blackout is unused and inaccessible. Anyway hope you like. I see you referenced a myth about a man whos stupidity and greed ultimately kills him, a hidden message perhaps?

    Why thank you kind sir. The hill does seem to be somewhat of a trademark which kinda sucks cause they are a pain. The hill on this map probably took as long to make alone as everything else on the map put together lol.

    Cheers. I'm just using the black and white one so perhaps your TV is set too dark? Unfortunately I could find no good solution to brighten the map without it being blurry or ugly.

    Try reading my post

    Thanks for the constructive criticism there. I'm surprised nobody beat me to making such a developed map on blackout really with the new forge items and all. I've only personally seen blackout maps with new weapon placement and the odd single floating box.

    I love you too. Thanks for letting me know about that box spawn btw, I don't know how I missed it. I suppose I notice all the imperfections since I've spent hours pulling my hair out over an inch too high box so often. There are some errors in the symmetry that niggle at me but I don't think they will effect gameplay so I've left them. Anyway glad you like. <3

    Yes it is me. Aren't I sexy?

    Glad you like, but again rather worthless

    See above

    Hassle free interlocking? Absolutely. They are a god-send.

    Cool stuff, hope you like it. I kept the carbines but I'm hoping the map gameplay will make people want to pick up a spiker or plasma pistol instead. Possibly just wishful thinking though.

    Well I left the weapons in the budget glitch so even if the weapon don't meet your taste you can change them. Flawless I think is impossible with this technique, if you remove some of the barriers you will see how I've hidden some of the bigger errors lol.

    Aaaaaaanyway. I just drew up a layout but it gone pretty wonky. I may add weapons to it later but I'm tired of it for now.

    #22 Mallet, May 16, 2008
    Last edited: May 16, 2008
    Felipe dos likes this.
  3. Beettaaa

    Beettaaa Ancient
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    This map looks amazing, and the perfection is so hard a thing to get in mid-air.

    Definately downloaded.

    Senior Member

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    Mallet, I love this. Really opening the eyes to the possibilities of Blackout. Well done. I like how its fairly linear, and yet you have broken the line of site well. I also like that in order to take the lift up to the top perch you had to drop down into the box to shoot up. Kinda a Slanted (showdown 1v1) feel... really cool. I can't wait to log some games here. If the numbers get right, I'll probably throw it in my party's rotation tonight at TGIF. The only thing i would have probably done differently is I would have made the bases reverse-mirror images of each other (so that the grav lift entrances are diagonal from each other, as opposed to across from each other). But perhaps that was your intention. Either way this still looks BADASS. Keep it up.
  5. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    looks like a great 2v2 map. on Blackout!
  6. LXV Grizzly

    LXV Grizzly Ancient
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    looks good, kinda small though, and i dont like the filters all it does is impair vision.
  7. Boukary777

    Boukary777 Ancient
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    Wow, I'm going to download this and review it, but from the pictures it already looks fantastic. This map makes it seem like your not even on blackout. Good work, I especially like that hill in the center.

    Another plus is that it isn't made in the cave area on avalanche. But my only question is why did you make it on Blackout instead of Avalanche? Just curious.
  8. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    i dont have to say much
    as long as it says "made by mallet" its of good quality, but i do think that a picture or two without the filers would be nice,
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Author: Mallet
    Reviewed By: Matty

    Enjoyment: 8/10
    We played a few games of 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4. All of the games were very exciting, and it was full of un-ordinary moments, like getting a hammer kill while going up the mancannon lifts, and having a gun fight while falling off the map. The interesting geometry also kept us interested, while we umm'd and aaaah'd at the fine forgework at offer. The only downside we could find, was that eventually you could quite easily spawn camp. It appears you have placed team respawn areas, which become a minor problem with Team Slayer, because it doesnt allow the team to change bases, even though it would be very beneficial for them. This was only a minor flaw however, and was corrected after a few kills/deaths.

    Balance: 7/10
    You displayed a very unusual, if not a little bland, arsenal of weapons. The spikers and plasma rifles contributed for some interesting close range gun fights, and the Gravity hammer and flame grenades allowed for some quite spectacular kills. My only concerns were that you placed a shotgun, gravity hammer, and Plasma pistol, aswell as the plasma rifle and spikers which are also quite close range weapons. There were no longer range weapons, except for 2 carbines, which tended to run out of ammo very fast. Finally, i think that the weapons are a little bit repetative and boring. After a few games, the weapons become very typical, and you can anticipate everything that will happen. I think a few more interesting weapons and equipment may have been added to spice up some of the gameplay.

    Durability: 6/10
    A 6 may seem quite a low mark for such a high standard map, but the errors are quite major, even though they could be fixed very easily. Firstly, is the spawning issue i have already mentioned. With the map shape, the spawns are very predictable, allowing for alot of 'spawn trapping' and 'spawn camping' to take place, which is by no means fun for the other team. Secondly, we have found 2 ways out of the map, and this was done in the middle of a custom game, without my awareness. You can jump from the lift on the side that Blackout is on. You may land on the bridge, and jump to the larger building, or you can frag jump to just left of the mancannons, where the bubble shield spawns on the default Blackout. Both of these issues can be easily fixed, however.

    Aesthetics: 9/10
    This has to be the smoothest, most sleak looking non-Foundry map i have ever seen. To me, creating something of this caliber seemed impossible, but you never cease to amaze. Every item is exact down to the millimetre. Your forging precision has really stepped up a notch since Empire. Also the lift mechanisms are flawless, and much better than any i have seen in all the previous maps. Its such a shame that having 'Smarties' coloured boxes means you have to add filters. I would love to see what this looks like in full colour.

    Originality: 8/10
    Floating maps may have been done before, but never like this. You have created a giant fully interlocked platform that manages to drawf Blackout in the images. You have included some geometry shapes that i have never seen done before, and used the 'Door' scenery to create some very nice and very original pieces of cover.

    Overall score (Average of the above): 8/10
    If the spawning and escaping issues were solved, then you would have a very strong 9/10. This map has been forged to the highest degree. Includes some of the most interesting shapes i have seen in a long time, and offers some very original, and very exciting gameplay. This is definately worth the HD space.
  10. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    perfection is impossible to get in mid-air, heh. Enjoy eet.

    I'm glad its "opening your eyes", the legendary map pack need some forge loving. I had to make the grav lifts like that because if they were any higher the player hits a death barrier, I like them though so its all good. The reverse mirror thing I didn't really consider. Glad you like it anyway, much love. <3

    Alrighty then

    I've explained the reasons for the filters. The size I think is rather generous for a map of this style, but if bigger is your taste then you came to the wrong forger lol. No I am not refering to my *****.

    Well, it isnt on blackout is it. Not quite anyway. I chose blackout because of the space. Foundry has a very low ceiling and this offered much more height to exploit.

    I don't quite understand why people want to see the non-filtered pics but if theres demand I supposed I'll get some up soon.

    Cool stuff, thanks. Although I will challenge a couple of points if I may.

    Firstly the comments on the weapons. I suspect it is the lack of battle rifle which makes the weapon choice "bland", which I kind of anticipated people would say. You find the use of non competitive weapon "bland" rather than the actual variety provided? The choices I made may not be competitive and may not be to the taste of the majority but I would personally say it is anything but bland. Were all the weapons on the maps used ingame? What was the last map you played where the spiker or plasma rifle was used regularly and were not just left at their spawns for the whole game? Surely extra carbines or some snipers and BRs would make the spawn camping problem worse? The 1v1 competition maps had some less conventional weapon choices and I found it very refreshing to be using a plasma pistol rather than a battle rifle or assault rifle - this is what I hoped to capture with my choices.

    Durability I understand. I didn't realise how big that invisible box was on the wind sock and that screwed up some of my ideas. The hammer area was originally going to be much bigger. What are the easy fixes you speak of? Predictable spawns is a problem on all my maps lol, seems pretty unavoidable unless you build a map around the spawn system (which would be boring) rather than build a spawn system around a map.

    Originality I'm a little disappointed with. I suppose you could argue that since its a spiritual successor and an extended "floating base" its not completely new but its still damn unique in my mind lolz.

    Thanks for the review regardless. I hope you and the review team can keep this up cause it'll do wonders for the community. I foresee another admin lulz
    #30 Mallet, May 16, 2008
    Last edited: May 16, 2008
  11. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    This looks pretty good, I think I'll d/l this and de-n00b the weapon set for my liking. Looks really nice though, not a whole lot of good forged floating maps.
  12. Boukary777

    Boukary777 Ancient
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    Wow, this truly is amazing. I like how you decided to use the height exploit of blackout. I had so much fun going up those lifts. At first I wasn't expecting much but just to go up and get to the next level, but your lifts make it fun to go up because you are sent flying and you control where you land.

    The geometry of the map is also very good and has a great variety. The little floating structures to the side require a skilled jump which gives advantages to those who can jump well.

    Some more questions I came up with from looking at this -

    Is that powerup in the middle supposed to represent the innner core of some giant energy thing?

    What are all the barriers for, are they meant to make it look like the upper levels are attached to the giant structure in the middle?
    If they are just for show (which im pretty sure they are) they are definately a nice aesthetic touch.​
  13. SHADOW 609X

    SHADOW 609X Ancient
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    Once again, holy cow...

    Good god Mallet, will you EVER stop?
    JK, I love your work, and if you remember me, I reviewed you Gulf Chronicle map on a while ago. I love how this map works, so I'll leave ANOTHER full review for you to skim ;):

    Bases: (4/5)

    I like how you expanded to the bases compared to Gulf Chronicle, so this is a big improvement. I like the merged open box at the back, since it provides a good sniper spot and a quick hideaway to dodge attackers. The grav-lift entrance looks pretty nice, and would be a great ambush point for sneaking up on people (A la Lockout or Guardian), and you could probably throw some quick grenades up there to clear an entry. The only thing that I don't really like about the bases is that the lack of any guardrails will probably end up making some embarrassing falls during team games. I also would have preferred some form of a pit in between the bases and the rest of the map, but that's just me and my trusty hammer...

    Main Area-Lower: (5/5)

    The main level for combat is brilliant, freaking brilliant. The slope that makes up the middle reminds me of your other maps like Empire and Gradient, and it plays like a dream. The slope acts as cover and allows for some tactical grenade throws in mid-combat. The central hideaway is a good spot to rest for a second, as long as the enemy isn't packing any 'nades. I see why there are no BRs on the map, because they would OWN this map. You made the right choice to remove them, so don't let H2 fanatics bash you for that (plus I like the AR far more frankly). Using a Gravity Hammer here would be absolutely killer (literally).

    Main Area-Upper: (5/5)

    The upper areas of the map are obviously the best points to hide out on and the most important point on the map. Not only are the powerful weapons here (not many of you may agree, but I'm unorthodox like that) and you have a clear view of both of the bases here too. If you are going to hold this point on the map, make sure to not stay in the same place forever, and do keep an eye on the grav lifts for time to time, not-so-friendly balls of pure pain like to bounce up them. Keep in mind that the external areas of the map also have good 'nade chucking points, so do mind the bumps there.

    External areas: (5/5)

    the little platforms of hate on the sides of the map aren't just there for show, they're also there for show off an extreme tactical advantage and for some quirky FFA moments. These areas don't provide much cover, but they are great places to overview the enemy and to set up an attack on the upper floor of the main field. Using these platforms is strongly advised if you want an indirect way into the enemy territory, and if you want the upper hand in a classic AR showdown. Don't stay here forever, as 'nades also like to ruin your day in this arena, and the Grav Hammer as well. You may be wondering why I mentioned grenades so much on this map, it's due to the fact they are REALLY SCARY on this map.

    Overall: (5/5)

    In closing, I think this map is a great successor to Gulf Chronicle, and it is one of the best Forge maps I played that didn't have BRs somewhere in it. I recommend DL'ing this map if you get the chance, and try to play some Team Slayer here, it's a blast. I reccomend playing Team Slayer, CTF, FFA, or Grav Hammer only matches, they are as fun as, um, Halo 3?

    See ya,

    SHADOW 609X
  14. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    at first I thought this map was the ants pants, but then I saw it to be very simplistic.
  15. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    I was enjoying the atmosphere created by your map, then I decided to take off the colorblind filter, suddenly I was riding on the Rainbowtime Skyway Express. Putting the filter on the map was definitely the right decision.

    I bet capture the flag would be great on this map, but I almost wish I could put some ghosts on it here for it. The smooth, hilly terrain makes it perfect for driving, which is an unusual thing to say about a custom made map. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever looked at a forge map and said to myself “I sure would like to drive up and down the hills on this map.”

    And there’s something very epic about turning Blackout into the background scenery for your map. Kind of like you said “Yeah Bungie, you did decent job with this place, but why don’t you just step off to the side over there and let me handle things.”
  16. chrisretz1

    chrisretz1 Ancient
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    wow awsome map you have made! i didnt believe u could make a so big map on Blackout! 5/5
  17. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Wow, its Blackout! I thought it was Avalanche (not sarcasm)! I'm not too sure about the actually gameplay of the map but your forging looks very good
  18. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    Finally a great playing/looking map on Blackout. 9/10
  19. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    Indeed whatever floats your boat. Floating maps are underrated imo, where is the effort in using the real map geometry? lul

    Glad you like it. The extra height on blackout is definitely something I hope more people use, I'm sure there is more to be done with it than big lifts.

    Theres no reason for the power up really, I had a little gap in the structure and just threw in the sparkliest thing on offer for those with a sharp eye. Much loike the soccar ball really, have you noticed that?

    I assume you mean the shield doors and not the barriers? Again they don't have a specific meaning or purpose, theyre just a little something interesting to add. An energy field supporting the floating platforms I suppose.

    Cool stuff.

    Of all the things to loose a point over I wouldn't have expected the lack of barriers for falling off to be the reason lol. I also notice you gave exactly the same marks to gulf chronicle... not sure if thats a good thing.

    Its all good though, I'm not complaining lol. Thanks muchly for taking the time to write a full review. I want to put as much effort into my reply as you did but there isn't much to say really, your comments are all very kind and generous. Glad you like the map, much love.

    Hmmm. I can't figure out if this is a positive comment or not.

    You are the guy who made map with a monster climbing onto avalanche yeah? I like your humour lulz.

    Rainbowtime Sky Express indeed. I don't know why bungie think randomly coloured boxes are a good idea. I also quite like having blackout as scenery, the map looks really sexy lit up at night from far away. Glad you likes anywho.

    See reply to Bl00D F1R3

    They both have cliffs, not too hard to mistake them in places i guess.

    See reply to Bl00D F1R3
  20. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Mallet where did you hide that black and white filter? I like the layout a whole lot but I honestly thought while running through it that I couldn't see very well.

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