I don't care much for the villages mainly due to the lack of NPC's and any real incentive to have them there currently, but the strongholds and other stuff is pretty cool. I only played for about 20 min so I didn't see endermen, but I did like now the lighting is now.
Shh i was tired Also, i know i could just download the update and stuff, but wasn't the "official" 1.8 update supposed to be today? or later on..
Endermen keep taking chunks out of trees and randomly dropping them by my house, it's actually pretty convenient.
Poison spiders = bullshit The fact that two spider bites can slowly and inevitably drain your health is pretty dumb. That and there's no instant remedy for health (that i know of). Is there anyway to get a vaccine or something?
if your food meter is full it regenerates, and the poison will only take you down to half a heart, so its not all that bad. And also, the shafts are quite small and it funnels them nicely most of the time. i still hate them.
Well i was hit by 2 spiders and a creeper, and died in a matter of 10 seconds. I'm sure bigger rewards will be implemented, but for now, I'd rather play on peaceful
Whenever I'm hit by a poison spider, I crap myself and switch it to peaceful, lol. I like the update so far - the new terrain editor is a big step up, new items are pretty cool, abandoned mines are fun to explore and the hunger bar is a new function that actually works very well and I really like. Unfortunately, I haven't yet found a stronghold, so I've yet to pass judgement on that. A few questions though: does doing certain activities effect the hunger bar? e.g I go mining for a while. Does this make the hunger bar go down quicker? And what happens when you eat rotten meat? Does it just make your hunger bar go down faster?
Rotten meat causes an effect where you take 1//2 damage for the duration of the "poison". As far as I'm aware, the only activity that changes the rate of hunger is sprinting. [br][/br]Edited by merge: 1.8. ****. Yes.
I'm glad to see 1.8 is a hell of a lot less laggy than the pre release. And holy **** mcmuffins: Server lists. Best things ever. In the world. At least now, Villages and such are spawning for me. I've had a couple of scary encounters with some Endermen, yet I strangely haven't fought a creeper yet. Zombies. Zombies everywhere. The new terrain system is boss, I've found a few abandones mines and some seriously awesome caves and giant overhangs. And in every patch of darkness lies zombies. And I'm playing on Easy. Sprinting is fun. Hunger is well implemented, for the most part. It should be togglable, IMO. For all the zombies I've killed, I still haven't gotten any rotten meat. Is it supposed to be rare? I thought it'd be as common as feathers. Bows are amazing now, too. I don't mind those poison spiders. They're decently easy to kill, they aren't very fast, I only ever find them on their own or accompanied by a zombie or two, so it's never much of a problem. I don't think I've actually been hit by one yet.
1.8 is amazing. Sprinting was a nice touch, as well as the new eating animation. Haven't seen any villages yet. Mines spawn a little strange, like some will be floating, unless the miners are jesus. I beat an Endermen in a staring contest. Server lists are amazing, seriously, probably one of the best add ons from an update. By the way... I just found my halloween costume J!NX : Minecraft Steve Head - Clothing Inspired by Video Games & Geek Culture
Answer to both, nothing. At least for now. EDIT: with the exception of EXP orbs causing massive horrible lag when a player dies.
Ender Pearl Supposeably makes Endermen neutral. I will test this theory when I next see an enderman. The Source of my answer is from a Modding friend of mine. He said it was in the code. Also. Endermen are ****ing VAGINAS. Two fully charged bow shots kill them and they don't do anything about it. They just look at you. Once the first shot is a hit they should attack but yeah. Sad mob is sad. The Blue Cave spiders are douches. 'Nuff said.
I know. Its driving me insane. Notch should make it so they drop a single orb with a number showing the level of the player. I still think that dropping xp is stupid. All hard work will be gone.
Nothing yet, and I don't think you can. But if you die on SMP with a lot of EXP, **** hits the fan server side.