
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Skyward Shoe, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    by Flying Shoe ILR

    Part of the Flying-Soul-Duck-Knizzle Map Pack


    After four months of designing, building, testing, and revising, Embarcadero is finally finished! Thanks to all who helped with the design and testing and have watched it grow and have sudden, strange changes in it's teenage stage (don't worry, that's natural.) I'll have a full thank you list down below, but I just wanted to say that this map would have never been finished without you guys!

    For the six or seven people who haven't played, Embarcadero is a Big Team objective map based heavily on the city of San Fransisco. I designed it with heavy emphasis on the one-flag gametype, though it has been found to work well for 1-bomb, territories, team slayer, rocket race, and several other games both competitive and casual.

    Embarcadero offers some of the most mixed vehicle and infantry gameplay around, with almost 90% of the map being vehicle accessible. Because of this, however, infantry also control these same areas, making for a challenging pull-and-tug between vehicles and infantry. There are multiple ways up every road, leading to interesting flag runs and a variety of routes to take in any game. Between all this, the city aesthetics will keep you interested in the areas around you and keep orientation easy, just know what people mean when you hear, "They're taking flag down water side!" Two of the central aesthetic pieces, the Cable Cars are shown on the central street, and offer both cover and a sense of authenticity in the map. All you need is some sourdough and the illusion is complete!

    Weapons List
    Weapon – # – Clip – Spawn Time

    Assault rifle – 2 – 2 spare clip – 30 sec
    DMR – 8 – 2 spare clip – 30sec
    Needle Rifle – 4 – 2 spare clip – 30 sec
    Needler – 2 – 2 spare clip – 45 sec
    Plasma Pistol – 2 – N/A – 45 sec
    Frag Grenade – 6 – N/A – 15 sec
    Plasma Grenade –*4 – N/A – 30 sec
    Health Pack – 4 – N/A – 30 sec

    Grenade Launcher – 2 – 2 spare clip – 105 sec
    Sniper Rifle –*1 –*1 spare clip –*110 sec
    Gravity Hammer – 1 – N/A – 105 sec
    Focus Rifle – 1 – N/A – 100 sec

    Chain Hog – 2* – 120 sec
    Ghost – 2 – 130 sec
    Mongoose – 2 – 50 sec

    * One Hog is Slayer Only.

    An overview shot. Blue base is in bottom right, Red in top left.









    Action Shots




    Thanks to everyone who made this map a reality! Working on Embarcadero has been a labor of love, and after hundreds of hours and lots of support it is finally ready for me to call it good enough (I never say perfect.)

    Thank You!
    Nomis- the beautiful Cable Cars!
    Psychoduck- consistent help with testing, design, and the idea of opening the water side up.
    Berb- testing and lots of feedback and motivation/ ideas.
    Soul Slasher- same as Berb plus the movie theatre sign
    Equinox- some little sniper platform or something :)
    Mocknizzle, Brox, Pyro, AD Records, Bones, and many more testers and givers of feedback.
    The ridiculous amount of people who have seen/ helped with the map or with testing.​

    Once again, Thank you Forge Hub and everyone else who helped make this a reality! If you missed the Download, have another. For the fifth time, thanks to all, see you online! – Shoe
    #1 Skyward Shoe, Sep 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2012
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    This map is fantastic. Suggestion to everyone who stops in this thread: 1. Download this map. 2. Play one flag on this map. 3. Repeat step 2 until you pass out.

    The urban environment is well-realized, aesthetics are sharp, performance is good (despite the budget-busting nature of the design), and it's about as balanced as possible given that this is an asymm layout on uneven ground (a la High Ground, but bigger). Highly recommended.
  3. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map is a proud winner of the Psychoduck Hot Pizza Award. In fact, I just came from the dining hall where I ate some hot pizza for lunch. While eating, I couldn't help but wish that I was eating Embarcadero. I kept pretending the pepperoni I ate were the cable cars and other unique urban aesthetics. The hot, melty cheese, likely a mix of mozzarella and provolone, was the outstanding mix of vehicle and infantry gameplay. Finally, the crust was the solid design that held the map together. I'm gonna have to eat Embarcadero at the dining halls more often...

    I'm going to have to apologize to everyone who has ever made a map in Halo Reach that I have played. That is because this is actually my favorite map I have played in the game. Sorry to everyone else. From the time I started talking to Shoe, I was interested in his "urban-themed, San Francisco-inspired big team map" he had mentioned. I hopped into forge with him to see his pre-build design for the map. I was interested from the get-go. Shoe, if you ever wonderred why I sounded a bit shaky that night, it was because I had just asked a girl out. You can pretend it was because I was so impressed by the map if you want though. I was truly impressed. Right from the start, I wanted to do my best to ensure the map reached it's full potential by contributing in any way possible (that's right, you can thank me for Rocket Race, Water side, and a few other things).

    It didn't take long for Barky to become a favorite of mine once testing began. This map has the mos exciting games of one-flag around, as well as some outstanding big team slayer, territories, and one-bomb games. Of course, rocket race is where the map really shines (in all seriousness, it is pretty damn fun). Shoe's openness to feedback is what really made this map turn out so well. At first, there were no dynamic spawns for slayer, no water side, no street up from blue base, and red base was completely different. Over the course of testing, every aspect of the map changed for the better. flag was tweaked very extensively, and other game modes improved alongside it. towards the end of development, Shoe felt something was missing. That's where rocket race water side came in. Now the map has some of the best callouts around. "They're taking the flag down water side, by the bus stop!" "The flag is by the upper cable car!". "They're attacking from high street!". These callouts in conjunction with the outstanding design make for some fun, and very tactical flag games.

    If you haven't downloaded this yet, do it. This map completely deserves a feature.
    #3 Psychoduck, Sep 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  4. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    I'm pretty sure that's all we played on this map! lol I know you were testing this one out for awhile and I remember back when it was just a whole lot of Coliseum Walls! Great job on this map and congrats on creating an amazing CTF experience.
  5. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well it's about time. I've already played this a good 10-15 times. It is by far the best one flag map I've ever played on. The only true advantage either team has is the players on them. I always loved getting random invites and playing this. It was also nice to see this map as it changed. Every game there would be something different. This map will go far and that is because of the time and dedication you've put into it. This map deserves a feature and even more. Great work!
  6. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    This had some absolutely amazing games I enjoyed. It reminded me of what made headlong with a large but closely sized map. I had lots of fun with this even though the middle section was a nightmare but it payed out for vehicles. Another great big team map that deserves all respect. I hate getting whacked by the hammer btw... I felt nailed lol
  7. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Do my eyes deceive me, has this finally been posted shoe lol. I can honestly say that I think I have played this map more than some of the maps in MM ;). It has been a real adventure to see this work of art go through its different stanges, and the final result is as perfect as you will get it. 1 flag has to be my favoirte gametype of all, and you have nailed it shoe. Although to be honest I thought territories played very nicely also. Congratz on the map shoe, although I have played this map a million times, I would not mind playing it a million more!
  8. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    I'll add mine to the mix.

    While I don't think my post will be quite as professional as Professioduck's, I do still have my own comments. First and foremost, my "little sniper platform or something" saved the sniper rifle on this map, and while I don't really mind that you downgraded it, I would like some credit for testing as well. I will agree with Duck on this, though, that Embrocadero definitely deserves a feature, a FHF, A DL, and a Like. If not for being a great work of architecture, then for having a perfect mix of infantry and vehicle gameplay (with some sniper thrown in) that will satisfy every playstyle except little camping rocket noob in the corner over there. Heck, it even plays awesome for Rocket Race, so even you casual gamers can have a great time.

    Nom'd, FHF'd, Liked, and DL'd
  9. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    IT'S ABOUT TIME! /capsrage

    Anyway, this is an awesome street to street combat map. You have incorporated buildings well, almost as well as infantry/vehicle paths and angles. One-flag was just downright epic, and territories was a blast too. Suprisingly, Barky works just as well for Snipers. As much as I hate snipers, top to bottom combat was awesome. I can't wait for this to win something. Just anything, and it will be suffice.

    I enjoyed making the duck complain at me for jumping on the cable-cars. Just sitting up there like a boss, when all of a sudden, you was all like "Hey, maybe that can be a jump?" And I looked even more boss, almost as boss as my boss movie theatre sign. Boss.
  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I'm glad to see the final version of this. Even with all that testing I never tire of playing it, especially after that warthog run that resulted in planting the bomb 20 seconds into the game. I hope to seem more of this around TGIF.
  11. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Psychoduck, y u no give pizza for Metropolis? ;_;

    But anyways, Barky is badass. Shoe is a bro. I am the most boss Warthog gunner on this map.

    Fun times for all, definitely a must-download.
  12. Jakisthe

    Jakisthe Forerunner

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    I remember this map! I wondered what the theme was...and I gotta say, it really works. Usually, I'm not a fan of single spread maps, but this...this certainly felt like a city.
  13. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I've played countless games on this map and I can say that it is your best work, yet, Shoe. I like BTB maps, and this one is probably one of the best I've played. The aesthetics were great, especially the cable cars.

    I would always go for the sniper on this map, as it is a perfect weapon for those long lines of sight. It's not overpowering with its low clip size, so it couldn't dominate the map.

    The vehicles were not overpowering, especially with the weapon choice you have. I loved all of the different routes you could take to attack the base, which makes gameplay flow much better than having only one main route.

    I could go on forever on how much I like this map. I literally could play it all day. This one's a keeper and most certainly deserves some recognition.
  14. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This map was loads of fun for a bunch of different game types. Strangely I never noticed some of the aesthetics in game such as the movie theater, but probably because the game play was so heated. As you may know I am a fan of high ground style maps and this one is excellent. I look forward to whatever you do next.
  15. Khozi

    Khozi Forerunner

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    this map looks awesome!!!!! it looks spacey, big, yet it has enough details to it. i wonder if you did the colossal glitch. ima look at this
  16. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No, I did not use the coliseum wall glitch, but there are almost all 50 of them used, with one coliseum window and a doorway somewhere too.

    Nox you were influential in the map, I wasn't downgrading you I was just just joking some with the "little sniper platform." You have been thanked, oh great noxy.

    Thanks for the map love guys! I'm glad to see so many people liked Embarcadero so much. Hopefully we can keep playing it while future ideas are still taking shape. Thanks!
  17. Bones

    Bones Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Embarcadero is, simply put, a must download. The combination of horizontal and vertical space weaves a wondrous flow into slayer and objective games and creates action-packed vehicle and infantry encounters.

    This slice of big-team heaven truly deserves a feature, and I intend to vote for it during the next round. Congrats, Shoe!
  18. Tutui99

    Tutui99 Forerunner

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    I remember the first time I saw Embarcadero- in an Xforgery TNT. I loved it right off the bat, and ever since I became a TGIF host (trainee till the next one :) i always loved testing Embarcadero. To be honest Shoe, your test on Embarcadero in my first TGIF was what inspired me to allow testing in my custom lobbies, so I could get a look at these amazing maps that people build, but I have to say, Embarcadero is my favorite player-made competitive map. It deserves a Matchmaking posting, or more, if there is a higher acheivment. 'Good job' is an understatement for this map!
  19. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Metropolis definitely wins the Hot Pizza Award as well, seeing as it's one of the very few map's I've seen in Reach that I've truly been impressed by and interested in.

    I really wish this map was getting more attention, it truly deserves it. Shoe, the only things I don't understand are A. what are those boats doing on the streets? and B. The weapons list says there's a sniper rifle, but I can't find it anywhere.
  20. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Hey, we just played this in Tutui's party... Mock got about 30 kills in a hog alone and i got a running riot sitting atop the tram. It was a blast, and i'm happy I can enjoy the map without hearing one kid complain about something stupid like "Oh, im an aesthetic expert. You need help..." or my favorite, "Make it so you can jetpack out of the map!". Ah, the good old testing days... at least there isn't a bunny structure for a bomb plant.

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