Halo Anniversary Forge Mode

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by CookieKay, Sep 11, 2011.

  1. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Then why did we only know of 2/3 of the Anniversary maps when it was just announced? There was nothing special about the maps they've announce since then. Stop getting your hopes up.

    Those special Forge pieces you're talking about at specifically made for specific maps to make them more vanilla Reach compatible. It has NOTHING to do with a new Forge World or anything like that.

    I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm just saying it's very, very unlikely.
  2. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    I take it you missed the HCEA multiplayer panel at Halofest where 343 talked about possibly letting CA use the new HCEA forge palette to bring back some other Halo maps. Only way they can do that is if there is some kind of actual space to forge an entire map in.

    343 also stated in their latest Halo Bulletin that when they were picking maps to remake that they filtered out the ones that could be easily built through Forge and unless Forge World is playable through the HCEA disk then they would need to have a new Forging space to work with. All the maps in the HCEA playlists NEED to be playable through the HCEA disk. You can't force gamers to buy Reach to get the full HCEA experience.

    I don't expect those same pieces to be usable on every HCEA map. Maps like Damnation and Beaver Creek will probably only have those interchangable pieces like you said that separate out the AA and Classic versions of the map, but Timberland, HEH, and Headlong could easily be Forge-friendly with their larger size the same way that Tempest is.

    The question is: How friendly will each one of them be? In my opinion, Hang 'Em High is the most 'likely' to be forge-friendly b/c it's basically a box filled with pieces the same way Foundry was. The reason I think Headlong is forgeable is b/c the community has been asking for a Forge City ever since Forge World was announced and many fans are growing tired of FW's constant grey and want something new. I don't expect Timberland to be as forgeable as the other two, but it's still a good open area to Forge in and if Timberland is going to have a classic variant of the map like all the others then the easiest way to get rid of the added tree cover is to make it forgeable like the additions to all of the other maps which mean Timberland may be able to have all the trees deleteable ending with a blank grassy canvas to work with.
    #62 JDHarbs19, Sep 13, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2011
  3. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Uh, what?

    I watched the whole panel, and I don't remember them mentioning that the forge pallet could be used to create good remakes of other Halo maps. Actually, the closest to it is the fact that there will be 2 versions of every map at release. One completely classic, another tailored for Reach multiplayer.

    If I managed to miss it, I'd appreciate a rough estimate of the time it was said, or perhaps a video of it being said.
  4. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    Start watching at about 26:00 until 27:00. An audience member (one of my friends who went to Halofest) asks a question about Forge versions of other maps possibly being done and 343 responds that they are open to letting CA use the new forge palette to bring back some of those other maps that they couldn't. The latest Halo Bulletin also goes a little deeper into this explaining that they didn't bring back some maps on purpose b/c they could be easily forged. I'm thinking probably some Warlock or Turf could be coming b/c they're small enough to fit in a map like HEH and their layouts are easy to recreate. I'm surprised Prisoner is getting an actual remake b/c it's a pretty easy map to Forge. No complaints from me though, the map looks stunning.
    #64 JDHarbs19, Sep 13, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2011
  5. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    They said they added specific Forge pieces so the old maps could be adjusted so it would fit more into the Reach gameplay.

    And they said that wouldn't want to remake a map that would already be easy to recreate in Forge. Midship and The Pit for example. How do you come to the conclusion that they're not talking about Reach's Forge?

    You need to learn to listen and read properly and not jump to ridiculous conclusions.

    I can say with 110% certainty that you won't be able to remove the trees or rocks on Timberland in Forge.
    #65 Overdoziz, Sep 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  6. Deniedoath

    Deniedoath Forerunner

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    I can recall Frank o' Conner stating that forge will be in anniversary with improvements. as for a new forgeworld map; id say that hang em high looks like a possible candidate. maybe those laser bridges can be shifted around, maybe those little things protruding out of the ground are forgeable? Maybe 343s gonna pull a larger than-you-expected surprise map with beaver creek just like bungie did with forgeworld. Also, I do hope they do what they did for tempest and offer blocks and different pieces on all the other maps. I would love to tweak some areas in prisoner or put my own spin on timberland.
  7. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Just don't get your hopes up.
  8. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I've stated this numerous times but it seems it keeps being passed by. You guys are missing the point of what Halo Combat Evolved: Anniversary is all about. It is about remembering the classic map designs from CE, (and halo pc and headlong from halo 2). What has been shown thus far is that the intent is players can reimagine these classic maps with their own take but within the framework of the maps. CEA will not touch the existing Reach forge and nothing was mentioned in the title update relating to forge. The "more forge pieces" discussed by 343i are specific to the maps they belong in. More purple objects on damnation, building and prefab pieces on beavercreek or timberland etc. All good things but not a dedicated forging space.

    And again, the reason they havn't officially announced the other 2. Marketing, remember, 343i is a Microsoft division so they know how to best market a product. If there was any significant announcement regarding the maps it A. Probably would have leaked by now B. Would have been mentioned at halo fest which was basically the info dump for that kinda thing.

    And jdharbs, I remember that question and you completely misunderstood the intent. The question was about Reach's forge and whether 343i would continue with what Bungie was doing which was taking community built maps and putting them into matchmaking. Specifically if they would add more classic themes maps to it.
    #68 PacMonster1, Sep 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  9. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    You guys really expect Maps to have Structure like FW and Temepest?
    No, it won't have any Structure, however, it will have Scenery, which can also be used to make good Maps, think of Halo 3, what people could do with simple tools like Pallets or Crates. Stop crying becuase you miss those g(r)ay(c wut i did thar) ugly Forerunner pieces. I always liked Scenery better, cause they were Human Scenery, and where very good for Infection. It's the reason why i also forge on standard Maps like Powerhouse, Highlands or Boardwalk. They're not as bad as you guys think.
  10. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    b/c if they're talking about using Reach's forge to remake the rest of the Anniversary maps then they would have to ship Forge World on the HCEA disk. You can't force someone to buy Reach in order to get the full experience of Anniversary.

    Headlong just officially got announced today and once again they're keeping quiet about the forging ability of these maps. So far they've only revealed that the additions to the already-announced maps will be forgeable. They have left HEH as the last one to be announced even though we all know it exists already. Coincidence? I can agree that a Forge City is a bit of a long shot, but it's possible. It's highly more likely that HEH is just a bigger version of Foundry and 343 said that all additions added to the maps would be forgeable which means that the added trees to Timberland must be forgeable as well, otherwise the classic version of the map wouldn't actually be Timberland just a rip off of it.

    You need to learn how to be more open to ideas and not just shut someone down b/c you don't agree. I have my theory and I've got proof to back it up. What do you have?
    #70 JDHarbs19, Sep 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  11. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    ...you havn't read a single thing I've said have you?
  12. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    I read all of it, and I respect your opinion b/c your the first one who actually has evidence to back yourself up. It still doesn't change my opinion though b/c I've got my own evidence to back myself up as well. Based on all of the information I've seen from 343 regarding this subject I believe HEH will be like Foundry and that Timberland could have forgable trees. I really don't see them bringing back other maps through Reach forge and leaving HCEA players out in the cold. The fact that 343 brought up HCEA's Forge when that question was asked means they could be up to something with up and I feel it's pretty strange that HEH is waiting to be the last map announced. I agree another Forge World is probably not going to happen. It's a bit out there, but HEH and Timberland could certainly have thjeir own Forging abilities the same way that Tempest does.

    We're on two different sides of the same coin, and in the end one of us will be right and the other will be wrong, but I respect your opinion nonetheless. I only ask from everyone else that they respect mine equally.
  13. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There's plenty of time between now and the release for Microsoft to save advertising bits. In fact, if they haven't witheld some information for the coming months, then I'd be surprised. A good advertising strategy is one that culminates, where the best information is released between 1-2 weeks before release.

    Just because this is Halo: Reach anniversary edition, doesn't mean that a forge-able space is implausible. And to be honest, hang em high has a whole lot of traits that seem very forge-able. Sure, I'm being a petty little optimist, but you're denying something that you know nothing about yet. None of us do. It's impossible for any of us to refute the other's speculations at this point. So to everyone, not just you, pac, please shut the hell up. It's fine to speculate, but there's no reason to argue against speculation unless it's just so out-there that it really is impossible.
  14. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    Well put. Everyone has their opinions. Don't shut them down just b/c you don't agree. they managed to keep HCEA AND Halo 4 quiet for 2 years. I don't see why a forgable HEH couldn't be kept quiet for an extra couple of months. It's nowhere near as big of an announcement. I think what started this fued was the fact that I said another forge world was possible which I can agree is really out there, but nothing is official and by the looks of the new flythrough it almost looks like the bridge in the background is an actual object that may or may not be playable space only time will tell though.
    #74 JDHarbs19, Sep 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  15. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Pacmonster nailed it. You guys (JDharbs in particular) shouldn't make unrealistic assumptions. Like I said numerous times already; It's possible that HeH features a new Forge World, but the changes are very slim of such a thing happening.

    And JD, you're looking for hints that aren't there. "We're not making maps that are easily recreated in Forge" doesn't mean that HCEA will feature a new Forge World.
  16. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Lol, if that was how discussion worked there would be no reason for debate ever.
  17. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Speculation isn't proof.

    As for it being the next foundry: Who knows. But I'm pretty sure that ALL of this is speculation. So while he is indeed being a Jackass for completely locking out your idea, you're being a Jackass for forcing your speculation on everybody as fact, so chill out.

    It's a possibility. Is it a big possibility? No. Not at all.

    I can't see Headlong being a good map to forge on at all. But 343 did say each map would be getting a little more "forge love" than the non-forgeworld Reach maps, so I'm expecting something a little more than 4 scenery objects.

    That doesn't mean we'll be able to recreate old Halo maps. Because I rewatched that panel, and nothing similar to it was said.
  18. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There's plenty of reasons for debate, and I'm not saying that you don't have the freedom to disagree, but you seem to completely ignore the possibility of the other side of the argument, which is silly since we have no proof in either direction. It's all speculation. A normal debate would usually follow the course of:

    1. Presentation of idea/speculation
    2. agreement/disagreement statements
    3. extrapolated reasons for agreement/disagreement (logic-based)
    4. references and facts derived from various sources
    5. final understanding, confirmation or refutation of initial idea

    We have such little resources, that it's pretty much impossible at this point to make any assumptions, which is what you're doing. Can it be discussed? Sure. Can a conclusion be drawn? No.

    Anyways, I'm not going to argue about arguing anymore. Point is, we don't know anything, therefore you don't know anything, therefore your claims hold as much weight as ours, which is not a lot. So stating things as if they are facts is pretty dickish in this respect.

    Now back on topic for myself. I haven't seen the new HeH flythrough, so I'll have to check that out as soon as I get the opportunity. I'm still hopeful for a new forge palette, since we've already seen new objects that can be altered in the other CEA maps. Dammy has energy bridge things, which look similar to the ones in HeH, Beaver Creek has some new rocks and lifts, and Timberlands could have trees, but I doubt it. I remember reading some tweets, or maybe just a forum post from urk, about how trees were experimented with in Forge World, but were scrapped because of awkward lighting conditions and control in general.
  19. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think the point was that JD is claiming that 343i said something that hints at a new Forge World, while in reality is does not. Not necessarily that there wasn't going to be a new Forge World.
  20. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    I know perfectly well that none of this is actually true. It is all speculation. I'm just pointing out that I have found evidence that may or may not suggest extra forging abilities on the new HCEA maps beyond just the additions made to the maps.

    "proof" was a poor choice of words on my part. More like evidence. I just don't see why everyone thinks my speculation is so completely unfathomable that they start to bash me from my initial post until now. I know that the whole 2nd Forge World thing was a bit much to take in and I have since come to terms with that, but my other claims are very possible.

    I have "some" evidence to back myself up. I only saw one other person who had evidence to back their theory as well. So unless you can support your claim then don't bash me for mine. Just let my opinion stand, move on, and let the next guy give his theory. Bashing someone for just giving their opinion is completely unjustified. I was definitely not trying to force my opinion as truth on everyone. If I came off like that then I apologize, but I'm sure it is a universal known that nothing should be considered true until we see proof so I figured everyone knew that. This is a speculation kind of thread for everyone to express their theories, but when I expressed mine I got bashed for it.

    This will be my last post on this thread. I think we all just need to cool off.
    #80 JDHarbs19, Sep 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011

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