I heard from a lot of people saying that you can talk to others on xbox live while playing an original xbox game. I was thinking will this be possible if I play an original xbox game bought from demand? I was thinking about buying GTA: San Andreas which is currently 800ms points. I don't know, will it still be possible to chat?
Nope. Or at least not with Halo: CE, though I'm pretty sure it's wil all games because something something blah blah blah netcode(?).
Not possible. I'm pretty sure it's because when you play an old Xbox game, the 360 is just emulating the original console and thus, since the guide didn't exist at the time, it's disabled. I think if you get an original xbox game through Games on Demand it's different though.
Nope, I have Halo 2 on a disc and it doesn't let me use the xbox guide at all. And i have Halo:CE from on demand and it won't let me use the xbox guide. I doubt there will ever be a patch/fix for it. And it says some code thing when you use the guide on Original Xbox games, any idea what it is?
I think if you go into chat prior to starting the game you can, but you can't do anything with the guide once the game is started. I dunno, I know that playing music works that way (you can start it before the game, but can't change songs once the game is already started)
I've never tried this before, so for now I'll agree with what everyone else said. I do wish MS would fix this, though.