I've searched and not found any answers to this, but basically my initial spawns don't work. At the start of a round I spawn at a random respawn point. My map is up on File share if anyone wanted to see if they can figure it out, as I'm sure it's something dumb and easy but I can't get it working. The map is "The Cathedral" by Joe Is Beastly. Also, it's just set up as a slayer map, if that makes any difference. Any help would be great.
Yeah, just red and blue. It still starts me at a random neutral respawn rather than the initial spawn. It seems to work correctly in the Forge, but not when I test it in game.
Your Initial Spawn Points work fine. The problem you have is that none of your Respawn Points inside the building will ever be used, because you have limited your teams to the one Respawn Point outside the structure where the Initial Spawn Points are located. The fix is easy. Cover one half of the map with your blue Respawn Zone and the other half with your Red Respawn Zone. Respawn Zones apply weights to Respawn Points. When you use neutral Respawn Points (Respawn Points not assigned to any team), those Respawn Points are available to anyone on any team or anyone in FFA. When a team assigned Respawn Zone covers neutral Respawn Points, then the weight that the Respawn Zone applies is so strong on those Respawn Points that they are the only Respawn Points that a player from that team can respawn on. No other Respawn Points can come close to matching that weight. This is why it is said that Respawn Zones define where a team can respawn. More... Also, for FFA, you initially spawn on a neutral Respawn Point inside the building. That is expected. Without any neutral Initial Spawn Points, the spawn engine will use a neutral Respawn Point instead.