Hope this is the right place to share this, but I have a serious bad map naming habit, every first versions of my maps is named randomly, like food and some other stuffs. Example, the first version of Mineral is named NOM NOM NOM, and my upcoming maps beta versions are named Bacon and Corn Dog.
That just made me hungry... no but seriously thats a terrible habbit. I usually name my maps with a placeholder name and just save out one with the final name name when its done.
as do I, such as how Project Fringe ended up as Strange Cave. The project name was just the code for it, as I didnt have a final name yet. As for the food names... thats really strange... then again i almost wrote about unicorns riding waffles for this post, so I guess we are even.
I don't think it's a bad thing. Here are some of my WIP names: Salty Spidermonkey Caramel Koala Rock em sock em robots grumpy garbage quantum jizz nebulous shapeshifter erect jalapeno Ooh, my ding ding dong KU-****-A-BLAMMITY this is my no-no square cheezy wick breast cancer etc. So yeah. If you've got some sort of problem, then I should be in some sort of mental institution.
Quantum Jizz? HA! Anyways, I have such a long list of maps, especially unfinished projects, I find it necessary to make the temporary name have something distinguishing to do with the map or else i'll have to load up a bunch of maps just find it later. If the food stuff helps you remember that's fine. That said, I remember playing on Nom Nom Nom and as the map was loading up I was like wtf is this gonna be? That's another reason why I like to have a decent or semi-serious name ready by the time I show it to people and get them testing it.
Well, at least you guys are creative in random map names. The only names I've come up with was either 'The Map' or 'unknown2.0'.
I sometimes have wacky WIP names, but not always. For instance, for most of the testing of Cargo Port, I saved over a backed-up version called "Cargo Port 2". S has been S from the beginning, same goes for Scimitar. Of course Shoe and i are now working on Concept/Conecept/PyramidCept/ConceptSHOEal/Bananacept/etc. I'm also working on Swooshy with Mock. I don't see how this is a bad habit, as long as you come up with a real name for the map, preferably before most of the testing goes on.
I usually have random 3 letter combinations for WIP so it's "x___ n" with x being a symbol to put them at the bottom of the maps list and n being the version number. I never want to waste the time to type in a name with my controller so it's always stuff that's close together which makes it a terrible habit because I can never find maps. I have a junky old usb keyboard I use to type in descriptions and the names but I never change them once I spend the time finding it.
Yes, I believe Bananacept is the wacky preview name we are settling on. Not totally ruling out a fruit themed name for the final though.