hey the penguin that actually killed goldfinger is back with his 2nd post in 20 minutes is back but i want to know is thier any great way to make a fun ashetic maps with a rural theme
aesthetic (ashetic) =/= infection And elaborate on rural, I don't think you mean what it means, because that would be impossible.
All in all, terrible post. Ashetic is no word I ever heard of. You also put "is back" twice in the same sentence. Don't mean to be cruel, but rethink your posts before actually posting them.
Good infection maps always have roomed combat with every room having a MINIMUM of two entrances. And Ideally you want a point on the map that is easy to control, but can be taken down by numbers or stealth.
You also want to eliminate as many 90 degree corners as possible. Make rounded or obtuse angled walls and that cuts down on camping naturally. Also, the more height variances, the better. Long lines of sight are pure hell on Infection based maps. I honestly can't tell if the OP is asking for better Infection advice or trying to offer it. If it was the former then it as poorly worded. If it was the latter, then it was poor advice.
Wrong again. And also, didn't you know you have to be at least 13 years old to join any Forum at all? According to your gamertag you were born in 1999 which means it'd be impossible for you to be 13.
I had a my follow-up to my original guide to infection map-making. Detailed the design process for my unreleased map, Tritium. I figured it might seem arrogant so I never finished it >.<
Ok so all you did was be rude to the poor guy and didn't say anything to help him. What a jerk. Anyway as for a small infection map the feel of the map is important especially in a small map where there will be killing left and right. Best thing to do is make it so their is still plenty of elbow room for the survivors but at the same time not so much room that they don't face the fear of close quarter combat. Also remember to make sure that each room has two entrances. Otherwise you have camping and zombies quit. If you are doing a map with multiple levels make there be sneaky ways for the zombies to surprise the survivors like air vents and broken ceilings. Another thing that is good is to make sure that the zombies can't be spawn killed. This can be solved by having 1-way teleporters all over the map that can only be accessed by the zombies from a closed off room (the "arena" is a good place) where the zombies spawn. I hope that this along with the comments of a few other people help. Look forward to seeing your new map.
Your so f*cking right. As to the OP, just think what you would like in an Infection Map and just do it.
Oh come on guys and be reasonable. Tell me you guys haven't misspelled or said anything stupid every once and a while in a post. If someone wants some help the last thing you do is make fun of them and not help them at all. So either grow up and help him or shut up and grow a pair.
If your doing a rural theme, and it's small, I'm guessing your planning on doing a cottage or house. Like said before, 2 enterances. If you physically cannot put two enterances on it, use open windows or teleporters. If its small, then chances are there will be room for aesthetics and budget. Personally, I like maps that lower human damage just a smidge in order to place a variety of weapons on it, rather than just the shotgun and the pistol. I'd also advise some spawning and timer tricks.
Assuming just a front door, for a back exit/entrance, he could have a hole in the wall - part of the wall deteriorated or broken through....