
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by MockKnizzle008, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to Metropolis.

    First off, I'd like to thank all the peeps who in any way contributed to this beast of a map: Psychoduck, for being a boss and editing all my sweet screenshots; Flying Shoe and Soul Slasher for being my map pack buddies (be excited, their maps are scheduled to drop soon!) and just being awesome in general, as well as participating in lots and lots of tests over the last couple months; Berb for his beautiful rock wizardry over on the beach (nearly brings me to tears every time I see it); Nutduster for some really valuable feedback concerning teleporters and such; Noooooch over at Satyros for helping me through the harsh reality of budget optimization; Rorak for being a bro and spreading the good word to some key dudes; AnthraXe for keeping me company while I drove around the map in a Hog for hours; and many others my sleep-addled brain can't recall at this point. Muchas gracias!

    Map Design

    I'll give you one guess as to what my favorite Halo 2 map was. If you guessed something like Warlock or Sanctuary, than I'm gonna guess that you're either blind or somehow missed the first picture. You should really get that sorted out. But if you guessed, oh I dunno, Headlong... then give yourself a nice pat on the back. You earned it.

    Metropolis is an asymmetric BTB map for 12-16 players that takes a large chunk of design inspiration from the Halo 2 classic. To be clear, Metropolis is in no way a remake - I definitely didn't want to just make a carbon copy that would inevitably fail to live up to the original due to the limitations of forge. Instead, I took the elements that made that map great and combined them in a fresh and unique way. A dynamic and fun mix of long and short-range infantry combat and vehicular madness was what I was aiming for, and I'm fairly confident I succeeded.

    The focus of the map revolves around a massive central building that splits the map in two. On one side sits Blue base, an observation deck for tourists that overlooks the ocean and a rocky beach. Nearby is a large tunnel that houses the rocket launcher and is also the most direct route across the map. On the other side sits Red base, a building that was abandoned by workers halfway through its construction. Red base is attached by a pedestrian bridge to a parking garage, which is the home of the plasma launcher. The spartan laser is perched on a high catwalk overlooking Red base, and is directly accessible from both the interior of the central building and a skybridge extending to yet another building, which stands next to a broken highway ramp and contains a lift up from ground level. Sniper rifles can be found lounging near both bases, and a grenade launcher is chillin' up against a rock at the top of the beach. A concussion rifle is hiding underneath the highway, and a solitary shotgun is moping around the lower hallways in the central building. All it ever wanted was someone to love.

    Weapons List

    Spartan Laser x1, 180sec
    Rocket Launcher x1, 180sec, 1 spare clip
    Plasma Launcher x1, 180sec
    Sniper Rifle x2, 150sec, 1 spare clip
    Grenade Launcher x1, 90sec, 4 spare grenades
    Concussion Rifle x1, 90sec, 1 spare clip
    Shotgun x1, 60sec, 1 spare clip

    DMR x10, 30sec, 2 spare clips
    Needle Rifle x4, 30sec, 2 spare clips
    Needler x3, 45sec, 2 spare clips
    Plasma Pistol x1, 30sec

    Frag Grenade x8, 15 sec
    Plasma Grenade x8, 15sec for singles, 30sec for pairs
    Health Pack x4, 15sec

    Machine Gun Turret x1, 30sec

    Ghost x2, 60sec
    Default Warthog x2, 75sec
    Wraith x2, 180sec













    Metropolis has two sets of teleporters - a one-way link from the parking garage to the high catwalks, and another one-way link from Blue base out to a rock formation on the other side of the beach. These routes can be invaluable for pulling a tricky flag or breaking a tough defense, so be sure to learn them!



    Well, that about wraps it up for Metropolis -

    download, play and enjoy!
    #1 MockKnizzle008, Sep 6, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2012
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Congrats on getting this out, Knizzle! I'm off to nominate you for FHF because this map is sexy and has given me a great many very enjoyable games. I'm happy with the teleporters too, I think they pushed the map from very good to great (especially the one out of red base's parking garage). I think everyone we've played this with has enjoyed it, so kudos to you on one of Reach's very few excellent BTB maps. Would (and will) play again.
  3. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    After quite a long time Metropolis is finally done! This is a great map Mock, with some of the best slayer gameplay I know of. You really nailed the design, balancing between enjoyably powerful vehicles and interesting varied paths. I still don't know how I have never taken the teleports, they were obviously put in with thought. This is simply one of the best layouts of any asymmetrical BTB map I know, and I also need to get more games here.

    Final Verdict: Amazing
  4. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    I really enjoyed this map. It definitely captures the classic headlong feel while giving some clever new elements as well. The wraiths and vehicles in general were quite fun but still countered by the weapons on the map. My only complaint was that the frame rate had a tiny drop in some areas. It was not a big hindrance to game play but there are a few pieces here and there that I would remove. Even if you just replaced the pieces with lights it might help a bit as well. Anywho, thanks for this great BTB map. Also nice presentation to you (and psychoduck).
  5. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Metropolis, the first of the small number of maps I have seen in Reach that I have been truly impressed by. It's great to finally see this released. I loved the map from the first time I played it several months ago. The map incorporates everything it can from headlong within Forges limitations. The map is fun, balanced, unique, and impressive. The large ammount of testing it's gone through also ensures that no major flaws remain in the map. For everyone who's played Headlong, this will bring back great memories. For everyone who hasn't, this map will fill the gaping hole in their soul which is normally occupied by Headlong. Great job Mock, I don't think we could have picked a better map to pilot the map pack.
  6. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    I played this map back when I first started getting into customs in Reach...which means that this thing must've been tested at least a gazillion and a half times. I never seem to do well on this map, and I end up just sort of running around doing nothing or getting killed. I'm not knocking on the map; you've done an excellent job and I believe it's one of the better BTB maps around. I just suck at playing on it.
  7. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Maybe you just suck? jk.
    Anywho mock-k-nizzle, this is definently one of the best BTB maps I have played on. It caters to all kinds of players, whether it be close range, long range, or vehicle oriented. I most especially enjoy repeatedly rushing grenade launcher, especially when someone else tries to use it and I rage at them.

    The massive air ramp is fun to drive off of and make Psychoduck have question marks appear above him.
  8. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Mock this map turned out amazing! IMO this map incorporates two amazing maps, Headlong and Zanzibar. I would agree that it is more like headlong than Zanzibar, but I still get a Zanzibar feeling when I play this map. I would have to say that is my favorite BTB map to date, and can't wait for the entire map pack. I would give you some constructive criticism, but you have already changed the things I did not like. Congratz on a great post and a great map!
  9. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You mean like this?


    I think this picture describes the map enough for this post to not constitute as spam.
  10. Lolwut Flying

    Lolwut Flying Forerunner

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    Ohmygosh ohmygosh! I have been waiting for an interesting BTB map which slightly resembles Halo2's headlong, and THIS is it. Good job ^^! I look forward to getting a game on this map if I could. I can't wait for the release of the other maps from this BTB map pack!
  11. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    There are people who haven't played Headlong? I must hunt them down and force them to download this.

    I normally hate BTB maps, but I was truly impressed with this one. Of course, Headlong was one of the few BTB maps along with Containment that I truly loved, but this might even be better than Headlong. If I weren't so blinded by nostalgia, I might be able to tell. I would not change anything about this map other than removing camo as a loadout. Camo is ridiculous in BTB maps. It allows bad players to get easy, undeserved kills. Of course, that's a problem with the gametype, not the map.

    One of the only problems I did notice was minor, and that was the spawns. There are a few spawns, specifically the one at flag, I believe, that allow snipers, even from the other base, to be able to take out multiple players immediately after they spawn. That "base," as I might call it, is a bit too open to players throughout the map. There are few areas in the map where you cannot see "flag."

    Another problem was the inaccurate snipe spawns. I find that snipe works best at 2 minutes, 2 spare clips, and on drop spawn, as well as making it spawn at every odd :10 mark. Yes, those are the MLG settings, but they are more balanced for any type of play, BTB included.
  12. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the compliments! I'm glad I'm able to appeal to a wider audience of players than I originally envisioned :p

    I'm gonna assume you're talking about the spawning at Blue base (on the beach)? If so, then yes, I understand that it's a lot more open than Red side. However, Blue players can spawn all over the center structure in addition to just at their base, so I feel like it's a fair trade. While I tried to make symmetrical games as fair and balanced as possible (I'm guessing you probably played a multi-flag game or something similar), the reality is that the map was originally designed for asymmetrical gametypes, in which case the open-ness of Blue side really isn't an issue... you're not supposed to stick around there very long anyways.

    As for the snipers, they're set the way they are for a reason. Decreasing the spawn time and increasing the number of spare clips would only exacerbate the issues I just talked about. In addition, it would make it that much tougher for the light vehicles to be of any use on the map - they already have to worry about rockets, a plasma launcher, a laser, a grenade launcher, and a concussion rifle, not to mention grenades and plain old team-DMRing.

    In short, sniper-dominant gameplay is something I wanted to avoid. As with all BTB maps, the sheer size makes it very tempting to camp in the back and just rack up kills with impunity - something that isn't really an issue with MLG styled maps, where the size and design force you to stay on the move. While it's definitely fun for the sniper to bust out a Sharpshooter medal, the other team getting continuously destroyed every time they poke their heads out of cover isn't having a very good time.

    Maximizing fun for all players is my goal when building a BTB map, and for that the snipers will most likely stay they way they are.
  13. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Snipers tend to be very powerful in big team maps because the maps tend to have longer sightlines, where snipers are at their best. The sniper's ability to damage vehicles makes them even more powerful. Considering how well they've worked in testing, I see no reason for the snipers to be changed. They tend to be fun for only one player at a time, and a pain in the ass for the entire enemy team, so in this instance I feel their respawn time is fair. I do agree with the MLG standard spawn times for snipers in 4v4 maps though.

    I really wish this map was getting more attention, as I feel it truly deserves it. This is definitely something I'll be wanting to play as soon as I can get back on xbox. Also, Mock, any word on Swooshy?
    #13 Psychoduck, Sep 9, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2011
  14. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh i like, I like. Being a fan of Metropolis for several months, I have seen low and high points on the map. Personally, I much prefer the one-flag CTF over the slayer, but it plays very well for both. The resemblance of Headlong really helps new players get a feel for the map and aids navigation. Realistic human architecture, which is difficult to do, has been approached and exploited very well here.
  15. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry Psycho, swooshy's still pretty much the same as it was... perhaps I'll throw some more gametypes on it if I get the time :p

    In the meantime, everyone should A) download and play Metropolis and B) get all hot and bothered by Berb and I's upcoming Invasion co-forge!
  16. Bones

    Bones Forerunner
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    I remember joining Flying Shoe for a game or two one day several months ago, and we ended up playing a match on Metropolis. Even in its (then) early state, I remember being really impressed by the layout and architecture.

    Downloading. I'll have to check it out after I get home from work, but I'm very intrigued to see how the final product turned out. Headlong was one of my favorite Halo 2 maps, and I'll be basking in its warm glow with Metropolis and the new Headlong remake in Anniversary.
  17. DominationQ

    DominationQ Forerunner

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    Not very creative with names huh? (Been there.) I'm pretty sure I've got at least 3 other different maps under the name "Metropolis" on my 360, not quite the unique name.
    From what I can see, the screens definitely showcase a Headlong-type feel, though none of the screens really do display the size of the map. Some of the features look really good though, otherwise I'll have to dl it to leave better feedback.
  18. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I did actually suggest to Mock at one point to change the name. metropolis has been used quite a few times for Reach maps. However, the map is meant to take place within a large city. Also, the campaign level in Halo 2 that Headlong was partially based on was called Metropolis. Overall, I don't really see anything wrong with the name, as this is definitely the best and most noteworthy map I've seen with this name.

    I suppose an overview screenshot would have been good to provide in the final thread (we had one in the preview), maybe it would be a good idea to repost that screenshot here Mock?
  19. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    B-But...But I like the name Metropolis!

    Duck's right about the Halo 2 reference, I thought it would be a neat little nod to my source of inspiration in addition to just being purely literal. <handwave>

    The overview shot is a good idea, consider the OP updated.
  20. DominationQ

    DominationQ Forerunner

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    Well I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the name Metropolis, just that it's basically the go-to name for alot of large city-themed maps and has been beaten to death, that's all. *shrugs*
    And yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! My input on a thread actually affected it and got an overview shot inserted! Now that I already dled the map and looked around myself it isn't necessary for me anymore, but I still feel accomplished.
    Now the map is definitely a keeper, it really does convey a strong sense of Headlong and is set up really well for alot of gametypes (saw some infection and race stuff around, as well as all the BTB standards.) Though I did also notice a little framerate lag in Forge mode, so my question is how does it play splitscreen (the optimal lan-party-type-BTB-game?) It was only noticeable near the edges and even then that was forge mode, so I don't think there'll be any problems. Overall I can't wait to play this map with a group of friends in whatever gametype. Just have to sort through my growing list of "Metropolis" maps to find it is all.

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