Should you? No. If you quickly inform them it was a accident(during accidental situations) they should not boot you. Don't shot the wraith lol, Boost into something so they fly off. Point is if no one booted unless it was 100% obvious that it was on purpose then actual betrayals(accidental or otherwise) would increase drastically.
You don't play much BTB do you? Lol I don't even play that much, but it's enough to know that these people are often doing those things on purpose. Apologising=feeding the troll, I should have thought that obvious. And yes, there are ways to avoid shooting the turret when people are standing on it etc, but it takes time and effort that should be spent playing the game, and often you're getting attacked by enemies during this and can't do anything about it. Yes, there's no perfect answer to the issue, but dealing with the downsides of the current system isn't as simple as you're making out, so frustration is still justified.
A few days ago, I got in a scorpion in Boneyard, so I went down to my team's base, and some random teammate went on top of my cannon and would not get off... I ended up shooting a blast eventually, since there was an enemy Warthog coming by with a driver and turret user , but in doing so, the idiot teammate was betrayed and I got booted. WTF. The booting system can be SO unfair at times. I hope it will be just a little more fair with the Anniversary Engine Update.
BTB is my most played playlist by far.... 833 games of BTB and I've been booted I would guess about 10 times. If they are getting betrayed on purpose you don't apologize(standing on wraith), Like I said if it's an accident you do to avoid been booted.(when someone evades in front of you warthog) Most of the time jumping on wraiths happens at the first spawn when people are fighting over vehicles/weapons then it takes couple seconds to push them off then move away from them when no enemy's are around. Rarely people try to get betrayed randomly throughout the game just to get you booted. Not talking about general "Trolling" popping shields and damaging you vehicle etc that stuff happens in every game everywhere can't stop that, Specifically someone trying to get you to kill them so they can boot you is a pretty rare you just notice it more because its really annoying. This system works it's not perfect but it works better than having no betrayal boot option.(Obvious betrayers get booted, People who betray accidentally often get booted often, It lessens total betrayals in the game, If you accidentally betray once or twice every now and then you don't get booted) Frustration is justified, These people frustrate me more than anyone but the system does a lot of good with only a little bad with no better conceivable system.