Thread titles cannot be anything aside from the map's name, keep in mind for the future. I've already altered it for you. Now for the map. I gotta say, I'm very impressed. The map has a very sleek and clean look to it, along with a lovely vertical aspect, which I happen to have a fetish for. I do love the camo spawn as well; very open, but also easy to escape from if you manage to grab the camo. This map is on my list for future customs, I can tell you that much.
My bad about the title. When you do play the map, if you have any feedback, I would more than happy to hear it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thumbnail added
So, I was able to get a game on this today and it played just as well as I thought it would. You really nailed the vertical aspect of the map, not to mention some nice LOS and nice sprint jumps for the flank. There is really not a lot of bad things I can say about this map. The two things I noticed was bottom mid and power weapons. Bottom mid really went unused other than to get the evade, and the occasional escape. I honestly believe you should create a greater incentive to go down there. My other complaint also kinda ties into the first. I immediately noticed the lack of power weapons. Placing a power weapon on bottom mid could kill two birds with one stone. Create more of an incentive to travel bottom mid, and also add another element to game-play. I would maybe suggest a nade launcher. That could add an interesting touch. Anyways, this is a soild map and I would recommend posting this on the MLG website so it gets more recognition.
Thank you for having something constructive to say. In my updated version there is a grenade launcher bottom mid (consider those birds dead), There is a green/gold side now to prevent call out confusion, and the flag plat is bigger. Sadly I have posted it on MLG and it got barely any attention. They would rather see 100 midship and sanctuary remakes. FH is actually helpful. Add me on XBL: The Xzample I need more helpful people on my list.
This isn't bad, and you can take that as a huge compliment because I've been finding your posts in the competitive section really irritating and I wanted to hate this. It's really neatly forged and I like the design. Have you thought of making a non-MLG map? Because MLG stuff doesn't get much attention on these boards so far as I can tell.
I take that as a compliment, but that doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with the map. The Flag Plat was too small and awkward. The spawns were on Flag Plat 75% of the time, making spawning extremely predictable. Call Outs were confusing. All those issues stated above are fixed in the updated version. I will post it soon. I am currently forging something rather competitive right now. The aesthetics are great, the layout is cool, but the connection is taking me a while to figure it out. It is vertical, asymmetrical, and has 90 degree angles only.
Yeah I'm aware I didn't actually give you any useful feedback there. That can be a problem on forgehub just like every website/forum for creative people. People often won't say anything bad about your map because then... you might say mean stuff about theirs!!! I haven't played a game on the map yet, although since it's fairly compact and symmetrical I can imagine you did have some predictable spawn problems.
I wouldn't bash someone's map if they had a legitimate complaint of my map. I'd be happy to hear anyone's feedback, as long as it is logical. The spawns were pretty bad, but with constant tweaking and an anti spawn zone, it functions well. There are four main areas for each team: flag plat, under base, street, and bottom mid. If you do have any complaints in the future, I'll be happy to hear them.
I have actually heard bad things about my maps from you, however, I have nothing bad to say about this map. I've played slayer, koth, and ts on it and all have played very well. Bravo.
If I said something "bad" about your map, it was to try to help you improve it. Never will I say that a map is bad. I've seen your maps, and for someone who's just getting started, you have some creative ideas and a solid understanding of flow. I appreciate the kind words. I will update the map soon (spawn improvements, GL at bottom center, larger flag plat, easier callouts).
guess im not the only one who is done with what you have to say... ill be honest about your map though. doesnt look like much, but it seems like it would atleast play well. nothing special though. aesthetics are kinda weak, lol. sorry had to mention aesthetics since you love to mention it so much
You are only mad because I'm the only one who didn't say "map looks kooool!". It's not supposed to be flashy in any way, and yes it plays well. The aesthetics are nothing special at all. I wanted a clean, core geometry look to the map. But the layout is something special. I mentioned the waterfall, which looks terrible in any non-forgers eye. Do not post in this thread unless you have something constructive to say.