here is the direct link to the video since an error has occurred with embedding it. This map is inspired by the song chocolate rain. I happened to take the meaning to a literal sense where you are actually attacked by "chocolate rain," or in this case, "chocolate flavored zombies." as i like to call them. Those chocolate flavored zombies jump down from a perch to an extremely long fall, down to where the humans spawn and must avoid the cocoa induced death that is raining upon them. Humans have overshields and quite a bit of health to defend themselves against the horde while zombies have no shields and can be killed while falling. The confectionery cadavers spawn with rocket launchers and concussion rifles if i remember correctly and the helplessly trapped morsels spawn with pistols and plasma repeaters. Special thanks go to Broccolipie and the Testers Guild for giving me some helpful advice to make this map a little less shitty. I hope you enjoy it. Spoiler loadout camera: human spawn: zombie spawn:
I like the idea. I want to get a game on this maybe later in the week, but I would like to know one thing: I hate it when I'm the zombie and some ass camps with the pistol and headshots the zombie whenever he gets the chance. Are the zombies immune to headshots? Also, does everyone have infinite ammo?
To answer your concerns, this is NOT a conventional infection map and it is quite difficult for a human to kill a zombie due to the high speeds at which they are falling. Whether the human kills you or not is irrelevant, though, because the fall will eventually kill you anyway.
okay. I guessed that the falling damage factor probably would kill the zombie. I don't know why I didn't ask this earlier, but what happens if a zombie lands on top of a human and doesn't die? Is there a kill barrier just in case a zombie survives and lands on a human?
You sir, get some points for originallity. I would make a variation of this map, where teleporters spawn above humans, and zombies must shoot them as they fall continuously. Some stay dry and others feel the pain.
Yea that's exactly how this game worlk, except with the teleporters continuing without a way to die, the zombies fall way too fast. Instead i have 2/3 receiver nodes back into the pit/hole and one sends you to your death. If you haven't noticed in the picture of the zombie spawn there is a receiver node shown below the shield door.
Speak of the devil... I recently got bungie pro, so I will have a video up very soon, assuming I can get a party together to play it.
Wow I feel like a douche,as if I was copying your idea. I made a map where the zombies jump high and theres teleporters. Kind of like your idea, where the zombies fall. But in mine the humans run on a pathway, I'll just scrap mine. Nice map idea though,very original !
Well I apologize if I upstaged you and your map. I've actually have had this sitting in my fileshare for a few months now. Video and action shots are up for anyone who may have found this game somewhat confusing.