I'm getting tired of having to play games where bad players gain an edge because they're missing all their shots and pacing, while I'm hitting all my shots and they fail to register. I've been considering selling my Reach disc for some time now. It was a mistake for me to have bought that game after seeing how horrible the beta was. So what are some good options? I'd prefer it to be similar to Halo, but if it doesn't have a luck factor, that's enough.
I'm tired of going on forums full of arrogant people who are convinced nothing ever works in their favour, and decide to blame it all on luck factor. Luck factor is what keeps me playing, without all of the random bullshit that happens, I'm terrible.
And this is why there will never be a Halo as good as the first. Because Bungie listens to people like you, who want exploits and luck so that things work in their favor. I seriously hope 343 isn't dumb enough to listen to the casuals. The fact that they are working with MLG for the Title Update gives me hope. But whether or not there is a luck factor in Reach is not the point of this thread. The point of this thread is asking whether or not there is a game that is purely skill and possibly plays like Halo. I know there's Quake and Counter-Strike, but they don't play much like Halo and I'm getting pretty bored of those games. I'll probably play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, but it's definitely not going to be a long-term thing.
I'm sorry, I took offence at the topic, and misread some things. Regardless, if it was all about bullets going where they were meant to, things would be incredibly monotonous for people like me who can't aim worth **** and rely on spraying.
There is many FPSes without a luck element. It's called the single player. You can't ever not have luck while playing Multiplayer. 1st off, you may have a different internet connection. Or maybe they have a more powerful system. Or maybe you don't have fibre optics running to both of you. Or maybe you don't have x. Or maybe they actually have more skill than you. Unless this was an absolutely perfect world where it took absolutely no time to transfer data over to another, where everyone had the same skill, where everyone was exactly the same. Where everything was exactly the same, there will always be a small inconsistency that we would call luck. EDIT: You realize what is behind video games? probability and luck of the draw. Seriously, look at the coding of ANY game. If this turns into a flame thread, I'm locking it.
you know why counterstrike and other games don't play like halo, the game you want them to play like, right? It's because halo, has luck, counterstrike does not. You pretty much just said you don't want a game with luck in it, then said you don't like counterstrike because it DOESNT have luck. just saiyan.
What type of luck are you talking about 4 shot? Are you mostly referring to bloom, or as in a lucky grenade throw? Honestly I feel like luck is in all games, and there is really no way around it. But I do agree with you that some games, incorporate these elements a little more. As for a game that plays like Halo but does not have some of its problems, that is a hard one to answer. I could be overlooking something, but it seems like there are two different types of FPS. There are games like counter-strike, COD or BF that rely on more fast twich skill and tactics. What I mean by that is, there are not really long battles, it is who is the fastest and most accurate. Then there are FPS like halo that force you to have longer battles and be more consistent. Have you ever played Crysis 2? I would say that it is a good mix between halo and COD. Your other option could be BF3. BF games force you to be a team player, so skill is determined on how well you work together. Just something to think about.
Not a problem. Practice your aim or use an automatic weapon. And people like you who "can't aim" is the reason why there needs to be a skill-searching system. The system in Halo 3 wasn't great, but it was better than what Reach offers.
My thoughts exactly. I think people need to stop looking for excuses for why they are bad at a game. If you're not good, so what? It's a game, you're going to lose sometimes.
Minus the internet connection part, a game can get very close to being purely skill. The PC spec difference problem is the main reason why I play console games. Off-Topic: Does anyone know when the Title Update for Reach is coming out? I heard September, but I've also heard some rumors that it has been delayed.
Well, since I specifically said that the game I'm speaking of would not be Quake, that answer is a no. The reason for this is because 1. I've been bored of Quake for some time and 2. My computer can run it. Yes, I know. The second reason is sad. You have also misread something in my post. I said I was tired of Counter-Strike because I've played it too much in the past. I did not say anywhere that I disliked Counter-Strike nor did I previously state any specific reason for no longer playing it. Bloom is what led me to making this thread and the biggest problem I am having just above connection issues (my fault), but I can admit that there are luck factors that cannot be changed and I can deal with that. But Bloom is just too much, especially considering it should have been gone after how bad it turned out in the beta. I think Bungie was just being lazy with that, and the fact that they waited so long and failed to release or even announce any Title Update made me lose what little respect I had left for them after they created Halo 3. I'd have to say that Halo was only as good as it was because Microsoft had control over it. Until Bungie can independently make a good game, I will not believe otherwise. I would not consider playing Crysis 2 because of the elements of CoD in it and because of all the people who bought it only for graphics. Yes, Battlefield 3 is an option, but I'd have to wait 1 1/2 months for that. I guess I could go back to my old Xbox games, but that's becoming a bit of a chore. I don't have much of a choice, so that's what I'll do.
4shot, what you're talking about in the OP has nothing to do with luck, your talking about connection speed. Luck is when something happens in someone's favor because of a multitude of unforeseeable factors. You can't filter it out of ANYTHING, it is a fact of existence. It works for you, it works against you. It's in Halo CE and everything before and after. It affects everyone and so can't be an exploit because of it's very nature. And I don't see how you get any right to tear on casuals because they can get lucky sometimes and catch you with your back turned or something. I hate to flame (sorry Jay) but all I can tell is that you've created a thread to complain about a bad connection, say that luck was an exploit (what, do you expect everyone you meet on XBL to challenge you to a duel, take 10 steps, turn, and shoot?) and then say the guys making Halo should ignore the requests of a large section of their fan-base so the game can be more like you want it to be, despite the fact you have a whole game-type area set up for people who like what you do (2 if you include the classic area as well as MLG). In one post you've managed to fulfill every negative stereotype about MLG players, congratulations. EDIT: And I don't see what the problem with bloom is. It forces you to slow down and pace your shots, not just spam like crazy. I see how it adds a luck element to it but skill trumps luck the majority of the time.
You do things your way and I'll do things my way. Respect players for their playstyle instead of saying things like "You have no life." or "Stop taking video games so seriously." This community is only as bad as it is because of people who disagree which each other for their personal preferences, and get into ignorance-filled arguments because of it. I'm not even going to say anything more about this.
GRILLED. Richie has a point. And neglecting to listen to that glistening little gem of advice I had earlier will get you nowhere. Do you honestly believe, for a second, that anyone cares how upset Halo makes you when you play it? All because of the "luck factor." No. They don't. It's nothing to get worked up over or make threads over, especially when it's something you can't control. Rich said it, I'll say it, they designed a playlist for people like you. One that cancels any most false positives that you believe exist in casual playlists. It's called MLG. And hey, if that doesn't work, don't play. We won't miss you.
I'm talking about Bloom and poor shot registration, both of which are luck factors or are things that create luck factors. Well maybe some of these "unforeseeable factors" would not be here if Bloom were to be removed. That mechanic is the big thing ruining Reach, along with bad map design on Bungie's part. But you can decrease it to points of nearly not existing, and that's enough. Tear on casuals? You're in the wrong topic if you think this is a flame thread. Otherwise, you'd be the 3rd person who misread the contents of this topic. If your intention was to flame me, then you shouldn't have posted in this thread. That's not what it was intended for. This was just complete ignorance here. I'm not even going to mention anything in this paragraph other than the small part I have already replied to, because I have already given counter-arguments to everything that you've posted here. If you're not going to give a valid post, leave the thread. It's that simple. My last reply to Rich applies to you as well. I've already proven you wrong. Just read back in the thread. Otherwise, you may as well leave too. You're only turning this into a flame-war, whether you realize it or not.