So there i was playing multiflag on Wayont, which a surprisingly good map, and i went for a long range stick. I chucked the grenade as far as i could, and watched it stick my team mate as it landed. "Betrayal"... I just sat there for few seconds hoping i wouldnt get booted. All was good. So then I saw a red running to rockets. He got it, miss a rocket, i out dmr-ed him and then grabbed the remaing rocket. In the momentary rush i shot the rocket into the enemy base... and guess what? In the most perfect timing it colided with a team mate who was about to grab the flag. "Betrayal"... Crap, crap, crap, booted. Ah fun times.
You know what would have been worse? If you had sent the rocket into the base and were about to get a multikill, but just before it hit the original guy booted you.
Cool story bro but anyway, I hate people who boot other people who clearly did something on accident. I never boot anyone unless they literally were standing in the same place continually shooting me. Nor do I teamkill anyone on purpose.
I reckon. Infact the next match I played I was in the wraith and noticed the other wraith coming at me (bro). So I shot a mortar, clearly aiming at the wraith and instead watched as the mortar missed and hit my team mate who was trying to but rape the wraith with a warthog. Betrayal, booted... people need to kinda LOOK at wtf is happening before they mash the x button.
Most of the time it's easy to tell if you were betrayed on purpose, some people are just oblivious trolls.
Since I post this on every betrayal bitching thread... I shot a boarder off my friend's wraith with a banshee bomb and it killed the gunner, a random, from splash damage even though it hit the boarder directly allowing our wraith to survive. Needless to say I got booted. More recently I was playing boneyard and in the last ten seconds the core carrier was a few feet from the capture point. I fired an epic wraith shot from near the scorpion spawn that somehow landed on the capture point granting me an killtacular and one betrayal. Guess which one mattered more apparently.
Most of the time, But I prefer that people boot without question(most of the time) so people are afraid or deterred from betraying on purpose and are more careful not to betray by accident. It sucks that you get booted the rare times you actually betray someone but its a small price to pay to lessen to actual amount of betraying that happens, Which is good because betraying is bad whether you get booted or not or if it was on purpose or accident. (also keeps people who boot on purpose out of the game)
Just like people kinda need to look at wtf is happening before firing at a wraith when teammates are in the vicinity.
I've been booted maybe 5 times in total by randoms in about 3000 matches. Am I doing something right?
My thoughts exactly. I'm not saying that accidents never happen, but it's not that difficult to look around for team mates' waypoints and maybe be a little more careful about when you fire, especially if you're not that confident in your own aim. Is booting justified in cases like this? Probably not, though 'justified' is pretty subjective anyway. Regardless, it annoys me when players get high and mighty about something being an 'accident', when actually they show a complete disregard for team mates when throwing a torrent of damage in the direction of a battle. Not saying that's necessarily the case for your situation, cause frankly I didn't see it, but I think this a point worth making.
Around 5 months ago, I was in a Wraith in Hemmorrhage while there was 30 seconds remaining and suddenly, an enemy Revenant came and shot at me twice (from long range). I thought it would be safe to launch off a Wraith blast over to where the Revenant was, but then I hear: Betrayal, Betrayal,Betrayal, Double Kill......... "booted". I believe there was a Warthog with 3 guys in it, and by mistake I killed them along with the Revenant, and a random guy...
Again, and I don't mean to come off high and mighty here, but (especially if you took the time to think whether it would be safe or not) how did you not see the 3 friendly waypoints? They're visible even if there are vehicle/geometry obstructions, so this continues to confuse me. And believe me, I have this discussion a lot with my friend who has a tendency to betray when he gets in vehicles.
Though it doesn't say it in his post, he could have been playing invasion slayer. I think its kinda dumb how you only have a waypoint on your spawnmate, and then have those weak faded arrows over your other teammates. That could lead to accidental betrayals
Kinda sounds like you also need to look at WTF is happening before you mash the right trigger. [br][/br]Edited by merge: You use precision weapons more than 'splosives and you don't play a lot of big team with vehicles... so yeah, you probably won't get betrayals all that much. [br][/br]Edited by merge: To give him the benefit of the doubt somewhat, the wraith is by far the easiest vehicle to accidentally betray with. The mortar shots are painfully slow - you can fire where none of your teammates are and by the time it gets there, end up with a betrayal. I used to open games on Hemorrhage by firing a round at the plasma launcher spawn to kill or dissuade enemies from taking it, but I stopped doing that after getting betrayal booted twice by a teammate who hurtled out there in a mongoose and managed to get under a wraith shot that I thought was far ahead of him. I've also gotten betrayals a few times when firing a mid-range shot when a friendly mongoose or warthog came in from the side - they weren't even on my screen when I pulled the trigger, but got squarely under my shot by the time it hit. (Of course it still wouldn't have happened if they didn't insist on driving STRAIGHT AT enemy vehicles and infantry for whatever stupid reason, but that's a different discussion.) I can't stand up for random cross-map 'nades or firing a rocket into a base when there's a clearly visible friendly waypoint inside though. Accident or not, that's completely careless. And if you got three betrayals in two games, you might want to look at how often you're acting that carelessly.
I've got ~2000 rocket launcher kills and I've played about 350 BTB matches. Learn to aim (and think when you aim) and play with a full team.
I stand corrected. Maybe you're just awesome? Can't disagree on the first two points. The third one is overlooked by many and I was actually on the verge of mentioning it before, but I got tired of typing. Playing with people you know and using a mic will allow you to coordinate efforts (e.g. a good callout is "I'M BLASTING THEIR BASE, DON'T GO IN!") and also ensure that if you do betray, you won't get booted.
So you say I should be booted without question if a teammate evades in front of my warthog? What about when someone decides to jump into the blades of my falcon while I'm waiting for the core carrier to jump on? What about when a random teammate decides to sit in the gun of my wraith? Personally I never boot because I know that if the person is betraying maliciously he will betray someone other little brat who mashes x whenever he gets betrayed.
Both fair points. I hadn't thought of the first one at all, and I agree that not having team mate waypoints is really annoying, for other reasons such as not giving you the snap shot of map control for your team that waypoints give at a glance, as well as the point you make. As for the second, I kinda went on the basis of him not knowing they were there until he heard betrayal, and I assumed that if he'd been subject to something like your example he would have mentioned that horrible moment when you realise that the team mate in question is still obliviously heading towards the spot your mortar is going to hit. Though that is an assumption, and either way you make a valid point.