hello i am fill the owner and i am new so please tell me if any thing is going wrong so this is the linkhttp://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20594444&lc=1033 i do not have a game type but you can use one bomb/flag slayer but tell me if they do not work but you can edit it your self tricks i used:fmgc, interlocking space used half of foundry it has two sides and there both divided by a wall the attackers side is up high (one floor high) the defenders is low (ground floor) now you may think this gives the attackers a advantage but as i said there is a wall in the middle there is a stair way connecting both sides but thirty seconds into the game a mancannon and a gravlift spawn to take you the other side if all else fails btw the reason its called junkmound because theres alot of crates all over WAHOO pics defenders base defenders base 2 defender sniper tower attackers base attackers base 2 attackers sniper tower
Fill, your images are not showing up at this time. You have 24 hours to edit your post accordingly, otherwise it will be locked. Here's what ya do to get the pics up: 1. Go to your screenshots in your service record at B.net 2. Save the pics you want to use to your computer 3. Go to www.imageshack.us and upload those pictures from your computer to that site 4. Copy and paste the Forums Link into your post here. 5. Voila! Smeksy piczorz! I don't want to see any more comments about the lack of screenshots or anything like that after this. Those comments will be deleted, and you may be subject to an infraction. However if you have anything constructive to say about the map, please do. Thank you.
this map looks great! i really like the random objects everywhere not many people do that but it's a good look. the other parts look really cool also. the bases and everything look really good, great job!
Looks like a pretty impressive map altho interlocking would make some areas of the map cooler ( or would it be more cool? [lmao does it matter...?])
i like your suggestion but this place is a old unsc weapons manufacturing site it was abandon years ago so its supposed to look messy and thank you for the complements
i see what you mean but this isn't made for 8v8 it was for 4v4 or 6v6 and i tried to stop that by adding all that cover
i get what you are going at, but there are some pics where it looks like you would need to jump over stuff just to get through, that doesn't seem to enjoyable
ya there is a lot of junk but that should serve as cover not something to jump on top of and be killed
This map looks sloppy besides the inner part. The junk everywhere may fit the theme, but it looks like a mess.
I like the map aside from the name, the name made me think of junkyard maps. And junkyard maps aren't maps. Your junkmound map is not a junkmound.
that truck holding the rocket launcher on the back is pretty cool, i would check it out, but im at the dl limit, so when i get a chance, ill give it a shot
this map looks really great, it actually looks like a junkyard in the pics, the movable objects would make gameplay awesome because everything will be flying around. maybe you'll get a couple splatters too, haha. anyway overall i'll give it a 4/5 because you forging could be a little neater and more straight.
I like the interlocking but may I suggest that you take the pictures in custom games so the spawns don't show up
Nice! I think the map looks pretty good. I like how you turned a relativly flat map into a multi-layered one. I've tried making maps similiar to this one but none of them have turned out like yours!