Legacy Unofficial By Available Moth and Blaze Description: An enclosed asymmetrical map built for 2v2 gameplay. We need testers. If you are interested, give us your tag and we will let you know when we are testing. Also other name suggestions are welcome.
Ah yes, I remember running around on this with you and Flamingo the other day. The map looks great overall and I'd be more than happy to help with the testing. Just invite me whenever I'm needed. Also, you could always submit to the Tester's Guild for feedback as well.
I'll keep that in mind. thank you chron. We will post it in the testers guild too but we would like to have a solid map that we are personally satisfied with before we do that.
I ran around this for awhile last week, and while I liked it I felt like the map started very original and interesting at he rock wall and spread out to be just a fairly clean forge map I feel like you need to embed your idea into the map, because right now you have only managed to make one area spectacular, with he rest being nice but rather normal looking. The theme doesn't reach the edges of the map. I though the same as Nibbles on the grid, it just feels strange. The covenant covers are not fitting, definitely remove them. I did like all of the tactical jumps around the map, they seemed like they would make movement around the map more lively and dangerous. I believe you moved the grenade launcher, which was difficult to see and pick up when it was on top of the block. Overall this is an interesting design that feels like it becomes an average forge map as you move further away. I can't say I m overly excited about this while all of the originality is focussed in one (admittedly sweet) rock wall.
^this. Interested to see more, and on another note: Moth you have gotten so many co-forges! And they are all great! Its really astonishing to me as I have no skill when it comes to coforging. tried it- doesnt work for me.
Blaze, you end up making some of the most interesting maps. I think the covey cover pieces look great that way. The grid skylight is new too, I haven't seen that before. The rocky wall is really unique. Those brace tunnel pieces have a cool design on the end there that I have never really noticed before. I look forward to this being released, great stuff man!
I think the covy barriers look look fine from that pic alone, but I agree about the grid. Diagonal or not, I would scrap it.
Needs new names, sounds awfly cocky lol Also needs large alien health pac instead of t he **** thats ther right now Just sayin
Man Blaze so many people hating on the grid lol. Well, I guess we can try and rectify that problem. Thank you Erupt, we wanted that to be the center piece. Yet the reason the rock wall looks so awesome is because of blazes' two tier ceiling with a curve. Making the ceiling in that way really accents the rock wall. Maybe I can shed some light on our collective thinking. The rock wall would be the main aesthetic feature, or the focal point of the map. I guess its purpose is to add a unique element to the map visual, and really accent the maps grandeur. To extend this theme would kinda break that idea. Does that makes since? Also, I would agree that aesthetically speaking the rest of the map is just clean. Yet I think gameplay makes up for that. There are so many different, and interesting ways to apprach different situations that it really forces a player to think. I would say that is the feature that makes this map stand out. Granted, you have to think how to use the geometry to your advantaged, and not all are blatantly obvious. Thank you for the critism shoe. I look fwd to playing this with you. You know what, I have noticed that too. Honestly, I only forge with people that are similar to me. And normally what happens is I start a map, someone joins(blaze) asks if he can start playing around, and then befor you know it we are off and forging. Thank you for all your posts everyone. Please keep the critism's coming!
To add to what Moth said... The grid, most likely will be removed. It's only for aesthetic appeal anyway so we have no problem with that. For the covey barriers, they make the purple stand out and become a little more uniform in the map and somewhat keep the theme as the map for of feels as a covey styled map with crate and such sitting around, tele-porters, etc. Shut up Rogue. ;P <3 To everyone else, thank you for your replies. anyone want to help test maybe later today?
I've noticed you are submitting a couple previews for new maps you are building. Have you ever thought of making these maps into an entire map pack?
I'd highly recommend a new name for undisclosed reasons, but aside from that, this is very interesting. Send me an invite whenever you're testing, or I'll send you a friend request when I get the opportunity.
I'd also recommend a new name... because I have a map in the works called legacy too, haha. I also forgot to mention that I'm interested in testing if you need people (gt: CyborgAnthro).
You have peaked my interest sir, could you send me a PM about this undisclosed reason? Well Cyborg I guess it will be a race to the finish then? We shall see who wins
While its the best rendition of the brace-and-rock combination I have ever seen, its not the first. The problem with working on a map for almost an entire year is seeing all of your awesome aesthetics get taken and then getting bitter about everybody elses; IE your map goes from sexy and decent playing to the best playing but retarded looking lol. Its tough to keep up with the best aesthetic style (the newest, in other words.) I just wish people would stop using rocks and grass so much... Anyway, the only reason I commented on this thread is to say that my first tourney map, the one that has been worked on literally since the third day of Reach, is named Legacy II. I thought you would appreciate the humor! Oh, and that is Kuda's undisclosed reason.