"Long has this mighty structure stood, guarding the entrance to this canyon. However, its biggest threat has yet to arrive..." Citadel is a large, multi-floored, symmetrical interior/exterior map located on the beach end of the Hemorrhage canyon. At the moment it is only compatible with Slayer gametypes, since, according to testing, that is what I believe the map is most suited for, but I will update the map if I get enough interest for more. I drew inspiration from a number of maps, including Sword Base, Erasure (by BlazeIsGod), Epitaph, the Halo 3 Citadel and even New Mombasa. The map is entirely symmetrical. Please check out the photos and video below in order to get a better view of it. Halo: Reach Forge World- Citadel - YouTube Citadel And just in case you forgot... DOWNLOAD!!! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hey guys, as I said in the description, this map is, at the moment, ONLY compatible with Slayer gametypes. If you'd like this map to be updated to be compatible with more gametypes, please don't hesitate to reply to this thread or send me a message and I'd be delighted to do so. ENJOY!! [br][/br]Edited by merge: If you have any other requests concerning this map, then PLEASE message me about it.
This map looks interesting... I like the layout a lot! However, there's one thing I notice that may make this map irritating to play on, 1:26 on the video there are no kill zones... This could be camper’s paradise! I'll play a few games later on your map to give more feedback... From what I see so far good job and keep forgeing! Please check out my map Cannovator and give me your thoughts... Thanks
Thanks man. That's true actually, I should probably go and fix that! Oh yeah some feedback would be very much appreciated, thanks. [br][/br]Edited by merge: PLEASE READ: as II SH0 Time II kindly pointed out, there are discrepancies with the kill zones that I've put in place, so I'm going to rectify that and then post the updated map back up, so if you try to download the map and the link doesn't work, please wait a minute and then try again. Thank you. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ok the first version of the map is now DOWN and NOT AVAILABLE. Please bear with me a moment whilst I get the new one set up. [br][/br]Edited by merge: The new version is now up and running. Enjoy and, if you don't mind, PLEASE give me some feedback if you decide to test this, I'd HUGELY appreciate it. Please also tell other people about this map if you like it and think it's good. Thanks. [br][/br]Edited by merge: If you guys are having second thoughts about giving this map a download due to the kill boundary issue, DON'T. It's been fixed and the updated map is now up. [br][/br]Edited by merge: If anyone who gives this map a dl discovers any more issues, please let me know so I can fix them. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Guys PLEASE leave some comments, I'd really appreciate some feedback.
Well, this is a small step in the right direction. First of all, I say small, because you're not going to take one huge step into becoming a great forger over night. Second, I can see you put a lot of effort and thought into your map layout/ design. It is assymetrical, right? Third, I can see that you didn't just throw a ton of pre-forged buildings togther. You actually used a wide variety of forge pieces that weren't just pre-forged buildings and that shows me you are trying to not be lazy. Fourth, I like the style of the map. I'm a big fan of maps that have that urban feel to it and you did a great job at that. For constructive criticism, one thing would be nice to see is alittle of natural environment added to the map. It would give the map a little more personality and would add a nice touch of creativity. Also, fix any Z-fighting on the map. I would love to download this and give my feedback on gameplay, but my xbox is broken. Anyways, keep up the good work.
Its unusal for me to say, but this has far too many pictures, took me an age to get to the bottom, I would suggest a spoiler . The map looks extreamly intricate and I like the use of cover and the ways around. You state in The post you have used aspects of other maps from the halo series that are noticable and look well in parts. The name is confusing as citadel is a halo map...and this isn't citadel in that scence, although there is an essence of it. Looks interesting, and as 8ball said a lot of effort has gone in. Will check it out closer shortly!
Yes I realise now the enormous amount of pictues is a nuisance, for me it just took about five minutes to load. Thank you very much for the kind words, and please, if you do take that closer look at it, could you give me some feedback and constructive criticism etc? Thanks again. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks very much man, I appreciate you giving me some feedback. Thank God, at least I know I'm now properly going in the right direction. I've played several games on this and the guys I've played with have all said that they liked the amount of cover, the lines of sight and just the whole design of it. They liked the gameplay in general, but then again they mightn't know much about forging. Anyway, thanks again. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Nope, apart from the weapons layout, it's an entirely symmetrical map. When I was planning it out I just thought it would look a lot neater if I made all opposite-facing sides identical. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ok thanks, I'll bear that in mind in future. It's the only time I've done it, to be honest with my other threads it's almost the complete opposite. I'm a man of extremes lol, .
This map has potential! However, there are some things I would fix. I found out being on your feet could be a pain as the floor is uneven. You have things above the floor that should be level with the floor. Example picture 3 from the top. On one of the outside walkway platforms there is a big gap that I found disturbing as I got stuck for a moment. Also you have these two rooms opposite to each other that are shotty camp areas?? I think taking these small rooms out would be a good move as I think they are unnecessary and plus they only have one entrance and are enclosed. Example picture 4 from the bottom. Really other than the few things mentioned the map looks great and the size is good too. Fix these problems and you should be good to go. Learn by your mistakes and keep forging!
PLEASE READ: I have updated this map so now there is a bridge section on the ground floor level of the central interior structure. I have rectified other issues such as some Z-Fighting and some gaps in blocks. [br][/br]Edited by merge: The updated version of the map will be up shortly. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hey man thank you very much for your feedback, I greatly appreciate it! With regard to your comment on the two opposite rooms those are entirely deliberate, but completely accidental at the same time. I had in mind some for those areas to be a kind of Zombies last man standing area, but didn't intend for them specifically to be those rooms. Also there is actually quite a distance to travel from the entrance to that corridor to where the ideal camping place in there is, therefore the 'camping factor' there is negligible, although I can see where you are coming from. Thanks again for the kind words!