
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ShKai, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

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    ***First and Foremost this is not a Remake!!!!***


    Heretic is based of the Halo 2 level Oracle, at the end where you have to fight and kill the Heretic leader hence the name Heretic. I tweaked the level layout to allow for better flow, sightlines and appearence. I feel though the map itself feels dark that it holds to the level's nature.

    Heretic is symmetrical down the middle leaving a high side on the left or right of a team base respectively and vice versa for a lowside. The middle is open yet small enough to cross without becoming sniper bait while the top features a lot more cover for closer combat along with the lower rooms as well. Overall there is alot here to offer for every player, how well you utilize it is up to you.

    1x Sniper Rifle (120s respawn, 8 rounds)
    1x Rocket Launcher (180s respawn, 4 rounds)
    1x Plasma Sword (120s respawn)
    1x Shotgun(120s respawn, 18 rounds)
    4x DMR
    4x Needle Rifle
    2x Needler
    2x Plasma Pistol
    2x Spiker
    2x Plasma Repeater

    A look at the Highside from Middle

    An overview of the Middle

    A look at Lowside from the Middle

    A look from Lowside to Highside

    Red Base Objective Area

    Blue Base Objective Area

    Red Base towards Lowside

    Highside from Red Base side

    Bottom Room 1 Blue side

    Bottom Room 2 Blue side

    Bottom Main Chaimber, Under Highside

    Bottom Room 3 Red side

    Bottom Room 4 Red side

    Action Shots:


    Gladiators (Taken on Custom Gametype: Gladiators)

    Heresy (Thought the rocket explosion made this perfect)
  2. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    Interesting remake choice. It actually reminds me a bit of the Mausoleum of the Arbiter as well, but that's probably because the architecture was similar. Did you try to put a ship in the middle? (I think I know which area you made here, the hanger, right?)
  3. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    #3 ShKai, Sep 5, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2011
  4. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Make sure you say thank you for the comment Shkai, it is nice people give the chance to give an opinion just saying. The map felt pretty good in how it was meant to be, long range action. The middle was a death trap which rather forced me to stay in the walkway zones and take DMR shots across the map. It felt very open, which a lot of maps lack since many stick with 2v2 and that is getting really old. Snipers would be great fun but I personally thought objective games would not be. I like the use of the windows on the top, it was just one of those things I like to see used like that. All in all, this was a good map and I hope to see improvements very soon. Keep it going dude.
  5. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks Sugar & Cyborg. Also I find certain objectives feel better here than others. King makes the teams move around alot as well as territories and its 3 plots variants. Though I find general flag & assault here fun as well.
  6. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    This map was fun, I look forward to seeing what you produce in the future. Maybe something without building blocks? haha anyways SOLID remake grats on a great map
  7. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

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    Actually Tom I've pondered your view on building blocks and im gonna try to keep that in mind on my next project.
  8. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    One thing, when I was sitting in my math class, when we played on this map, it seemed like the access form the bottom to top was limited. Ya know, team gladiators has no long range, thats why when we played KOTH i got a rampage because the middle only has like 5 access points to the top. I would maybe put stairways towards the back wall by the spawns, or on both sides of sniper spawn.

    Edited by merge:

    I will also say, if rocket launcher was on a little platform or somthing is would make it more noticible because I also seemed to be over there adn get owned from a rocket. (didnt know they were there)
    #8 MCGreen24, Sep 6, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2011
  9. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

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    @MCGreen first off thanks for the feedback and second as the level design was based off the Halo 2 level Oracle, I didn't want to change to much from the original design. Originally in the level there is only the back two stairs, I actually added the highside staircases and snuck in the grav lifts as a risk/reward options to reach the top. I couldve added tac jumps to some of the lower pillars but the piece merging was playing havoc with splitscreen lag.
  10. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Oh I understand. I didnt know this was somwhat of a remake. I see then, nice job with that, and hope people really like this map. Once again, KOTH was very fun and so was gladiators. Speaking of gladiators, it would be cool, and im sure people would like it, if you created a link to that gametype.

    Edited by merge:

    Haha, just realised im featured in a picture yay! Thankls for puting that in there.
    #10 MCGreen24, Sep 9, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2011
  11. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

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    @MCGreen thanks man and yeah I might just have to throw Gladiators up its awesome for this map. Also I had a bunch of pics lying around from RvB, sadly I just don't have the time to be active in Halo anymore for the group. As we speak its 5:30am my time and I'm about to leave for work. But keep watching I put up links to my upcoming maps because theyre still in the beta stage and if I ever get time I'll put up the finished products.

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