Hey, I currently use Windows Movie Maker for all my vieos that I create (allot of videos). I was looking around for something new because it crashes all the time and doesn't have that many features. I found Sony Vegas Movie Studio 8 Platinum Edition on Amazon.co.uk for only £25! (Thats $50 to you Americains). It seened to have good reviews, I was wondering if any of you use Sony Vegas and would you recomend it? Thanks
I think you have posted this in the wrong place sir. Try Off Topic or General chat, this section is for youtube videos. But since we're on the subject, im curious about vegas too, i make my vids on Pinnacle studio, its an ok program, its just missing little things that i might like.
I use after effects, and sony vegas, its deffintly worth it. But yea if you want to get it then go right on ahead, its a great program. Edit by dragoncoals: No more talking about illegal activity, this is your warning.
Vegas' capabilities are far beyond the simple features of Movie Maker KwirkyJ. and I used Vegas to the trailer for our Machinima. You can see it on youtube. It's called Dreamweaver Trailer (yes, I know dreamweaver is also movie software, lol.)
I dunno, I guess maybe. But I wouldn't do that, you could pick up too many fake programs in the progress or viruses. Its only good for songs.
Like a-groeper (titaneve) said, Vegas is a million times better than WMM. It takes just a little getting used to, but the results are superb. You can also put in effects to both the audio and video (to an extent, this isn't after effects, you know), which will come in handy, trust me. As for you illegal kinds, don't try. There's an insane procedure for registration even before you can open the software. It might be usable if you computer is disconnected from the internet once it's downloaded, but it's not worth it. It's 80-90 bucks; if you're dead set on using it, it's a small price to pay compared to some other stuff out there.
I'm really wanting to get it, but I thought it was like $800...not $50. Right now, for those who haven't wondered why we haven't released any machinima yet (other than the fact we're not opening until late May), I'm use Pinnacle (sucking) Studio. It sucks.
The Sony Vegas Pro is $800 but the one thats cheap is Sony Vegas Movie Studio. I dunno why, they look the same, Movie Studio comes without some features I think
Can I ask, can you install this on more than one computer? Cos I live at two houses and use two PCs. Only being able to use it at one house would be annoying.