Vapor 1.0

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DjShiftD, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    Vapor 2.0

    VAPOR 2.0

    Check out Shifted Creations Forging Community on the link below.
    (To the Mods; this is a link to a blog. I spoke to your mods about this link and it is "perfectly fine". So stop disabling it)

    -Walkthrough video just added!

    Version 2.0 is now available for download. Alot of the feedback was useless comments, but I got alot of helpful feedback to make this map better. There were alot of balancing issues, glitches and whatnot since I left the 1st version up for anyone to help with comments. Thanks to everyone who helped testing this map. There are 420 current downloads for 1.0, so lets see how many 2.0 will get! (BTW; HAhaHAh!!! before I removed 1.0, 420 is a funny number to have! Puff Puff to my green heads out there!)

    2.0 Changes:
    -Added Man Cannon to top of tree tower.
    -Removed waterfall (not by choice).
    -Fixed Grenade Launcher hallway.
    -Made Red Spawn larger.
    -Fixed glitches in terrain.
    -Fixed areas where you can get out of map.
    -Made ladders WAAAAY easier to climb.
    -Added more asthetics to walls.
    -Added more spawn points.
    -Changed Shotgun spawn from 120 seconds to 180 seconds.
    -Many more.


    The theme of this map is a water vaporizer. I started with the main room with the water fall and built around that idea. The map has multiple levels for battle and the main room feature a high point of vantage. This is a smaller to medium size map, so 2v2 is fun, but would not recommend anything over 5v5. Blue Team is closer to Rocket Spawn, but Red Team is also closer to Grenade Launcher and Shotgun. In the end, kill potential is about balanced.


    The layout is basically a triangle. Theres the large Vapor room with a pool at the bottom. The Red Spawn is the Window Room and maintanence area. There is a small tunnel connecting Red and Blue spawns and a larger multi-layed hallway leading to the pool and Vapor Room.


    -Unique map layout.
    -Many angles.
    -Multiple rooms.
    -Multiple elevations.
    -Two working ladders.
    -Window to Weather Machine.
    -Indoor nature elements.
    -Use of natural templete.

    -Plasma Pistol x1
    -DMR x3
    -Needler Rifle x2
    -Assault Rifle x1
    -Spiker x1
    -Needler x1
    -Magnum x1
    -Grenade Launcher x1 (120 seconds respawn)
    -Rocket Launcher x1 (180 seconds respawn w/ 1 extra clip)
    -Shotgun x1 (180 seconds respawn)
    -Frag Grenades x2
    -Plasma Grenades x2




    -Pool. Working ladder. (now easier to climb)


    -Tree Tower. (now with two ways up)


    -Pool. Rocket Spawn is in the water to left.



    -Blue Spawn


    -Hallway to Red Spawn


    -Tree Tower


    -Man Cannon to top of Tree Tower


    -Grenade Launcher Hall. (now not so cramped)


    -Grenade Launcher Spawn


    -Red Spawn Room. (now larger)


    -Grenades and DMR spawn on the work bench.


    -Red Spawn



    -Working Ladder. Shotgun Spawn in tunnel nook.



    -Hallway to Blue Spawn

    #1 DjShiftD, Aug 30, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2011
  2. Khozi

    Khozi Forerunner

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    oh my gawd this map looks so clean. i love your waterfountain and the layout. the trees fit in perfectly! the way you connected the built in lift with the tunnel fits perfectly. everything perfect. yes, thats the word that fits this description.
  3. alexanderjac

    alexanderjac Forerunner

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    I feel sorry for the people who didn't download the noble map pack... They're missing out on great maps like this! +1 download!
  4. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    your right this map is really cool! the map itself is very clean and cool. you sir got yourself a download.
  5. Yerginator1

    Yerginator1 Forerunner

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    Map looks very good. How did you make the ladders?
  6. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I love this map even though i hate tempest it all flows so nice +1 another DL =D. Kudos
  7. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    i made the ladders with capture plates, flag stands and 2 one way shields. it is an expensive way to build a lift since it cost twice as much as a grav lift, but looks more clean and doesnt lift u as high. only problem is, some people have a hard time hitting the lift just right. just walk straight up and it should take u up high enough.

    i really dont think im going to ever make another tempest map, but felt like i needed to give it a try since i spent 1200mp on it...

    surprisingly, i was really drunk when i made this map at about 4am... i just wanted to forge and built the whole layout in one drunk night. the next day when i was hung over, i spent that day cleaning out and adding details to the map.

    once again, i havent done much testing one the map, so please give me any feedback you guys have, like; are the power weapons balanced? should i re add the teleport from red spawn to tree lift?

    thanks for all the comments! Lucidity 2.0 will be out in the next 2 days and i have another map called Spine that will come out soon. Spine is a map center around a bridge connecting one side to another. there is a grass field with lots of rock cover in the middle and underneath the bridge and can support btb.
  8. kingofaces

    kingofaces Forerunner

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    wow this looks an actual map by bungie o_o and now i have a reason to download this map pack , becouse before i found it pointless
  9. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    If you would like a rating for this map, take it to the review hub and we will get to it eventually. As for an immediate comment, i have somewhat of an issue from an aesthetic standpoint with the water... it just looks like a blue line to me and not what it is meant to be. Maybe for that try something to make it a little less bright somehow or maybe use natural pieces to make it look like streams of water.
  10. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I can't give too much feedback because this is a very unique layout and I would have to have a walkthrough of it to understand the layout, flow, and balance of the map. My Xbox is not available right now, so you will have to wait.

    From the pictures, the waterfall looks poor. From a forger's perspective, it looks good...but you should try to make your map feel like a realistic location. The bright, flat, blue water falls into the transparent, clear, wavy water which makes it look even more out of place. A good map does not need gimmicks to catch people's attention. The quality of the gameplay should catch people's attention.

    I give you kudos for making a vertical, room based map with custom angles. It's pretty obvious you just threw objects together and connected them...but, especially considering you were drunk, this is a good start to an original map.

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    My god, when a good map is done on Tempest, it always looks good. great use of parts and trees, I'll have to go download it. (I'd advise putting some gravlifts at the bottom of those waterfalls to make them look more fluid, if those are waterfalls.)
  12. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    the waterfall actually looks good when you play, but dont worry, im working on a 2.0 version called Dry Vapor 2.0 that doesnt have them. im gonna use the budget to add more detail to the map. its a tough choice because about 80% of people who played this map loved the waterfall, but just like my Lucid map, im gonna sacrifice an idea for the overall flow of the map.

    thanks for the feedback and even though i was drunk, i wasnt just slapping parts together randomly. i created the main room drunk and the basic layout of the map.

    the only thing i really dont like on this map is the grenade launcher hallwall. theres a natural kill zone thats really annoying and i hate to make a way to keep people out of there. im gonna try to see how i can fix this hallway.

    like i said, im going on your guys feedback for this map and its helping alot. 2.0 should be alot better. you gotta admit, the waterfall caught ur eye on the thumbnail. i got more views in 24 hours than i usually do in a week.
    #12 DjShiftD, Aug 31, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2011
  13. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Both functionally and aesthetically, I've never seen a map as well integrated into a map's native geometry as this; you didn't just use a few patches of grass, or a few trees, or some water and sand, but seamlessly incorporated an original, playable structure into something new. I find that really impressive. As a little point, though, I think replacing the glass cover in pictures four and five with something more solid might be good; a block or other non-transparent piece would reinforce its purpose as raised geometry (if that was its purpose) and encourage players to use it. Otherwise, the clear glass seems kind of awkward on ground level.


    P.S. @Post above: the waterfall is an eye-catcher. I like it.
    #13 Moxus, Aug 31, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2011
  14. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    This is what I call aesthetics at its best, nice use of forge pieces,
    expect a download from me, I will be back with feedback. Peace out
  15. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I wish I had Tempest:( This map looks great. The aesthetics are very nice and you did a great job giving attention to detail.
  16. EleanorRoos

    EleanorRoos Forerunner

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    Had some time to play around in the map and I have a few comments.

    First, I didn't even realize you could forge on Tempest (I'm such a newb), and I'm super jealous you were able to build on this location before I could.

    Man there were some really, really nice looking areas in this map. I agree with the others that the blue shield waterfall doesn't in the slightest looks like water, but that aspect was very much over-shadowed by the other aesthetic feats you achieved. I loved the trees and of course the area you forged in is an amazing part of Tempest that looks awesome inside your map.

    Buuut I can't really gush about the beauty and flow of the rest of the map. As mentioned in a previous post it seems like a lot of the map was very hastily put together. I know you were fighting the terrain, but the map felt very dull and unnatural. A majority of the pieces used were just coliseum walls and 2x4 blocks which made the map feel very forgey.

    I'm sure I'm going to be in the minority in this opinion, but I really don't like the capture-plate ladder. It's obviously not a real ladder and just looks so hacky (not to mention it was kind of a pain to climb). However, you might want to get a second opinion as most people seem to really be impressed by it.

    Game play wise, I know you can do way better. Like I mentioned before, the map seemed very hastily put together and I feel like you just started building with only a vague idea with the direction of the map. I'm not going to get into the specifics of the game play issues, except for the most major one: The high platform that you need a lift to get up to is extremely bad for game play. The only entrance to the area is the lift, and from below you can't see the players standing atop it. The only thing a team has to do is get the rockets (which spawn directly below!) and wait for people to come up the lift. The only alternative to the lift is using jet-pack, but our designs shouldn't ever force a player to use a certain armor ability.

    That platform would still be an issue without rockets. Most, if not all, power weapons would be extremely overpowered in a high platform with only one entrance. The only option for balance I see (besides a redesign) is to have the power weapons spawn far away from that area. I still don't think that would make for a very fun experience, though.

    I do like the multi-level area but I just believe your idea could evolve into something so much better with some serious time invested into the development. This map really has possibilities, but I can't say I that I enjoyed playing this version of the map.
  17. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    haha, i accept all critism on this map. like i said, i made this map when i was drunk and thought, "HEY! I NEVER DID A TEMPEST MAP!!!!!!!" so i made this. I posted this map with little testing because i wanted you guys to give your openion to the new version, just like what i did to Lucidity 2.0 (which will be posted soon). people who test my maps tend to be bias for my maps and dont have anything negitive to say...

    the hardest thing about making this map is working around the massive amount of trees (which i incorperated more in "Vaporized 2.0) and the annoying natural kill zones placed in the map. i HATE the grenade launcher hall because the kill zone there would pop up all the time, so i had to block it. The good news is i expanded the red spawn/shotgun room/grenade laucher hall to make it even larger.

    Even though 90% of the people that played this map love the waterfall, im only deleting it to improve the all around flow of the map.

    okay... i wont lie... im drunk again and gonna work on this map right now... think it fits the theme... maybe i should call this map "Inebriated" haha
  18. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This has to be my favorite map on reach now. The waterfall thing is nice, and in between the existing geometry the added rooms look amazing! I am looking forward to more of your maps like this one.

    @xzamplez What is going to make people download your map aesthetics or gameplay?
    It's slightly hard to know how a map is going to play from the pictures. Sure gameplay comes first, but aesthetics are a necessity to getting your map to catch peoples eyes.
    I could whip up a map that plays well in minutes, but it's probably not going to catch someones eye. Therefore no download. As for those who don't think the waterfall is ultra realistic, since when could any of you whip out realistic water from your ass?
  19. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yes aesthetics are important, but not when they do nothing for the theme of the map. The best aesthetics are one that give your map a real look. A laser waterfall does not do this. Aesthetics are easy to win over casual forgers, but experienced forgers know that the layout is #1.

    If you think you could create a map that plays well in minutes, then you and I have different opinions of what plays well. A good map takes dedication and time and planning, not going into forge and randomly connecting objects.
  20. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    the waterfall doesnt fit the theme? WHAT!? the theme is a vaporizer... where does the water come from. besides, if you play the map, it looks like the water if flowing from the platform at the top. this map was not made by slapping parts together in minutes. this map took about 4 hours of being drunk and 12 hours of being sober.

    for me all my maps are gameplay first, maybe if you checked out my other maps, you would know that... oh wait, you havent played it, because they dont catch attention! i place 4 shield doors and one thinks this map is asthetics first? i do marketing... if you want to sell an item, you gotta catch the attention of the people.

    theres alot of gameplay elements i have changed to balance the gameplay more. like the waterfall or not, i got 500 views in 24 hours and this is by far the most active thread i have. this is definately not my most balance and fluid map, but its just an experiment. never did a tempest map before so i was just tring stuff out.

    bash all you want, but i can make maps that can create buzz by not trying and being drunk :)
    #20 DjShiftD, Sep 3, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2011

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