^It's fake, dude. It's a model or whatever, chill. If you still have warranty, send it off. I've also heard that Microsoft used to replace them if they got red ring, even outside warranty. I don't really know. You can get that repaired pretty cheap nowadays anyway.
If you're lucky Microsoft may even replace your console with a Slim model. That's if they couldn't be bothered replacing the faulty component. I know they send you a replacement Slim for some reason, I may be thinking of something else, though. Oh yeh, its with the new disc update. If you have an older 360, it won't be compatible with the update that unlocks the extra space on newer game discs. How old is your console? Because you may be lucky enough to get a new one. Chances are you'll lose your data, though. :\
trolololol - YouTube TROLOLOLOL... I am a demon.. > For the Xbox 360 and the PS3s nowadays, to temporarily fix it you need thermal paste, a heat gun, and you are man enough to take apart your xbox. You have to cover the CPU and the GPU in thermal paste then hit it with the heat. It may be reversed though.
Okay so it seems to work sometimes. I let it sit a while and tried again and it came on up. Then later is Red ringed again. It's in the throws of death apparently. That would be sweet if it was replaced by M$, it is a launch Xbox so it's pretty old. How would I know for sure if it's eligible for the swap?
Im pretty sure if it's a launch console, or a 20GB console, then you're likely to be eligible. When you send it in to be fixed they'll likely contact you and tell you if its going to be replaced. Or they may even ask in the initial phone call. I'd look it up on the net, you may be able to find information on what criteria needs to be filled.
I'm pretty sure it's eligible if it's an arcade, a 20gb or a 60gb console. I'm not sure if they'll do it with Elites, but that's not something you need to worry about obviously, considering yours isn't an Elite...
3 year extended protection on RROD. So as long as your xbox was MADE less than three years ago. However, they rarely check and just send you a new console.
If you were still in warranty, I'd expect so. If you were out of warranty, then that means Microsoft will take anything as long as it was made in the last 3 years.
I know that I had a one of the 1st generations and it red ringed two years ago. Luckily the RROD warranty had not expired yet, so I was able to get it fixed for free. The downside is that it is not a permanent fix. The reason i say that is because it red ringed again a few months back. I personally said screw it and just went out and bought a slim. So, good luck and hopefully they will replace it for you.
I original Xbox screwed up three times. Once was RROD, the other time was a disc tray error; it wouldn't open all the time, and when it did, it didn't read discs. The last time was something to do with the AV connection in the back (and possibly something to do with over-playing Trials HD), so I just bit the bullet and bought an Elite model. Haven't had any gripes with it so far, so don't see any reason to get it replaced any time soon.
Truth. I've been through 5 xboxes. 3 RRoDs, 1 Disc Read Error, 1 Overheating bonanza. Elite has been playing swimmingly since I got it in June. Super quiet too.