Why Do You Forge?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by torched frog, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    When I Forge, I create a small space. A place for people to explore. And as I Forge, I see nuances emerge in my work. I begin to imagine. Structures began to take on meaning, function, identity, purpose. Improvised arrangements of geometric pieces become power generators, smokestacks, turbines.

    My mind seizes these details, and adds more of them, and more of them. An architectural style begins to take form. Facts and ideas and pieces of lore come into being, and are pieced together and expressed in this map that I craft. And suddenly, this small space becomes representative of an entire world. In creating this small space, I implicitly create an entire world around it.

    When all goes well -- when all of this happens just so -- it becomes evident to anyone who explores my creation. I can bring them into this map, and walk with them, and looking upon these structures we can see echoes of this place's backstory, of what made this place the place that it is -- echoes of those who came here before us. I become a historian giving a guided tour through a ruin. And in learning of this small ruin, those that I guide see traces of a new world, an undiscovered realm of endless possibility.

    I am a man of science, not religion. But there is no better metaphor to describe my feelings about Forge than to say that Forge World is my Eden, and I, when inside of it, feel like God himself.
  2. The_Omnigamer

    The_Omnigamer Ancient
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    I love forging because it opens up new possibilities and can turn an amazing FPS into a completely different game altogether. You can see it all right here on Forgehub. Everything from puzzles to Plinko, Race maps to Dodgeball. Hell, there's even Super Mario and Legend of Zelda! I don't claim to be the best of the best. I forge because it's not only fun, but I love creating a new experience to play on that feels completely different than just another Slayer map, even if it's just aesthetics.
  3. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
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    It's an addiction, for me. I'm constantly thinking about it, trying to come up with the most creative maps and making something out of nothing is quite the challenge.

    Edit: Nox, I don't understand your post and Nerdness, Inception is a horrible movie, IMO ;)
    #23 Eightball, Jul 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2011
  4. guiltyspark412

    guiltyspark412 Forerunner

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    Now if we can just put some AI players in....
  5. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Thats quite philosophical. Well said. :)
  6. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    How can anyone post after that? lol

    I've always been a fan of functioning art. To me, a forged map is just that. The color pallet may be dull, but the thought and process that it takes to create a functioning map is much more daunting than one would think from a distance. I have really come to appreciate this process and wish to leave my mark on it in some way. At this point I think I have, but I'd like to continue even at this point.

    In a way, this is the cheap way for me to attempt to be part of the gaming industry. However, this is simply a hobby for me that I enjoy, which grew from my fondness of Halo.
  7. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like to stack explosives up, and blow that **** up.
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    It's way too difficult to find a good btb map that's not hemmorhage, and even harder to find one that's not montaska.
    #28 pyro, Jul 10, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2011
  9. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    *rages all over the place.
    I don't want this to become a thread about our opinions on Inception, but damn man, that's in my top five favorite movies of all time.
  10. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Forerunner
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    I forge to create. Exactly why I enjoy doing this I do not know. The satisfaction of the finished-product is what drives me to continue. To create a world around me. I like games like Minecraft, I build cities in google sketchup, I once played with Lego as most did. I am a perfectionist, one problem drives me insane, like I get OCD about it. I plan on being an architect when I am older. I stop and take in, massive monuments and buildings. When I play Minecraft, Halo or any game that has building potential, I design buildings and stuff in my head later. Particularly school. (Mostly in french class, that shits boring) I don't need paper, I just think about it as I go along, and it stays. I have a life, just it's like a hobby, or more an obbsession. I just like to look back and be able to say that I made it myself.
  11. BigWillMcD

    BigWillMcD Forerunner

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    i must say i love to escape from reality to create something thats impossible in real life
  12. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    Because everyone does it.

    Seriously, you have to have the passion to keep going. Forging takes tons of time, and people that have that creating drive do it.
  13. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Well, I like people complimenting on my map. :)
  14. MUDNUB

    MUDNUB Forerunner

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    I've always wanted to design videogames but I can't program for ****. Forge gives me a small window onto that world and I think that's why I've become so obsessed with it. I finally have a way to experiment with this whole artform that I always thought would be outside my reach.
  15. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    To craft things that other people adore so that I may flaunt it in every single face and feed off the attention like a sick, sick vampire feeding off the blood of a young virgin.
  16. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    Halo: Reach

  17. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    No, what did you do?
  18. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    You know, Halo: REACH?

    Reaching out, reaching perfection? Reaching forging potential?
  19. The Barracuda

    The Barracuda Ancient
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    Hmmm... I guess I really like creating things that looks cool and get stuff that I think about during school out of my head and somewhere else.
    And that you can play on there and that in one of my favourite games is a sweet bonus
    #39 The Barracuda, Sep 3, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2011
  20. SeraphCorrupt

    SeraphCorrupt Forerunner

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    I love creating and customizing things. Whether it is a create-a-character, customizing my Spartan's armor and color, etc. And when Forge was announced with Halo 3, I was more giddy than a little asian schoolgirl hyped up on sugar and Mountain Dew.
    "I can create my own maps?! HELL YES!"

    I wasn't very good at it really. But then with some practice I started making maps :D But no one to play them with and test them. Thinking about remaking my Halo 3 map, Ruin, in Reach. Sandbox and Foundry was our Forge Worlds.

    And then there was Halo Reach. Forge World 2.0 ....OMG. Phased objects, buildings and structures and decorations, Forge World. I was so excited. Forge 2.0 alone made me want to get Reach.

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