Hey guys. Sort of a Noob. But Ive always loved forging and wanted to share. This is an invasion map that Ive been building/revising since reach came out. Sorry no Vid for this current version. Original inspiration was Architect Santiago Calatrava's work with the "unit and multiple". PHASE ONE: DESTROY THE SHIELD GENERATORS Phase one is a midrange melee with basic weapons. Objectives blow up at the end of Phase 1 and safe zone despawns (everyone dies) Attackers Loadouts Assault Rifle, Magnum, 2 Frag Jetpack,Drop Shield,Armor Lock,Sprint, or Evade Defender Loadouts Plasma Repeater, Magnum, 2 Plasma Evade,Drop Shield,Armor Lock,Sprint, or Active Camo overview. CLICK THE YELLOW BAR TO EXPAND Mission Accomplished PHASE TWO: AIR ASSAULT Phase two focuses on Air to Ground Assault with a dash of tunnel combat thrown in. Attackers will need a solid foot hold on the island to beat the Elites in the tunnel. Attackers Armaments 2 Falcons, 1 Banshee, Mon...geese Defenders Armaments 2 Stationary Rocket Hogs, 1 Stationary Warthog, 2 Rocket Launchers Attacker Loadouts Assault Rifle, Magnum, 2 Frag, Jetpack Dmr, Magnum, 2 Frag, Drop Shield Dmr, Magnum, 2 Frag, Armor Lock Sniper Rifle, Magnum, 2 Frag, Sprint Shotgun, Magnum, 2 Frag, Active Camo Defender Loadouts Plasma Repeater, Magnum, 2 Plasma, Jetpack Needle Rifle, Magnum, 2 Plasma, Drop Shield Needle Rifle, Magnum, 2 Plasma, Armor Lock Focus Rifle, Magnum, 2 Plasma, Sprint Energy Sword, Magnum, 2 Plasma, Active Camo Overview. CLICK THE YELLOW BAR TO EXPAND Air Defense Close Call KaBoom PHASE THREE: SMASH AND GRAB Phase three is a fast-attack vehicle raid on a twisting forerunner structure. Punch through the Elites defenses, grab the core and suicide-surf on a vehicle back to extraction. Attacker Armaments 2 Revenants, 2 Ghosts, 2 Man Cannons Attacker Loadouts Dmr, Magnum, 2 Frag, Sprint Dmr, Magnum, 2 Frag, Evade Dmr, Magnum, 2 Frag, Jetpack Grenade Launcher, Magnum, 2 Frag, Sprint Defender Loadouts Needle Rifle, Plasma Pistol, 2 Plasma, Drop Shield Needle Rifle, Plasma Pistol, 2 Plasma, Armor Lock Needle Rifle, Plasma Pistol, 2 Plasma, Jetpack Energy Sword, Plasma Pistol, 2 Plasma, Sprint Plasma Launcher, Plasma Pistol, 2 Plasma, Drop Shield Overview. CLICK THE YELLOW BAR TO EXPAND Attacker Spawn Defender Spawn Hope you enjoy!!
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Genuinely curious, could you provide some more pictures of the map or maybe another few paragraphs of description so I can tell what it's actually meant to be? I mean at the moment all I can see is what looks like as many collesium walls as you could possibly spawn arranged in some giant fan over the ocean. I mean don't get me wrong it looks striking but so far I'm not convinced this is a competetive map or even a playable one. It looks like a sculpture.
I did, but boy does that picture not seem to lend itself to anything like any invasion map Ive ever seen. Edit: Huh, I guess that must be the last stage? Interesting.
Sorry all for not being more thorough in the original post. took me a while to figure out what I was doing. -It is an invasion map (see edited post for full desc/pics) -The final phase was in large part inspired by good race maps. In the final phase the attackers have revenants and ghosts for a fast assault, but the potential for disastrous rushes is huge. -And yes, I wanted to get a bit more "loose" and make something that wasnt a box. I love numerical controls and I spent hours sculpting. Hope the edited post is more helpful.
that is the most bizzare and badass invasion map i have ever seen, i like how you didn't do the standard add more loadouts each round and instead have a full course that changes by phase. the sniper rifle might be a bit overpowered on phase 2 though. nevertheless you have my download.
Wow you really turned this thread around with those new pictures man. Thank you, I have a much clearer idea of what would happen during the game and now I'm really wishing I had enough regular players to try this map out. I expect you'll get quite a lot of downloads for this. I have to say I actually really like your architecture style, very interesting that you said you were inspired by a sculptor because that's not a phrase I hear people say very often on this board, but it shows. From a gameplay point of view I worry only that your unusual forging techniques might afford less sportsmanlike players plenty of ways to break your map but if you've been zealous with your killzones hopefully that isn't a problem.
Thank you all for the feedback. Much appreciated. -Yeah that is a major concern of mine. Ive played this map a number of times in various iterations with friends who like to get a bit too [ahem] creative... with it. I have one friend who broke several iterations. My solution is part killzones and part class limitations and part architectural. Still a constant worry of mine though. The one big area that might be a bust is phase 3. A defender with a jet pack and a sniper rifle might find a nasty perch on the sculpty parts. My hope is that this will not turn out to be a problem bc it takes a bit of work to get up and it leaves you very exposed, whereas the regular sniper location in the base has some amount of cover and very good views to start. IDK. Thank you for the remark. I worked hard on that aspect but you never know. If you play and find a real bust please let me know and Ill revise. Thank You both for the complements and for the criticism. I worry about including power weapons in a loadout as well. In practice I found that in phase 2 the sniper did not get over used mostly because of sight line limitations. Perhaps with a really hardcore skilled group it would be an issue but Ive played with some pretty darned good players and it worked out fine. -in Phase 2 I found snipers felt a little left out of the action. Active Camo and Sword/shotgun is the big one for taking the tunnel. -On the lines of overpowered loadouts, my one concern now is the Plasma Launcher that I just added to phase3 defense.Not sure how it will work out. I think it will be ok bc the vehicles have a surprising amount of cover on the way in. Thanks again all.
Hey well as long as you're aware of potential issues then I would imagine it's not going to be that bad of a problem. You'd just be surprised at how many people underestimate the jetpack's ability to break maps. Just because they never do it they assume nobody will.
I have to say this is the most bizarre and craziest looking invasions Ive ever seen. I am sooooo hoping they start implementing community maps into the invasion playlist. I always have a mountain of willing playtesters at my disposal. i will get back to you by the weekend. Amazing work.
Wow. Thank you for your complements. If you do have a mountain of playtesters at your disposal I would love to play some games with you and friends. If you're interested I have the Calatrava game as well as a whole mess of other inventions (admittedly less ...bizarre... but they have all tested very well with friends). Gamertag= Naughty Zoot. Hit me up if you want to play.